
Lisa suddenly felt a headache.

Klee, the Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonius.

Just from the word"Spark", we can know that her favorite thing to do is to throw bombs randomly. She has done these things many times, such as blowing up kitchens, blowing up fish, and blowing up hills. Then she would be punished by Jean to go to the confinement room to reflect on her mistakes.

So for Klee, she is usually either in the confinement room of the Knights of Favonius or on the way to the confinement room. And now, in addition to the"bouncing bomb" she already has, she wants another bomb? A double yolk egg... It's scary to think about it. But before coming to Liyue, Lisa and Jean had already said it, can they take it back? For a long time. Lisa could only sigh helplessly.

"Hey... Boss, how much is this Thunderbolt Ball?"

""Five hundred thousand will do."

Seeing Lisa's helpless expression, Su Yan laughed and could understand her.

But there was no way...

Keli's draw was a professional match.

"The luck of the Knights of Favonius is really mysterious……"

After seeing Lisa pay the bill, Su Yan returned to the deep room and brought out three elves.

Lisa drew the elves that could evolve into [Poison Rose] and [Rose Raiden] in the future.

This was very consistent with her title of Rose Witch.

She drew the little fire pony on behalf of Kaeya... Needless to say, what could be more suitable for the cavalry captain than the little fire pony?

And Klee……

"Wow! Bomb!"

When Su Yan led the little fire horse and the other two elves in his left and right hands out...

Klee immediately looked at the palm of Su Yan's hand, and saw the thunderbolt ball that was about 50 centimeters long. She was so excited!

"Come on, Klee, the Thunderbolt Ball is your friend from now on."

Su Yan gently placed the Thunderbolt Ball in front of Klee.

However, when Lisa saw that this 'Thunderbolt Ball' was the size of a cannonball, her forehead ached, and she secretly thought in her heart:

"If Jean saw this, would she regret agreeing to Klee so readily?"

""The future of Mondstadt is in danger!"

But now that Mora has paid her dues, what else can Lisa do?

I'm afraid that Klee will have to stay in the confinement room for longer and longer...

Just thinking about this

, Su Yan has stood up and gently placed the shy bud on the counter.

"Miss Lisa, this is a mimosa, and it will be your companion from now on."

"Hey, this little guy is bigger than I thought."

Looking at the mimosa in Su Yan's palm, it looks like a seed bud about to bloom, about 20 centimeters in size.

After all, Lisa thought the seed would be very small.

She took the mimosa and blinked at it.

"Little guy, please give me more advice in the future (love)"

""Woo woo~"

Mimosa was very excited. She turned around and nodded to Su Yan repeatedly, her expression full of gratitude.

She had a hard time surviving in the Pokémon world before. She was first forgotten by her companions, and then she mistakenly entered the territory of bird Pokémon.

When she was attacked by a Toucan, Hoopa suddenly appeared and chased the Toucan away, and took it to the Pokémon Island.

Later, Su Yan helped her improve her physique, and now she has found such a beautiful trainer for her.

In response to Mimosa's gratitude, Su Yan smiled and stretched out his finger, gently touching Mimosa's face.

"Keep working hard to grow. Miss Lisa is very knowledgeable. You will definitely become very strong in the future."


Lisa smiled unconsciously as she watched Su Yan and Hanxiubao interact.

But when she caught a glimpse of the little fire horse... a trace of entanglement flashed across her face, and then she asked,"Boss, Captain Kaia will be in Liyue for a few days. I want to ask if this fire horse can be left with you for two days? After all, we just arrived in Liyue and have to find a place to stay first. It seems a bit inconvenient for it to follow us now.""

"There is no need to be so troublesome."

Su Yan smiled and did not agree to Lisa's request, but took out three Poké Balls.

"This is a gift Poké Ball. When it is inconvenient, you can let Pokémon live in it temporarily. For them, the Poké Ball is like a resting place. Of course, some Pokémon don't like to stay in the ball. Don't force them."

"This ball... can hold Pokémon?"

After taking the Poké Ball from Su Yan, Lisa's face was full of disbelief.

