The next day.

The island where Guyun Pavilion is located.

If the contestants who came here yesterday were all excited, then today... they are all terrified.

Although the number of contestants has not decreased much, there are indeed a small number of people who have backed out.

"What should we do? Should we participate?"

"I don't know. I was struggling with whether to give up last night."

"Hey, from the tone of Boss Su Yan, this second game seems to be very dangerous."

"Is this what they call opportunity and danger coexisting?"

"Is it really worth it for a legendary elf egg?"

Most of those people who were in a state of hesitation at this time.

Should they participate or give up?

They hope to get the correct information before making a judgment.

Ningguang and Keqing also arrived early.

Compared with others, they folded their arms and closed their eyes to rest.

Although Su Yan did not reveal any information last night, they knew that this must be a severe test. However, they just looked carefully at everyone at the scene and found that there was a contestant who they cared about.

That was Alice who came to make trouble yesterday.

Of course, Ningguang and Keqing did not know her identity...

At this moment.


Su Yan suddenly appeared on the square silently.

Someone with sharp eyes spotted him at once.

"Ah, the boss of the Elf House is here."

At the same time, Su Yan waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

At this moment, the entire Guyun Pavilion Square suddenly became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

He swept his eyes over all the contestants.

Xiangling, Hu Tao, Beidou and the others, the people from Mond, and the Eightfold Son of God, all arrived one by one.

With a quick glance, the number of people was probably only a dozen less than yesterday.

"It seems that everyone has made mental preparations."

At this time, Su Yan slowly said:"Next, I will explain the rules of the second game to you."

Then he pointed behind him, where a sky-blue formation was shining.

"When you step into this teleportation array, you will be randomly teleported to a certain place, which may be a snowy mountain, a volcano, a forest or a desert. I call this place the Champion Road."

"Let me make it clear here, I have placed many Pokémon in the Champion Road, and they will attack you once they see you."

"Most of them are about the same level as your current Pokémon, but there are also many that you cannot fight. My advice is to run away as far as you can."

"Of course, I have already told those powerful elves not to use long-range and large-scale attacks."

"You have only one goal.……"

"Arrive at the most central point of the island, there is another teleportation array I set up, just enter it, then... Congratulations, you have passed the second game"

"But if a contestant loses the ability to move, or fails to reach the destination by tomorrow night, he/she will be considered eliminated."

When Su Yan explained the rules one by one... everyone listened carefully, afraid of missing a detail.

Until Su Yan said again:"Now those who have questions can ask me."

Soon, a contestant dressed as a Liyue merchant raised his hand and asked

"Boss Su Yan, this seems very unfair to us ordinary people!"

"Good question, I forgot to mention one thing just now."

Su Yan raised a finger and answered the question.

"Once you enter the Champion's Road, no matter if you are a god, an immortal, or the owner of the Eye of God, you will not be able to sense the power of the elements. All you can rely on are your Pokémon. Of course, you can also team up with others to overcome difficulties."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the owners of the Eye of God changed.


Even Zhongli and Xianyun frowned tightly.

But soon, Zhongli's frown was relieved.

"So that's how it is. The main point is fairness and justice. This is very reasonable in terms of Liyue's contract law."

At this moment, Su Yan said again:"This is the second round of the competition. I will add another reward. Anyone who can pass the second game will be rewarded with 10 million Mora."As soon as these words came out!


Suddenly, a sound similar to a scream was heard.

Everyone turned their heads...

The sound came from Wendy's direction.

He looked depressed at this moment...

Ten million Mora!

He couldn't earn that much even if he sang crookedly.

Unfortunately... He was eliminated in the first round and was not eligible to participate in the second round.

No wonder he screamed just now, he must be regretting it now. At this moment, everyone was excited.

"Ten million Mora! This is a huge sum, even enough to buy powerful Pokémon."

"Even if it is used to train Pokémon, it can be used for a long time. I must participate in the second round!"

"I often work outdoors and have to avoid monster attacks all the time. This kind of competition is most suitable for me. I can't take the legendary elf egg, but I will definitely take 10 million Moras!"

"That's right, whether I can turn things around depends on this time, this is enough to cover my three years of work."

Ten million Moras is not a small amount of money.

The average daily wage of ordinary workers in Liyue is around ten thousand Moras.

Ten million Moras can indeed cover their three years of non-stop work. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

This is full of temptation for most people.

But for Su Yan now, he already has more Moras than he can spend.

Not to mention how much Moras the Elf House has earned so far, just take the cooperation with the major chambers of commerce in Liyue. The energy cubes and medicines alone are enough for him to squander at will.

This is also thanks to Ningguang's good management, not to mention that it is currently only sold in Liyue.

There will be more and more in the future[]

Of course, Su Yan didn't care about Mora, but how to make people in this world truly regard Pokémon as partners.

After all, human hearts are the most difficult to verify.

In the face of many people can make it to the end?

��really want to know

"Then, if there are no problems, you can enter the teleportation array now."

After the voice fell, someone immediately walked towards the teleportation array.

"Let's go, what's so scary, it's just to reach the center of the island."

As soon as his feet stepped into the teleportation array, the person disappeared in an instant.

Seeing someone go in, the people behind followed.

Of course, there were also people who came together, and they were discussing countermeasures at this moment.

".Let’s go too. Just as we said, we’ll meet at the designated location first, and then head to the center of the island together."

Soon, more than half of the 500 contestants had entered.

At this moment, Keqing suddenly came to Ningguang.

"Ningguang, how about we work together?"

"That's exactly what I meant."

This second round is not a battle, but more like survival, Ningguang and Keqing are well aware of this.

If they can cooperate, the chances of reaching the end will be higher.

Not to mention Hu Tao and several other friends who participated together, and they also invited Beidou to join.

Mondstadt also formed its own group.

At this moment, Kaeya was saying to Diluk:"Master Diluk, when did you come to Liyue?"

"This has nothing to do with you."

Diluk folded his arms and coldly prepared to walk towards the teleportation array.

But just before he stepped in, Kaeya suddenly suggested:"Why don't we cooperate?"

"Not interested."

After saying that, Diluk stepped into the teleportation array and disappeared from everyone in Mondstadt.

Kaeya could only spread his hands helplessly.

"Looks like it failed."

"In that case, let's go in."

Lisa seemed to have known this would happen, and immediately took Klee to the teleportation array.

Before that, she whispered in Klee's ear,"Klee, find a safe place inside (Zhao Dehao), and you let the Thunderbolt Ball discharge, and Kaia and I will come to find you."

""Okay, I'll remember that!"

Keli nodded heavily.

At this moment, Yae Shinko happened to walk behind them.

"Hey, everyone else has a partner, it seems I can only go alone, there is no way, who asked Ying not to participate."

After saying that, she also stepped into the teleportation array.

At this time, Shen He walked in front of Xianyun, and after hesitating, he asked:"Master... should we form a team?"

Before participating in the competition, Shen He saw Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun transformed into Xianyun

"Of course, I...I will definitely pass this second level."

At the same time,

Yan Fei was also inviting Gan Yu.

"Senior, is it good to team up with me?"

"Well, okay.

Ganyu agreed without even considering it.


Xingqiu, the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, walked in front of Zhongli.

"Um... can you team up with me?"

"According to common sense, I will be no different from ordinary people after entering. If I can go with others, it will be helpful to pass the level."

Zhongli nodded after thinking for a moment.

"Very good"

I want to say:

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