The port of the remote island.

This is a port in the country of Inazuma.

Since the country was closed in the Inazuma region, this is the only place where merchants from outside can land.

It is managed by the Kanjo Bugyo, one of the three magistrates of Inazuma, named 'Shinsuke Hiiragi'.

However, after the country was closed, Inazuma became more and more corrupt. Not only did they exploit foreign merchants for various reasons, but they also deceived their superiors and subordinates and did despicable things.

For this reason...

In recent days, merchants from Liyue often brought Pokémon to the remote island by boat.

They just wanted to do business.

At first, it was nothing. After all, even if the country was closed, Inazuma still had materials to import from other places.

But this peace did not last long...

Suddenly one day.

The people of the Kanjo Bugyo suddenly began to search the streets wantonly. As long as they saw Pokémon, they would forcibly detain them all...

Under the pretext of...

Pokémon have combat power, and they need to be supervised for the safety of the remote island.

They said that the Pokémon would be returned to them after the merchants left the island.

Each country has different policies, and the merchants had no choice but to obey at first. After all, this was someone else's territory. No matter how reluctant they were, they could only endure it temporarily, hoping to quickly complete the business handover so that they could take back the Pokémon.

However, a few days later,……

"Give us back our Pokémon!"

"Yes, that's right, they are our companions, and we agreed to return them to us when we leave. Why are they being detained by you?"

"How is the way you handle it different from robbery?!"

At the office of the [Kan Ding Bugyo] on the outlying island, a dozen merchants were protesting at the door.

A few days ago, these people bought elves at the Liyue Elf House and hurriedly boarded the ship to Inazuma to do business.

Life on the sea is hard, but with the company of elves, their time from Liyue to Inazuma has become much more interesting.

People who have water-type Pokémon fish, surf, and play with them when they have nothing to do.

Even fire-type Pokémon can be used to fry fish.

Although it has been a short time, these people have established emotional ties with Pokémon.

But they didn't expect As soon as they arrived at Inazuma, the Pokémon with them were taken away by the Kanto Bugei...

But just yesterday, a Liyue merchant wanted to take back his Pokémon after finishing his business so that he could leave the island.

But he was beaten up by the Kanto Bugei.

The merchant who was beaten up was unwilling to accept it.

The next day, he joined forces with other Liyue merchants who came to Inazuma and whose Pokémon were taken away, and came to ask for an explanation.

However... a guy with a pointed chin and a monkey face who looked like a manager suddenly walked out of the Kanto Bugei's office.

He first glanced at the angry merchants, then laughed coldly.

"What Pokémon?"

"Now Inazuma is carrying out the Eye Hunting Order. The higher-ups believe that Pokémon and God's Eye have the same power. Pokémon are now contraband in Inazuma. Do you still want to take them away from here?"

"I warn you, if you continue to cause trouble here, you will be treated as a rebel."

Obviously, in the face of the protests of so many merchants, the Kanjo Bugyo had no intention of releasing the Pokémon.

As for the so-called 'Eye Hunting Order' he mentioned,’……

Currently, Inazuma is implementing a policy called the"Eye Hunting Order", saying that for the sake of eternal stability, the Eye of God must be recovered.……

""Pokemon is Pokemon, and God's Eye is God's Eye. How can you confuse them?!"

The Liyue merchant was immediately angry.

Anyone could see that this was clearly an excuse to rob...

That's right.

Although the recent events of the Liyue Vortex Demon God have not been reported here, not to mention that the Inazuma people don't know, even these Liyue merchants who went overseas don't know.

But the appearance of Pokemon was twenty days ago.

Inazuma also heard the news more or less, and only knew that this was a creature from outside the world.

"Besides, we are all from Liyue and we are not bound by your Inazuma rules!"

"Oh...very good."

The sharp-faced butler's eyes flashed with a fierce look.

"You are Liyue people, but this is Inazuma, and the outlying islands are managed by us [Kanjo Bugyo]. I can totally treat you as a rebel for what you just said."

After saying that, he waved his hand gently.

"Come on, arrest all these people, don't let any of them go!"


