When people were still immersed in the moment when the elves came and Liyue was about to open a new chapter, suddenly!


Boom! Boom!

The huge movement, like shock waves, hit every place in Liyue.

Many people hadn't reacted yet...

Suddenly, someone pointed in the direction of the sky.

"Look, that... that's the crack that opened before, it appears again!!!"

Someone with sharp eyes will see a dark crack in the void in the direction of Liyue Port, which is rapidly expanding.

This crack is very familiar to the people of Liyue.

A while ago, the sea god Lugia came out of the crack and defeated the vortex demon in one fell swoop.

This is something everyone in Liyue knows.

At the same time, they also know that this is Su Yan's work.

Although they don't know what it is and how he did it...

Just as people looked up and their eyes were all focused on the port.


There was a sound of a phoenix coming from the crack.

"The sound……"

"Not the Sea God!"

Just now, the people of Liyue thought that Lugia would appear again.

But the phoenix cry they heard now was completely different from the whistle of Lugia before.

Of course, let alone these ordinary people.

Somewhere in Liyue, Zhongli and Venti stood together. They looked up at the sky at the same time, as if they had known that Su Yan would open the dimensional rift again today.

However, what they didn't know was...

The phoenix cry coming from the dimensional rift made Zhongli, who was originally very calm, suddenly look surprised.

"This voice is not the sea god, what is he summoning this time?!"

"No way, there is another expert?!"

Wendy was about to cry.

As two gods, they could clearly sense that although the creature in the void crack had not appeared, its aura was extremely strong. It was almost the same as the previous Lugia.

In other words... another spirit god summoned by Su Yan?!

"No, how many Pokémon does he have that are stronger than gods?!!!!"

At this moment.

Whether it is the Qun Yu Pavilion or other places, everyone's eyes are focused on the crack above the port.

Wings of seven-color rainbow light stretched out from the crack, tearing the dimensional crack...

The crack creaked.

Spider-web-like mirror fragments filled the entire void, which was extremely terrifying.

And just a few seconds later!


The sound of the phoenix rang again throughout Liyue.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, a Pokémon in the form of a phoenix squeezed out of the dimensional crack.

The sea was boiling at this moment...

The Pokémon looked like a phoenix, with colorful wings and a golden crown on its head. Although its body was slightly inferior to Lugia, it was nearly 40 meters long. It flapped its wings, and rainbow-colored light dots began to fall all over the sky, like thousands of feet of sunshine, shining on the entire Liyue.

In the distant sky, a seven-color rainbow rose

"I am the god of miracles, Phoenix King!"

Everyone can hear this sacred and inviolable voice in their minds.


"God of Miracles?"

But not only that...


When the Phoenix King waved his wings again, three streams of light flashed through the cracks like shooting stars.

The light was golden like lightning, red like fire, and blue like water.

In just a moment, the three streams of light landed steadily in front of the Phoenix King.

They were three domineering and majestic Pokémon.

The one on the left looked like a lion, with brown hair, like flames burning slowly, just like the Flame King.

"My name is Emperor Yan.¨ .¨ "

The Pokémon in the middle looks like a saber-toothed tiger, with golden hair and lightning-like black stripes. It looks like the Lord of Thunder.

"My name is Thunder God.

The Pokémon on the right is as blue as the sea, with ribbons flying around its body, showing that it is the king of water.

"My name is Suicune."

When the Phoenix King and the three sacred beasts appeared, the dimensional rift slowly closed.

Obviously... unlike Lugia before, the four elves that appeared from the void this time had no intention of returning.

"Entei, Raikou, Suicune?!"

"Wow, what beautiful and cool Pokémon. Are they also owned by Boss Su Yan?"

"Nonsense, who else could it belong to?"

It must be said that the appearance of the three sacred beasts made countless people's eyes sparkle.

The majesty of the Entei, the domineering of the Thunder God, and the nobility of the Suicune.

Everyone was almost drooling...

You don't even need to think about it, just by looking at it, you know it's very strong.

Not to mention that the Phoenix King is an existence equal to Lugia...

And at this moment, that sacred voice sounded again.

"From today on, I and the three sacred beasts will follow the master's beliefs and become the law enforcers of this world. I can see the world. Please do not do shameful things to Pokémon because of greed, otherwise the three sacred beasts will punish you."

The voice spread to almost every corner of Liyue, and everyone could hear the telepathic voice from the Phoenix King.

"Law enforcer?"

"The Three Sacred Beasts?!"

At this moment, the people of Liyue were stunned, and finally knew the names of the three mighty and domineering elves.

"I see"

"Boss Su Yan was afraid that someone would abuse Pokémon, so he sent out the God of Pokémon to supervise. In this way, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a law enforcer."

"Yes, the Pokemon were requested by the Emperor after all, so it is natural for Boss Su Yan to be worried."On the surface, with the Emperor's order, the people of Liyue thought that the Pokemon came because of the negotiation between the Emperor of Geo and Su Yan.

In order to avoid the persecution of the Pokemon, the Phoenix King and the three beasts were sent.

In fact...

Zhongli was very puzzled at the moment. He naturally heard the conversation of the Liyue people.


Wendy beside him laughed secretly:"Hahaha, old friend, it's not easy to be a god."

Zhongli shook his head and suddenly said

"Barbatos, sometimes I really envy you……"

"What do you envy me for?"

Wendy asked puzzled.