Can this palm-sized ball hold a one-meter-long Ponyta?

You know, Lisa used to be a scholar of the Xumi Academy, and as Su Yan said, her knowledge is beyond ordinary people.

But... she has never seen such a magical thing as a Poké Ball.

Seeing Lisa's face full of interest, Su Yan immediately gestured:"You can try to press the switch in the middle of the Poké Ball now. That is a Poké Ball exclusively for Ponyta."


Lisa was immediately interested. She wanted to try it out to see if it was as magical as Su Yan said.

But she didn't do it right away. Instead, she said hello to the little fire horse.

"Little guy, your trainer won't show up for a few days, so you'll have to stay here for the time being, okay?"


Seeing Lisa's actions, Su Yan couldn't help but nod secretly.

He admired people who respected the choice of Pokémon from the bottom of his heart.

Be it Lisa or Ningguang, they all showed respect to Pokémon like partners or friends.

Not only them, thousands of Pokémon have been brought out during this period...

But so far, Su Yan knew very well that no Pokémon had been abused.

At this moment...

After getting the consent of Ponyta, Lisa pressed the button of the Poké Ball.

The next second!

Lisa saw with her own eyes that Ponyta flashed red, and was taken into the Poké Ball in the blink of an eye.

"It's so amazing, what's the principle behind this?!"

Not to mention Lisa, even Ying and Paimon were shocked when they saw this scene.


Ying immediately turned around and looked at Paimeng.

"This Poké Ball is so magical, Paimon, do you want to live in it? How about I ask my boss to buy one for you?!"

"I don’t want to!"

Paimon twisted her body anxiously, and her hands kept shaking.

In her opinion, living in a Poké Ball was too small, right?

"Oh, you two little guys……"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Lisa sighed and shook her head. Her eyes moved slightly.

Slowly fell on Klee who was playing with the Thunderbolt Ball, and then handed the other Poké Ball in her hand to her.

"Klee, I give you this Poké Ball."

Who knew...

Klee suddenly raised the Thunderbolt Ball with both hands.

""Yeah, I don't want it. I'll just hold the Thunderbolt Ball like this. It will be cool to walk on the street like this."

She is only about 1.2 meters tall, holding the Thunderbolt Ball, and her cute behavior makes her look indescribably cute.

But as a 'nanny', Lisa is very tired.

She has no choice but to move the piano out.

"Be good and listen. Captain Qin has told you that if you don't listen, you will be put in solitary confinement again."

"Well, then okay."

When she heard about the confinement room, Keli immediately looked aggrieved.

This made Su Yan next to her feel like she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

So cute.

However, when the atmosphere was still good……

"Lord Su Yan, there are bad guys"

"Save us……"

Many cries for help suddenly sounded in Su Yan's mind.

Su Yan's face suddenly changed.

He knew very well what these voices were.

Before coming to Liyue to popularize elves, he had carved marks on the elves on the Elf Island to prevent the elves from being abused or attacked after coming to Teyvat.

Whenever he was in danger, he could hear the calls of these elves at any time.

After the battle in Liyue a few days ago, plus the popularization during this period of time.

Su Yan originally thought that this kind of thing would not happen.

Who knew...

At this moment, Su Yan's eyes gradually became cold, and the fatherly smile that hung on his lips when facing Klee had completely disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced by... murderous intent!


Invisibly, a creepy pressure spread from Su Yan.

The ground was shaking, and the shops were creaking.

The whole Liyue Street... no... the whole Liyue seemed to have ushered in a major earthquake, shaking everywhere.

At this moment.

Lisa, Ying and others seemed to be strangled by the throat, and their feet could not bear it and bent.

"This, this power...he, he……"

Lisa was horrified, and she looked at Su Yan with difficulty.

Yes, she could feel that this oppressive feeling that could not be described in words came from the people around her.

At this time,

Su Yan was looking in a certain direction of the Liyue Sea, and the murderous aura was even stronger, and at the same time, he showed a hint of confusion.

"……How could it be Inazuma?"

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