
"You... are a Pokémon?"

At this time, in front of the (crane form) Master Liuyun Jiefeng, there was a creature that looked like a swan.

"How could there be Pokémon here?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun looked at the creature in front of him carefully again.

Pure white feathers, blue belly...

It looks familiar.


Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's pupils widened and thought of a very scary thing.

"You are not the descendant of Lugia, are you?!"

In the battle of Liyue Harbor, the Sea God Lugia appeared and killed the Whirlpool Demon God with one blow. To this day, Master Liuyunjiefeng still remembers it vividly.

That day,

Lugia's figure was deeply engraved in her mind.

And the swan in front of her is too similar to Lugia.……


However, upon hearing what Master Liuyunjiefeng said, the swan hurriedly shook its head in panic and said,"No, no, no, that's the Lord of the Sea. I'm a dancing swan."


Master Liuyunjiefeng couldn't understand the elves' language at all, but he could still see that the dancing swan was shaking its head in panic.

"Strange, your reaction seems wrong."

At this moment, the dancing swan was also looking at Master Liuyunjiefeng.

It also asked with a strange look on its face:"Ah~ah~"

"Hey, I thought you could chat with me, but I don't even know what you are talking about.……"

Master Liuyun Jiefeng shook his head helplessly.

Then he suddenly thought of……

"Oh, why did I forget that trick!"

I saw Master Liuyun Jiefeng slowly flapping his wings, and a touch of fairy power was slowly injected into the dancing swan.

This is a fairy technique.

It can make animals speak.

Master Liuyun Jiefeng thought, Pokémon should be able to speak too, right?

When the green light of the wind dissipated from the dancing swan...

Master Liuyun Jiefeng said,"Okay, you can try to speak. This immortal really wants to know what you said just now?"

I have to say.

The Liyue immortal is really good at it.

At this moment, the dancing swan really found that it could speak human language, and it asked,"What kind of Pokémon are you?"


After hearing this, Master Liuyunjiefeng's expression suddenly turned unhappy.

"I am not some Pokémon!!!!!"




This is the residence of the immortal Zhenjun Xueyue Zhuyang.

At this time.

Zhenjun Xueyue Zhuyang (in deer form) is staring at a frightened deer.

Not to mention... the two look quite alike.

The two were silent... for a long time.

Zhenjun Xueyue Zhuyang suddenly said:"I have been observing you for a long time, and found that you seem to have a talent for immortal magic. How about, are you willing to practice with me?"

However... the frightened deer was confused.

Looking at its face, it seemed to be asking... what exactly this 'mutated frightened deer' was saying.

Although it was speaking human language, why couldn't it understand these languages when they were connected together?

So... they continued to stare at each other.

You look at me, I look at you



In the Jade Pavilion,

Secretary Bai Wen hurried into Ning Guang's office.

It was obvious that she was in a panic.

"Lady Ningguang, something terrible has happened. I don’t know when it started, but there are suddenly many more Pokémon in the entire Liyue. Just now, a monkey robbed people’s wallets in the downtown area!"

"Don't worry, I already know the situation."

At this moment, Ningguang was standing in front of the desk, seemingly writing something.

Baiwen came in at this moment, and she just put down her pen and ink.

"Take this decree to the Qianyan Army, have them post it on Yujing Terrace, and tell the people of Liyue that this is the Emperor's order."

""The Emperor's order?!"

Bai Wen was shocked.

Every year in Liyue, during the 'Seven Stars Summoning Ceremony', the Rock King Emperor would issue an order.

But there was still a short time before the 'Seven Stars Summoning Ceremony'...

How could the order be issued now?

And... from what Ningguang said, it seemed to be related to Pokémon?

Although Bai Wen was puzzled, this was not something she could get involved in. As Ningguang's secretary, she only needed to handle her work quietly.

"I understand, Master Ningguang."

After Baiwen received the order, he hurriedly left the office.

At this time,

Ningguang looked out the window and could vaguely see that the number of Pokémon had increased a lot.

"Pokémon are coming to Liyue... Mr. Su Yan, it seems that I still haven't gained your full trust."

Last night, the Emperor told the Liyue Seven Stars in a dream that Pokémon would come to Liyue from now on, and asked the Liyue Seven Stars to draft a decree to establish new laws.

You know, in Liyue, the will of the Rock King Emperor is everything.

Although the Liyue Seven Stars want to create the"Age of Man", their respect for the Emperor has never diminished.

After all, he has been guarding Liyue for thousands of years, not to mention that this decree is about Pokémon...

Not to mention that the Rock King Emperor is still the lord of Liyue.

His words are everything.

So early in the morning, the Liyue Seven Stars held an emergency meeting. In the end, they divided the work and Ningguang wrote to convey the Emperor's will to the people of Liyue.

But Ningguang is so smart.

She knew very well that this was not the Emperor's will, but Su Yan's arrangement.

"Speaking of which, the Emperor said that after the new rules are released, new law enforcers will come... What does this 'law enforcer' refer to?"

Not long after...

Liyue City, Yujingtai!

This is the center of Liyue. Whenever something big happens, it will be announced here.

At this time, the Qianyan Army has received the order of the Emperor of the Rock King and posted the order in the most conspicuous place.

"The Emperor has issued an order today. This is the new law of Liyue. You must read it carefully and do not violate it."

Before they knew it

, more and more people came. Gradually, Yujingtai was surrounded by Liyue people.

They carefully read the order posted on it, not daring to be careless.