Unexpectedly, Zhongli only said four words:

"Free and unfettered."

If Su Yan had not suddenly appeared in Liyue, Zhongli would have planned to unload the heavy burden on his shoulders.

Over the years, he has thought about this countless times.

But the appearance of Pokémon suddenly disrupted his plan.

At the beginning, he wanted to watch, listen, and verify from a bystander's perspective what kind of changes Pokémon would bring to Liyue.

So far, the result is good.

Since the appearance of Pokémon, merchants who frequently travel around the world have reduced the risk of being attacked by animals.

If they encounter group-living hillbillies or slightly stronger monsters, even if they cannot defeat them, people can retreat safely under the cover of Pokémon. At least they have some means of self-protection.

But little did they know that the more they watched, the more they saw Su Yan's endless means.

Zhongli found that he seemed to be getting deeper and deeper

"……My friend, you can actually try to let go of your mentality. With the power that Su Yan possesses, no one in Liyue... no, even in the entire Teyvat, can threaten him. It's useless to think too much. Why not……"

Wendy blinked and continued,"Didn't he say that he's going to start a Pokémon Battle Competition? You can try to participate." Zhongli looked thoughtful.

"Elves fighting? I am really interested, but I am still missing some Mora."

Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, how come you suddenly become stupid? Liyue is undergoing earth-shaking changes now. Is it difficult for you to capture Pokémon with your ability?"

""Eh, that makes sense."

Being reminded by Wendy, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Zhongli's face.

He couldn't afford Pokémon, but could he not show his strength in front of the Pokémon and make them convinced?

Zhongli was just worrying too much.

At this moment, Zhongli glanced at Wendy again and said with a smile:"It seems that you are planning to participate too?"

The answer he got was...

Wendy patted his chest proudly:"Of course, I plan to send Tevalin to play, and no one will be my opponent then."

"……If you dare to do this, I'm afraid you will be beaten to death by Mr. Su Yan before you even get on the field."

Zhongli was speechless.


He is a Pokémon, what kind of forest are you Tevarin, and you are participating in the Pokémon Battle Competition?

At the same time...


Above Liyue Harbor, after the Phoenix King made his announcement after his appearance, he flapped his wings and slowly rose into the air

"¨」 ¨」 Go ahead"

""Yes, Lord Phoenix King!"

The three sacred beasts all nodded to the Phoenix King, with a respectful and sincere attitude.

Taking the way of Teyvat as an example, the three sacred beasts are like the followers of the Phoenix King, representing his mouth, eyes and execution.

They obey the words of the Phoenix King and the Phoenix King.

At this moment, the three sacred beasts turned into three streams of light in the air, each flying in a different direction and disappearing far into the sky.

The Phoenix King soared up and gradually sank into the deepest clouds.

Suddenly, the whole sky showed a rainbow of colors, shining down thousands of feet of rainbow light.

They all left, but stayed in Teyvat as law enforcers...

At this moment. The people of Liyue looked at the beautiful sky and couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Until a moment later.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in their minds

"So, friends of Liyue, next……"

"I announce that the first Teyvat Pokémon Battle Contest will be held soon. Anyone who has a Pokémon trainer can participate. For detailed rules, time and location, please go to the Pokémon House in two days for consultation."

"I will give rewards to the top three players in the competition."

"The final winner will get an Articuno Pokémon Egg, one of the three sacred birds, which is as famous as the three sacred beasts!"

Originally, everyone was still immersed in the appearance of the Phoenix King.

At this moment, when Su Yan's voice fell into everyone's mind,……

"I have seen the elf egg that is as famous as the three sacred beasts before. It is a divine bird that can summon wind and snow!"

"The Elf Battle Contest! I've been waiting for a long time, and finally there's news!"

"Originally I thought I couldn't participate without Pokémon, but now the Pokémons have come, I have hope!"

The shock that the Liyue people had felt before suddenly turned into cheers!

Everyone's face was filled with anticipation and excitement.

They might have almost forgotten the might of the divine bird at the door of the Pokémon House.

But the appearance of the three sacred beasts today undoubtedly reminded them of the shocking scene at that time.

On the Jade Pavilion...

Ningguang clenched the Poké Ball in her hand.

"Keqing's charcoal servant has evolved into a round land shark. We need to work harder next time."

The Southern Cross Fleet on the Liyue Sea, the Death Star.

Beidou stood at the bow, his whole body filled with unstoppable excitement.

"Competition, I love competition the most, come on, Articuno will be mine!"

Liyue Street.

Xiangling, Hu Tao, and Yun Jin looked at each other at this time.

"Everyone...would we like to go out on an adventure? There are Pokemon everywhere in the wild now, I think it would be fun"

"Well, our elves are still very weak, so we need to train them quickly before the competition."

"I want to go too. My crying mask hasn't evolved yet. I need to train it quickly. Once it evolves into a coffin, I can take it around to talk business."

Xiangling, Yunjin (speechless):"……"

However, Hu Tao seemed not to notice Xiang Ling and Yun Jin's expressions and said excitedly:

"By the way, let’s also call Sister Beidou"


Originally, I was going to use the 'Priesthood of Life', after all, the Phoenix King has the power of resurrection and holy ash, but Xerneas also holds the true meaning of life. Thinking that the Phoenix King is also known as the spirit that summons miracles, in order to avoid conflict, I decided to use [Miracle] as the priesthood.: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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