Suddenly, dozens of soldiers holding spears came out from the [Kan Ding Bugeng].

They all pointed their spears at the Liyue merchants.

"I advise you to surrender to avoid punishment!"

"Damn it, what's wrong with you Inazuma, are you still unreasonable!!!"

Not to mention, almost all of these Liyue merchants gritted their teeth.

Such unreasonable things would never happen in Liyue.

They were angry and resentful in their hearts.

But now facing these well-trained soldiers, how could the merchants be opponents.

At this moment, the Inazuma soldiers were approaching step by step...

At the same time!

In the residence of the head of the Kanjo Bugyo, Shinsuke Hiiragi.

In a secret room somewhere, cages were erected inside.

There was a dim fire flickering.

You can see that in these cages, one Pokémon after another is locked up.

That's right.

These Pokémon were all snatched from Liyue merchants.

In fact, what the manager said outside just now was all fabricated, and the higher-ups didn't know about this at all.

At this time.

Shinsuke Hiiragi was saying to a young man wearing a bamboo hat:"All the Pokémon caught recently are imprisoned here."

"Oh... this is a creature from outside the world, really interesting, interesting."

The young man wearing a bamboo hat looked at the Pokémon and smiled evilly.

"You do things���The rate is very good. I didn't expect that you would surprise me in just a few days."

Facing the young man's compliments, Hiiragi Shinsuke didn't take it seriously and even showed a little dissatisfaction with his attitude.

"We are just a cooperative relationship. Currently, all the Pokémon on the island are here. To be honest, I am also very interested in these Pokémon. You can take them away, but you must leave two for me."

""Okay, I'll leave two for you, and I'll take the rest."

The young man in the bamboo hat suddenly approached the cage, and his gray-purple pupils swept over the shivering Pokémon inside.

They cuddled together, and now after hearing the conversation between the two, they realized that these people had no good intentions at all.

……So everyone silently chanted a person's name in their hearts.

Lord Su Yan, there are bad guys.

Save us...

At this moment, the young man smiled at the trembling Pokémon, but this smile was full of evil.

"You don't have to be afraid, I won't take your lives, I'm just curious, if I put the 'evil eye' on creatures from outside this world like you, how powerful will it become, and what effect will it have?"

"Hehehe...hahahaha...this is really exciting."

Seeing the crazy smile of the man in front of them, the imprisoned elves became more and more afraid.

Then, the young man turned around and signaled to his subordinates in Fatui costumes,"Take all these Pokémon away. By the way, remember to leave two for this Master Hiiragi."

Who knew... the Fatui's subordinates did not move, as if they did not hear the young man's order.

"What, can't you hear what I say?"

Then, the next second,

I could vaguely see a person walking out from among the Fools.

"It's not that they can't hear you, but that they can't hear anything anymore."

He just took two steps, and the Fatui fell to the ground one after another, already dead.

This isn't Su Yan... who else could it be?

Su Yan had traveled thousands of miles from Liyue to Inazuma, so he naturally heard the conversation between the young man and Hiiragi Shinsuke just now.

Now, he was very angry...


The four additional chapters are completed!

This book will finally be on the shelves at nine o'clock tomorrow night. I sincerely ask readers who like this book to encourage and support the first order.

After all, writing a book depends on subscriptions. At present, the performance of this book is pretty good, but in fact, only subscriptions are real.

A very realistic problem. The author is a full-time coder and this is his livelihood, and all readers are my bread and butter.

I can understand that some readers are used to supporting books, but if there is no subscription, the author will easily die (crying), so I sincerely ask those who support the book to give a self-subscription (feeding).

The author does not have high requirements. As long as he can make a living, he will continue to write this book. It will be perfectly completed when it should be completed, and it will never be delayed or messed up. This is the bottom line.


Now let’s talk about the update after it is put on the shelves.

Tomorrow night at nine o'clock, that is, Monday from 21:00 to 24:00, I will first update a full 10,000 words.

I will update again at 24:00.���(There may be a buffer at that time), and then continue to update during the day, maybe 10,000 or more!

After the release, the minimum is 10,000 words per day, no more, no less.

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