After all, this is the new law of Liyue. If they violate it, they will be taken away by Qianyan Army.

After reading it carefully... some people suddenly showed joy.

"In order to protect us from monster invasions, the Emperor actually reached a deal with the owner of the Elf House and agreed to allow a large number of Pokémon to come to Liyue?"

"That's great. A few days ago, I was worried about not being able to afford Pokemon. Now I have hope. God knows how much I want to have one."

"Don't be too happy yet. The decree also said that you should not force Pokémon by despicable means, otherwise you will be severely punished. It also said that wild Pokémon are very powerful, so don't provoke them at will, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

"This...then what should we do to subdue them?"

"Didn't you see the last one? There are many docile Pokémon. If you treat them with affection, you can take them as your own, or show your strength to make them submit sincerely."

"So that's how it is. The owner of the Elf House once said that Pokémon are creatures with emotions. As long as you give them emotions, you will get rewards sooner or later. I understand."

After seeing the decree, the people of Yujingtai started talking about it.

Pokémon is good, but it is expensive.

Although it has become mainstream in Liyue, there are more people who can't afford it.

Now that wild Pokémon have appeared, most of the people in Liyue are naturally happy.

But there are also people who are puzzled, no doubt those who have bought Pokémon.

"But I have already bought Pokemon from the Pokemon House, so wouldn’t the money I spent on Mora be in vain?"

But these people were soon refuted by many voices.

"Ridiculous, do you think wild Pokémon will follow you just by waving your finger? You spent Mora, but people without Mora need to spend countless time and emotional investment, not to mention showing strength to make them convinced."

"Besides, didn't the Emperor's will also say that although the Pokémon purchased from the Pokémon House are relatively weak at first, they have infinite potential, and this alone is not comparable to wild Pokémon."

"You, you... you are right, sorry, I was in a hurry just now."

It has to be said.

The decree issued by Zhongli was very comprehensive.

Of course, in fact, all of this was arranged by Su Yan.

Before coming to Liyue, he had already begun to consider how to set new rules.

Among them, it involves various laws and regulations related to the safety of elves, and those who abuse will be severely punished.

Of course, since we want to create an era where humans and elves coexist, it is impossible to favor Pokémon all the time.

When encountering Pokémon in the wild... people can fight, but they cannot abuse, and they can collect, but they need the consent of the other party.

There are also special regulations for Pokémon that are attacked by wild Pokémon and commit crimes.

"The Pokémon Special Operations Team formed by Lady Keqing will be responsible for the Pokémon that cause trouble, and the team leader is... Master Wudao Bear?!"

At the same time.

The downtown area of Liyue is also the place where the Longtailed Monster Hand stole the wallet just now.

At this time, Keqing has led the team to surround the Longtailed Monster Hands.

Facing these little bad guys...

Keqing bent down slightly and said gently to the Longtailed Monster Hand that stole the wallet:"Little guy, stealing is wrong, return the things to the owner quickly, and then we will send you back to the garden, which is a suitable place for you to live."



However, these naughty kids can't be easily persuaded...

At this time, Wudao Bear Master slowly walked out.



No one knew what Master Wudao Bear and Long Tailed Monster Hand said. They were all Elvish, and no one could understand them.

But after a conversation, the thief returned the wallet to Keqing without hesitation.

"That's good."

After taking the wallet, Keqing signaled her men to

"Send them out of the city and find a nice garden for them to live in."


Then, under the escort of Keqing's special team, the Long Tailed Monster Hand actually left the city obediently.


Liyue Street

"Dear friends, our company has put energy cubes on the shelves today. If you need them, you can come to us to buy them. We guarantee sufficient supply."

Someone from the company started to shout, and there was more than one company...

Ningguang was in charge of everything from the cultivation of the orchard, the picking of the fruit trees, to the processing and production and putting them on the shelves.

As soon as the company's clerk shouted,

"Me, me, me! Leave one for me, my Pokémon hasn't eaten an energy cube in days."

"Me too. My partner had already finished the three-day supply given by the owner of the Elf House."

"I heard from the owner of the Elf House that energy cubes will be available soon. Today I finally got it. Don't say anything. Just give me a month's supply." Instantly

, a dense crowd of people rushed to various businesses.

And... since elves can get hurt, medicine and other things are indispensable.

"It's interesting that several kinds of tree fruits can be ground into powder and made into medicine."

The boss Bai Zhu is a skilled doctor with unique insights into pharmacology.

A while ago, Ningguang brought a recipe book, of course, this was instructed by Su Yan.

The recipe records how to use tree fruits to make medicine for Pokémon.

Bai Zhu has been studying it recently. At this time, a little girl dressed as a zombie walked out of the counter.

She held some powder in her hand, smeared a little with her fingers from time to time, and then put it in her mouth.

"Delicious, even better than coconut lamb."

"……Qiqi, that's for Pokémon."

At this moment, Bai Zhu felt a little dizzy. Qiqi was taking a new medicine, and he hadn't figured it out yet.

That's right.

In one day, Liyue had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Various new regulations, shops, and pharmacies designed for Pokémon began to operate gradually.

But... now that the elves have come, there are always some dark corners where sinister things will happen.

At this moment.

Su Yan was standing at the port of Liyue.

The dimensional channel he opened last time was usually hidden.

Today, he was going to open it again.

"No one is more suitable for this role of law enforcer than you."

"Come out……"


Phoenix King!".: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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