Everyone in Liyue saw clearly the scene of the whirlpool demon god Osel and his wife Bazhe diving into the deep sea.

Especially... their behavior just now was completely like surrendering.

This made many people feel incredible.

"Just now, they were bowing to the owner of the Elf House, right?"

"I don’t know, it’s too far away and I can’t see clearly, but who else could it be except the owner of the Elf House?"

"I can't believe it... I really can't believe that Boss Su Yan has accomplished something that even the Rock King couldn't do."

"The boss of the Elf House is truly from outside this world."

"Otherwise, he must be the top existence outside the world. Don’t you see that all the elven gods obey his orders?"

""It makes sense."

As the legend of Liyue says, the Rock King could only use his rock spear to suppress Osel.

Perhaps for Zhongli, Osel was far inferior to him.

But he couldn't make him surrender...

At this time, Venti frowned tightly, no longer as carefree and

"Morax, Osel has been suppressed by you for so many years and has never surrendered. Now he has succumbed to Su Yan. What do you think?"

"Restoring the Soul……"

Zhongli also looked dull, and his handsome face became very serious.

"Although I have thought that he has this possibility, but after seeing it with my own eyes, I still find it hard to believe that the wear and tear of the soul can actually be repaired."

Wendy spread his hands, and just said seriously for two seconds:"Hey, Osel is really lucky. He actually repaired the wear and tear of his soul, but you and I are still suffering from this indelible mark."

However, as soon as the voice fell.

Zhongli asked:"Why, do you also want to stay in Guyun Pavilion forever?"

"Ah... I don't want that."

Wendy was used to being free, and when he thought about being trapped in Guyun Pavilion as a gatekeeper forever, he shuddered all over.


Seeing his appearance, Zhongli chuckled softly.

"Let's put aside the issue of wear and tear. I'm curious why he asked Osel to guard Guyun Pavilion."

"Oh, right."

Wendy blinked and then asked,"He mentioned the name 'Groudon' just now, right? What is that?"


Zhongli's eyebrows slightly raised.

If he guessed correctly... Su Yan might have to summon another Elf God.

Just when I thought of this.


Bang! Bang! Bang!!!!

In the distance.

Su Yan waved his arms continuously, four times in a row.

Then he saw four floating islands in the air, and the two islands connected on the sea surface were connected.

It's not over yet.

He waved his hand towards the distance.

I saw the largest island of Guyun Pavilion suddenly and slowly rise into the air, and soon it floated in the sea where Su Yan was at a speed that broke through the air.

"This largest one will be used as the ring for the first match.々¨ 々¨ "

With an idea in mind, Su Yan started to work on the craft on the spot.

In an instant, the largest island began to peel off rock debris and continued to fall into the deep sea.

He then moved his hands like a knife, smoothing the mountains and trees of the entire island.

Whether it was hard rocks or other things.

After a while of operation in his hands... the island gradually became smooth.

But it was not over yet.

He moved all ten fingers at the same time, and with each flick, a cylinder was drawn out of the smooth island.

One, two, three... countless

"Oh my god...I really wonder if I am dreaming"

"I never thought that I would be able to see such a scene in my lifetime."

"Yes, an island in front of me suddenly turned into the shape of countless arenas? I would never have dared to imagine it before."

"It seems that we are not wrong. The owner of the Elf House must be in Guyun Pavilion. He is making the venue for the competition."

Although Liyue has many legends, they are just legends.

What could be more shocking than witnessing with your own eyes that an island was placed in the sky and then peeled off into countless cylinders?

Not to mention ordinary people...

When Keqing saw this, she became more and more confused about Su Yan.

"No wonder General Lei Dian couldn't even take his attack."

Ningguang was also stunned at this moment.

Compared to Keqing, she knew that Su Yan wanted to rebuild the Lonely Cloud Pavilion and use it as a competition venue.


"He, he, he built it like this?"

No. Isn't this way of building it too exaggerated?!

A street in the distance of Liyue.

At this time, several people from Mondstadt also saw this scene.

Kaeya pointed in the direction of Guyun Pavilion, his face was full of horror, completely without his usual unrestrained and uninhibited

"Is that the power that the boss of the Elf House possesses?"

"Yes, that is already an extraordinary power. I can't imagine there is anything he can't do."

Lisa smiled bitterly.

Ever since Su Yan suddenly disappeared and reappeared last time, and brought General Lei Dian with him, she couldn't believe it was true.

Now... seeing all this, how could she not believe it?

Even though she was well-educated, she couldn't understand how strong this power could be.

At this moment

, looking at the masterpiece in front of him, Su Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he waved his hand again.

Bang, bang, bang...

The island has turned into countless arenas, like wooden stakes, all inserted into the sea, and it is also the front of the reshaped Guyun Pavilion.

At first glance, there are at least a hundred arenas made of rocks.

What a spectacular scene!

But it's not enough...

Su Yan suddenly made a gesture towards the void at this time.


The crack in that dimension began to expand rapidly in the eyes of the Liyue people again.

At this moment!

The originally warm temperature suddenly rose, and even began to become scorching.

Looking at the sun in the sky again, at this moment, it was like a fireball being heated.

""It's so hot!"

In Liyue City, everyone began to sweat.

Sweat filled their entire backs...

The sun was like radiating heat rays, making people feel extremely uncomfortable on the skin, and even gradually felt pain.

The ground became so hot that it could be used to bake eggs.

Water dripping on the ground would evaporate instantly...

Wendy and Zhongli, who saw this scene, were even more horrified.

"As expected it came!!!"

"¨」 ¨」 Hey, hey, this, this is not a joke, right? The temperature is too terrible now. Could it be that the elf god who is about to come out can even control the sun?!"

If... the previously appeared Articuno can control the climate, the sea god can control the ocean currents, and the Phoenix King can see thousands of miles as a law enforcer, Zhongli and Wendy can still accept it.

But now... what is the sun?

That is no longer a concept that belongs to Teyvat.

You tell me, Pokémon can even control the sun?!

Is that something that can be controlled?!

They dare not imagine it at all...

However, the still rising Wendy is now in front of them.

In particular, there are already two red giant hands, which are prying apart the dimensional crack.

Looking from here... there is a pair of beast-like eyes in the dimensional crack.

Very sharp.

Not to mention the breath, it seems to be even more terrifying than Lugia and Phoenix King.

Zhongli sniffed, and a familiar feeling came from the crack.

This feeling is not that he knows this giant beast, but……

"This smell has the smell of rock and earth"


Wendy jumped up immediately and said,"Didn't your new little fellow say that there are no rock gods in the elf world?"

But the next second, Wendy quickly covered her mouth.

However... it was too late!


Zhongli's eyes suddenly revealed a hint of murderous intent.

"Barbatos, are you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

""Bang, coincidence, coincidence."

Wendy shook her hands in panic, and then quickly changed the subject:"It's coming out!"

At this time, the dimensional crack had expanded to a point where any Pokémon could enter and exit.

Then... everyone saw a domineering giant beast with a red body and black stripes appear in the dimensional crack.

However, just as the huge foot took a step!


The giant beast was stunned for a moment, and before it could react, it suddenly felt like it was stepping on empty air.……

"Lugia, you didn't tell me in advance that this thing is……"

""In the sky!!!!"

It waved its hands and feet up and down, and it seemed to be struggling. Its hands seemed to flap like wings, and it even roared angrily in the direction of the dimensional rift.

Unfortunately, it was useless. The continuous sound of"whoosh" sounded. The deep red body fell straight down like a comet.

Bang!!!! It fell into the sea.

At this moment.

Liyue fell into a deep silence.

: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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