The appearance of the Whirlpool Demon caused a series of terrifying phenomena to appear in the sea.

Whirlpools, tornadoes, and strange phenomena in the sky and earth.

However, in the blink of an eye, the Pokémon named Lugia flapped its wings.

The whirlpool calmed down, the tornado returned to the sea surface, and the sun beams fell from the sky, and the entire chaotic sea was shining with golden light.

This scene...

It was as if the air and the sea were obeying Lugia's orders.

How terrible!


At the same time, both Venti and Zhongli turned pale, and uttered the above two words at the same time.

That was a power they could not touch.

It was a power far beyond the power of the gods of Teyvat.

If anyone in this world had this power... there was only one place.

Sky Island!

But for others, although this picture was shocking, what they cared more about... was the"self-introduction" of this Pokémon just now.’



Lugia's voice was like a morning bell, striking the hearts of the people in this new world.


"Sea God?!"

Whether in Liyue Harbor or the Jade Pavilion, they could hear it clearly.

The name Lugia was unfamiliar to them, and they had never heard of it before.


‘The word"God" is well known to all Teyvatian people.

It is easy to understand.

After a moment's reaction, the first impression that arises in people's minds is……

"Could it be that it is the God of Pokémon?!"

"In that case, does Lugia’s status in Pokémon mean the same as Geomu’s to Liyue?"

"And he is the god of the sea?"


The Liyue people's minds turned around at once.

However, soon, the Liyue people also discovered that since Lugia ran out of the crack, the Pokémon accompanying them had some reactions.

And most of them were water-type Pokémon.

On the shore of the port, there were continuous"plop" sounds.

It was the sound of water-type Pokémon jumping into the sea one after another.

"Little sea lion, where are you going?"

"Shellfish, how did you fall into the water?"

"Slowpoke, why are you lying on the ground... No, you have always been lying on the ground."After all of the above, the water-type Pokémon jumped into the deep sea.

They formed a circle, like a whirlpool, and paid homage to the sea god above.

It was like a sacred ceremony...

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Now they understand that Pokémon also have their own gods...

Let's look at Lugia.

After it came out of the dimensional rift, it first took a deep breath of the air of the new world.

A strong wind came.

Its every breath seemed to affect the sea air flow in this world.

This ability not only makes the gods tremble, but also the devout worship of the Pokémon.……


The nine-headed demon roared at the same time after seeing Lugia, as if it couldn’t believe that its power was suppressed.

Compared to the shocking scene when it was born, the entire sea area was calm now, and there was no longer any ripples.

Now it only dared to roar unwillingly at this side from a distance, but did not dare to approach Liyue even a step.……

"Oh... Is this the instinct of a beast?"

Su Yan looked at the cowardly look of the Whirlpool Demon God and felt amused. Then he shook his head and said,"Lugia, just deal with it the way you like.""

"Yes, Master Su Yan."

After Lugia responded to Su Yan's words, its two sunglasses-like eyes suddenly shone with a brilliant light.

The world, which had just calmed down, now showed signs of grandeur again.

"You are not worthy of me using this trick, but Lord Su Yan's time is precious.……"

Lugia was halfway through his words when he raised his head high and suddenly inhaled.

In an instant!

The sky and the earth were filled with strong winds, and countless air currents rushed towards Lugia like millions of threads.

And this was just the beginning...

The leader of the Thousand Rocks Army was watching in a trance, but now he found that his body was showing signs of taking off.

His face changed drastically.

"not good!"

"Everyone, put away your Pokémon and grab anything sturdy around you!"

"Don't let the wind blow you away!"

In fact, he didn't need to say it. Most people had already firmly grasped what they could hold on to.

Liyue was really in trouble today.

There was a tsunami, a rainstorm, and now a strong wind.……

"No, I can’t catch it!"

At this moment, some people were holding on to the things around them, but their bodies were still blown up by the wind and they could be blown away at any time.

At this moment, a towering figure like a mountain blocked the way for everyone.

People suddenly felt the wind slow down, and looked up.……

""Wu, Wudao Bear Master... Thank you, thank you!"

It was the super-giant Wudao Bear Master who, like a guardian god, blocked the strong wind for everyone.

On the top of the Jade Pavilion.

Ningguang immediately ordered the guards to lower the Jade Pavilion when the storm suddenly started:"Quick, lower the Jade Pavilion!"

Storms, especially the current storm, are fatal to the Jade Pavilion floating in the air.

If you are not careful, it may be blown down.

Ningguang made a prompt decision and ordered people to land immediately.

At this time... endless airflows are coming, not only in Liyue, but even from the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain, from Mondstadt and other places.

In a blink of an eye.

The whole sea was stirred by the airflow, and even the vortex demon Osel was swaying on the sea.

It became more and more frightened.

Just now, it dared to roar at Lugia, but now, the instinct of the beast told it... Run!

Run as far as you can!

With a"plop", accompanied by splashing waves, the nine heads all dived into the seabed and hurried to escape to the deeper sea.

But... is it useful?

"Want to run?!"

Lugia stopped absorbing the airflow.

Its eyes flashed with a sharp light, and its tone was full of sarcasm.

As long as it was in the sea, no matter where Osel dived, he would not be able to escape its perception.

"Vortex Demon?"

"What is the attack of the sea god... you can experience it yourself."

Accompanied by Lugia's coldness, the cyclone in front of him instantly gathered into destructive energy.


Lugia's cyclone shouted, and suddenly released all the energy...

Exploding in the air, this is Lugia's ultimate move!

The cyclone turns into a sharp blade that penetrates everything.

In an instant.


The cyclone fell on the sea surface, like a long blade with no end in sight. As Lugia raised his head, it cut the vast sea in half like a broadsword.

Together with the Aoki who had just dived into the deep sea, Saier, even though it was like a beast without consciousness...

In its water-colored eyes at this moment, fear and unwillingness flashed.

But all of this was reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye, and was in a fragmented shape.

The surrounding Guyun Pavilion also fell apart in the blink of an eye.

However, not only that...

Far away in the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain, adventurers were setting up a camp at the foot of the mountain.



They saw a storm blade suddenly piercing through the highest peak of the snow mountain...

Looking again... the peak had disappeared by half.

"Oh my god, what just happened? Did you see that?"

"No, no, I just heard a bang and the snow mountain disappeared."

"Fortunately, we agreed to climb the mountain tomorrow, otherwise we would be dead without a burial place, right?"

At this time, the adventurers were all trembling.

However, no one knew that this cyclone of Lugia not only cut off one of the snow-capped mountains of Dragon's Spine, but also passed through the Cape of Promise of Mond... spanning the two ends of the other side!


Some readers said that the rhythm of these chapters was slow. After the author re-analyzed, the rhythm of these chapters of Lugia was indeed slow.

The main reason was that there were some things at home in the past two days, which made the author upset and distracted, so that he did not grasp the rhythm well. I am very sorry for everyone.

The author promises that this plot will end in the next chapter.

Of course, the above is not an excuse, and you will be punished if you are wrong.

Originally, the book would be available on Saturday, which is tomorrow.

For this reason, the author decided to update one more free chapter for one day to compensate all readers... I apologize again.

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