Liyue Street

"Hey, are you going to look for the owner of the Elf House?"

Wendy was skipping along the road, and Tevarin was not following him.

The person he was talking to was Zhongli.

"Barbatos, you haven't left Liyue yet?"

""Morax, you are too ruthless."

Although Wendy complained, he knew that they had known each other for many years and could talk without restraint, even without any mercy.

Otherwise, Zhongli would not have entrusted him to stop the immortals. Soon

, Wendy put away his complaining expression and showed a cheerful smile.

"Liyue has been very interesting recently, and I almost don't want to leave."

But the next second, Zhongli's words made him feel miserable.

"What, aren't you afraid of being set up by the owner of the Elf House?"

But Wendy quickly retorted

"Hey, don't scare me! What's the point of pretending to be me? I can only sing, unlike you, who can also be locked up and make Mora, which is much more attractive than me."


This sentence immediately silenced Zhongli.

"That person didn't come for Mora, nor did he come to capture the demon... He used the Poké Ball to capture the Whirlpool Demon, probably just on a whim. The existence of that kind of person is far beyond our imagination."

"That's true, otherwise, we would have been in the Poké Ball by now."

Wendy nodded repeatedly, and then sighed:"Poor me, I have been hiding for the past few days, for fear of being seen by that person."

However, as soon as the voice fell,

Zhongli suddenly gave Wendy a look of contempt.

"Oh, Barbatos, you are good in every way, but you have a mouth full of lies. Do you think I can't smell the sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance around your waist? What, are you trying to please that person?"

Wendy immediately counterattacked

"Morax, you only talked about me, why not yourself? I noticed that you have been borrowing Morax everywhere recently."

Zhongli raised his eyebrows and explained:"……I'm going to draw a Pokémon."

The dead duck is stubborn.

Wendy didn't try to provoke him. She immediately put her hands on the back of her head and said slowly.

"OK, OK, OK, but unfortunately Pokemon is too expensive, I can’t afford it, so I can only become a drinking buddy with the owner of the Pokemon House."


Just when Zhongli seemed to be about to say something.


The road surface shook continuously and gradually became stronger.

The next second, Zhongli and Wendy bent their bodies and almost knelt on the ground.

Looking around... pedestrians were already lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

Wendy had beads of sweat on his forehead. He could feel a murderous aura, a murderous aura so strong that he had never felt it before, the kind that would make a"god" tremble.

Even when Lugia came out a few days ago, he was not so scared.

"What is this murderous aura?!"

Compared to Wendy's embarrassment, Zhongli was much better. He knew very well that even though the entire Liyue was shaking, it was because this aura was restraining itself. Otherwise... the aura alone would be enough to destroy Liyue.

At the same time, they all knew the source of this murderous aura.

""Elf, spirit, house."

Fortunately... this murderous aura completely disappeared in less than three seconds.

The oppressive feeling disappeared, and the people on the street climbed up cautiously, confused and horrified.

But Zhongli and Wendy had disappeared at this time.

That's right.

When they resumed their actions, they quickly rushed to the elf house.

Now Su Yan was a person they absolutely couldn't afford to offend in their minds.

They were afraid that if someone was blind and angered the other party, God knew what he would do...

The two of them were flying at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and they arrived at the elf house in an instant.

"Mr. Su Yan, what happened?!"

"Old... Hey, Miss Lisa, Traveler, Klee, and Paimon, why are you here?"As soon as Zhongli finished speaking in the Elf House, Wendy found a few familiar faces in the store.

It was Lisa and the others.

When they saw Wendy, Lisa and the others were also surprised.


""Singer, why are you here?"

Paimon said nervously,"You don't know, the owner of this store is so scary. I thought I was going to die." As soon as he opened his mouth, Wendy's heart suddenly twitched.

"Did you make the owner of this store angry?"

There were only Lisa and a few others in the store, and they had sensed Su Yan's murderous intent just a few seconds ago. Wendy couldn't think of any other reason except that they could have angered Su Yan.

Especially Paimon...

Oh, right!

Could it be that Paimon gave him some ugly nickname?

For example ,……【

It must be, absolutely...

Wendy flashed in front of Paimon in an instant, and then said with a bitter face:"Paimon, how can you give the owner of the Elf House a nickname?" Paimon:"Ah? Nickname? I do n't have one?"


Wendy was confused.

By the way, after entering the store, they found that besides Lisa and others, there were only Menghuan and Celebi in the store, but Su Yan was not in the store.

At this time, Zhongli had come to Menghuan and asked earnestly:"Menghuan, where is the boss?"

Unexpectedly, Menghuan folded her arms and looked very angry.

"Humph, you are in trouble now. You actually dared to abuse Pokémon. Now that Su Yan has taken action personally, many people will surely die."

"Someone is abusing Pokémon?!"

Zhongli and Venti were stunned at first, and then they gritted their teeth almost at the same time.

Everyone can see how much Su Yan values Pokémon.

It's over, it's over!

Zhongli has always been wondering how powerful Su Yan is. Now from what Menghuan said, is he going to do it himself?

Lugia can penetrate Liyue and Mondstadt with one blow, so what about him?

"Who is it?!"

"How dare you put Liyue in danger? I will grind them to ashes!"

Zhongli's eyes were blazing with fire, and the aura of the devil was revealed.

Liyue had finally maintained peace, and if someone offended Su Yan because of someone who was blind, it would be ruined.

Of course, Zhongli was also an acquaintance, and Menghuan didn't mind answering his questions.

"I don’t know who it is. Su Yan only said two words before leaving... Inazuma, do you know this person?"


As soon as the words fell, Zhongli's anger disappeared without a trace, and he crossed his arms leisurely.

"Oh, it's Baalzebub, that's all right."

Wendy, who was standing beside him, wiped the sweat off her face.

"Phew… I was scared to death, luckily it wasn’t Mond."

Seeing these two people who were so angry just a second ago, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Lisa, Ying, and Paimon all slowly typed a question mark on their foreheads.

Klee blinked, not understanding what happened even more. Forget it, she should continue to play with her bombs.

But fortunately

, Zhongli and Venti were also very curious about what happened to Inazuma…

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