Ba Che!

As a member of the dragon lizard family, it has a dragon-like appearance, and its dark blue body looks like it is made of water elements.

In terms of size, it is smaller than the vortex demon god Orsay.


It has been hit on the head by the same island for two consecutive days, and now it is already mad.

""I'm willing to come out."

Su Yan smiled slightly. Yes, he used his mind power to make the island float and hit the other person's head. He did it on purpose.

At this moment, he had a Poké Ball emitting a faint blue light in his hand.

"Let you two meet each other."

He turned on the button of the Poké Ball.

The next moment!

The Pokémon burst out a blue light beam and landed on the sea in front of the isolated island below.

A nine-headed figure that looked like a snake or a dragon was slowly emerging from the deep sea.

At this moment...


The roar of the demon god, which was enough to scare the people of Liyue, resounded throughout Liyue the moment the sea exploded.

Even Ba Che, who was furious just now, was stunned at this moment.

"Is, is it the Whirlpool Demon?!"

"It really is not dead yet?!!"

"You forgot, it was captured by Boss Su Yan with a huge Poké Ball."

"How could I forget? I will never forget the scene of that day."

"So... those islands floating in the air are really the work of Boss Su Yan28, then...28 where is the blue dragon lizard?"

"I don't know. We just have to wait and see. The owner of the Elf House will definitely make arrangements."

I still remember that when the Vortex Devil appeared before, all the people of Liyue were terrified.

Now that Su Yan's Liyue has it, it's like having an omnipotent god.

People are full of trust in him.

Not only did he save Liyue from the danger of the Vortex Devil, he also brought Pokémon to this place.

As a result, ordinary people in Liyue gradually became less afraid of monsters outside.

This alone is enough to be recorded in the history and legend of Liyue. At this moment.

When the Vortex Devil appeared from the Poké Ball... it actually spoke

"Ba Che... What do you want to do?!"

Its voice was gloomy, like a whirlpool of rapids, but also unusually sober.

However, some people were not calm at this moment.

Ba Che was stunned for a moment, and the anger he had earlier was completely gone, leaving only infinite excitement.

"Lord Osel,……"

He seemed to have something to say, but was too excited to say it.……

"Osel regained consciousness?!"

"How is this possible?! Its soul should have been worn out and turned into a completely crazy beast. How could it be conscious?!"

Zhongli and Wendy naturally heard what Orsay said.

Soul wear and tear, this is a curse that no demon god can avoid.

As time goes by, the souls of these demon gods will wear out more and more, and they will forget a lot of the past, and their memories will be confused, and eventually they will turn into violent beasts.

Orsay had been suppressed in Guyun Pavilion by Zhongli for countless years, and his soul had long been worn out.

But now... not only did it recognize its wife, but it also looked very sober, without any tyranny or mania.

At this time.

Ba Che on the sea was also full of surprise, and happy from the bottom of his heart.

But soon, it heard Orsay growl

"Why don't you apologize to Lord Su Yan?"

"Su, Lord Su Yan?!"

Ba Che’s eyes suddenly became a little dull.

Su Yan?

Is he the human above?

Lord Orsay actually called him... Lord?!

Seeing Ba Che stunned, one of the Orsays said:"Yes, now my wear and tear has been completely repaired, and the memories of thousands of years have resurfaced in my mind. All this is thanks to Lord Su Yan." After that.

Orsay immediately turned his nine heads and faced Su Yan...

Who knew that just when he was about to nod in respect.

Su Yan waved his hand and said:"Don't rush to thank me. I just want to repair your wear and tear. I just want to try to see if I can do it. What you did in the Liyue Sea can't be treated as if it didn't happen here."

After that, Su Yan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and then he slowly stretched out his right hand.

"It would not be too much for me to kill you now." As soon as the words fell,

Osel suddenly lost control of his body, as if there was an irresistible force squeezing his body.

Osel had no doubt that if Su Yan grasped it at this moment, it would immediately explode and die...

"Su, Lord Su Yan……"

Although the body could not move, it could still speak, and its nine heads showed great pain.

At this moment,

Ba Che stood in front of Osar and begged for mercy:"Master Su Yan, please let it go. As long as you let it go, I will do whatever you want me to do."


Su Yan smiled faintly and then pulled his hand back.

At this moment, Osel's restraint also dissipated.

It looked at Su Yan, and there was only fear in its eyes...

There is probably no one else in the world who has the ability to kill the devil in a snap of his fingers.

"You have a good wife, but that's not why I let you go."

Su Yan raised his finger and said,"I will build a new Guyun Pavilion. You need to guard here forever. If you dare to leave privately or attack people passing by, this will be your permanent burial place."

After that, Su Yan's raised fingertip popped out.

Nine bullet screens of light instantly sank into Osel's nine heads.

The speed of the light ball was so fast that people couldn't react at all.


Su Yan snapped his fingers.


One of Osel's heads suddenly exploded with a flame.

Ba Che, who was standing next to him, suddenly changed.

"Lord Osel!"

"I, I'm fine……"

Although one of its heads was blown off, Osel was made of water elements after all, so it quickly recovered.

However... its aura was instantly weakened.

At this moment, Su Yan said calmly:"This is a warning. You know very well that if I let all nine of your heads explode at the same time, you will no longer exist, even in the sea."

"Understood, Master Su Yan, I, I will stay in this Guyun Pavilion forever, but……"

Osel was confused and asked,"Master Su Yan, what do you want me to protect?"

333 In theory, Guyun Pavilion is just an isolated island. Although it has suppressed many demons, 333 they have long disappeared.

In addition, the four floating islands of Guyun Pavilion are now floating around Su Yan.

Let it guard an empty island?

But Su Yan did not answer its question.

"You will know later"


Osel nodded repeatedly.

It had been a beast before, but now it could regain consciousness. This was the greatest gift Su Yan had given to Osel. Even if it could only live in the sea area of Guyun Pavilion in the future, but...

Ba Che next to him said at this time

"Lord Osel, I am with you."


The two met again after a long time, and they were both sober.

This result... they were already satisfied.

However, looking at them, Su Yan curled his lips and waved his hand, saying:"Back off."

"Yes, Lord Su Yan!"

"Thank you... Lord Su Yan!"

After responding, the two immediately dived into the seabed.

Since Su Yan has said that they cannot leave Guyun Pavilion, they will naturally wander around Guyun Pavilion.

At this time.

Menghuan approached Su Yan and said with a smile:"Hehe, Su Yan, now that you have dealt with them, it's time to scare the people of Liyue."


Su Yan shook his head.

Haven't the people of Liyue been shocked by many things recently?

But what he was going to do next might really surprise them again.

"The space of Guyun Pavilion is not enough for me to splurge."


Prepare to summon... Grawoman!".: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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