"Mr. Su Yan, the big kill refers to……"

That night, Keqing and Ningguang came together, seemingly wanting to find out what Su Yan had said to everyone during the day.

Mass murder.

Just hearing these three words is enough to make people tremble with fear.

At this time, only Su Yan was in the elf house.

He looked at the two nervous people, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and replied with a teasing tone:"It means exactly what it says."

At this moment, Keqing asked nervously again:"You, you don't want to lock us up and then kill each other, do you?"

Su Yan immediately laughed and scolded:"I'm not one of those perverts of the Fatui."

"Hmm? Fatui? Did I forget something?"

Speaking of the Fatui, Su Yan suddenly raised his eyebrows, and vaguely remembered something.


"Ah! Sorry, I just said that nonsense, Mr. Su Yan, please don't mind."

Su Yan's thoughts were quickly interrupted by Keqing.

"It's okay. I know you are worried about Liyue. Don't worry. I can only tell you that there will be no life-threatening situation in this second round.……"

At this point, Su Yan's expression changed inexplicably.

"But it can help us see the true colors of many people."

At this time, Ningguang, who noticed the change in Su Yan's expression, suddenly realized something.

Su Yan held this competition not only to popularize Pokémon battles to people, but also to test these trainers.

Thinking of this,

Ningguang spoke:"……Su Yan must have his own reasons for doing this. I believe he"

"Su Yan?"

Keqing blinked, looked at Ningguang, then looked at Su Yan. She asked curiously,"Strange, Ningguang, when did you stop addressing Mr. Su Yan as a respectful title?"

As soon as she finished speaking, it was obvious that Ningguang was panicking.

But in the next second, Su Yan smiled and said,"I told her not to add Mr., of course, Miss Keqing, too. After all, when I first started to popularize elves, you two helped me a lot. I have always regarded you as friends."

"Hehe... you said it, so you have to call me Keqing, and don't add the word"Miss" to it."

Keqing rubbed her nose. Her cheerful personality meant that she didn't like those complicated etiquette.

It was just that Su Yan had shocked her so much time and again, whether in Inazuma or in Liyue, that she always found it difficult to get close to him.

Now that he said so...

Keqing smiled again, and then slowly approached Su Yan.

"Since we are friends, why don't you tell me some information about tomorrow's game?"

"Go, go, you will know tomorrow."

Su Yan was speechless. So you are this kind of Keqing. I have learned a lot.

Seeing that getting close to her didn't work, Keqing seemed to want to say something...

However, Ningguang grabbed Keqing's hand and then... pulled her away.

"Okay, let's not disturb Su Yan's rest. Your and my Pokémon need to go back and recuperate in preparation for the second game tomorrow."

The voice gradually faded away, and Ningguang had already pulled Keqing out of the Pokémon House.

"Hey, I have another question for Su Yan... Wait, Ningguang, don't pull me!"

"Shut up."

Slowly... the voices of the two people disappeared completely.

Only then did Su Yan shake his head, and then seemed to be talking to himself.

"You all heard it, right?……"


Su Yan snapped his fingers...

At this moment,

Zhongli, who was far away in the suburbs of Liyue, suddenly twitched his eyes and his body began to tremble.

"It turns out that they have been discovered a long time ago... But I feel relieved now."

Obviously, he was also worried about what Su Yan said after the game today.

Later, when he saw Ningguang and Keqing heading to the Elf House, he quietly followed them...

Otherwise, he would not dare to spy.

Su Yan interrupted his observation now, which means that he had said it intentionally for them to hear.

In addition to Zhongli, there was another crane eavesdropping in another place far away from Liyue City.

"This guy is too powerful. I was so far away, but he could still sense it. Never mind, I'd better not do this kind of thing in the future. This guy is not to be messed with."

Having said that...

But Master Liuyunjiefeng was in a good mood suddenly. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Interesting, interesting. Suddenly I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s game. What will he do?"


Only after cutting off Zhongli and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's observation,

Su Yan suddenly said,"Alice, come in, no one will come for the time being."

Soon, a surprised voice came from outside the door.[]

""Hey... I have tried very hard to hold my breath, you, you can still find me?" After a while... a curvy figure walked in from outside.

She was wearing a black robe, and the only thing that could be seen on her body was her moist red lips and a few strands of hair of the same color as Keli.

If there were other people there, they would definitely recognize that this person was the mysterious contestant named Lily in the afternoon.

She was also Keli's mother.

《The creator of the Teyvat Travel Guide, the world's supervisor, a member of the Witch Society.

And... a big scumbag!

When Alice entered the Elf House... her Elf Ball flashed a red light on its own, and then turned into Gardevoir, who shone brightly in the competition today.

"Master, I'm back"

"Thank you for your hard work during this period."

Su Yan smiled and nodded, and asked:"Just stay with me from now on, but why did you play with Alice today?"


Gardevoir covered her mouth and smiled, then pointed at Alice and said,"A few days ago, Miss Alice saw you preparing to hold a competition and said something.���She wanted to join in the fun, so she asked me to fight for her. I couldn't persuade her, so I had to agree to help her once."

When Su Yan turned his eyes to Alice


She coughed twice quickly, and then said,"Why, who told you not to give me a Pokémon to play with? Aren't I itching to play with it?"

"……Give you Pokémon?"

Su Yan sneered immediately,"What a joke, with your 553 lazy and pitty character, I'm afraid they will be ruined by you. When I came to this world, although I let Gardevoir follow you temporarily, I knew very well that you couldn't do anything to it."

"Woohoo...you are too ruthless. If I could beat you, if I could totally beat you, if I absolutely could not beat you...Wow!!!"

Facing Su Yan's attitude, Alice immediately pretended to be aggrieved and wanted to cry.

"I have tried my best to do what you asked me to do, but I am bored every day and I just want to find a playmate. Is that not possible?"

"……Stop pretending."

Su Yan didn't indulge her at all, but after thinking for a while, he sighed and said,"Tell me what you have observed recently. If you really work hard, I will play a villain for you in the next two days." As soon as these words came out,

Alice's eyes lit up, and the delicate and aggrieved expression just now disappeared without a trace.

"This is what you said, handsome guy, you can't go back on your words"


At the same time, the hiding place of the Fatui of Liyue

"Are we really going to raid the Elf House tomorrow?"

"Lord Tartaglia has been missing for a month. We only know that he went to the elf house. If nothing happened to him, he must have been locked up in the shop."

"But even Lord Kedalia failed, we... that person is not easy to deal with."

"That's why we have to wait until he goes to Guyun Pavilion tomorrow to make our move. Once we rescue Lady Tartaglia, we will immediately withdraw. This way, we can give an explanation to the lady."

"It seems that this is the only way……"

I want to say:

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