The contestants stepped into the teleportation array one by one.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people

, even those who were hesitant before, gritted their teeth and stepped into the teleportation array.

This is a one-way teleportation array, which means that as long as you step in, there will be no room for regret.

Not long after... all the contestants had left the square.

At this moment, Su Yan just wiped it lightly with his hand, and the teleportation array disappeared.

There was not even a trace on the ground...

Seeing this.

Paimeng suddenly sighed:"Hey, they have all gone in, what a pity"

"What's a pity?"

Ying was confused. It was them who went to participate in the competition, not you. What's a pity?

However, Paimeng rarely expressed the thoughts of everyone present.

"This second round of competition will definitely be exciting, but... they all went to the championship road, so are we just going to wait here?"

"That's right, it looks like this game won't end until tomorrow at the earliest."

Ying finally realized it, but... there's nothing he can do about it.

"Forget Kaeya. We don't know what happened to Miss Lisa and Klee. We can only spend the next two days in worry. After all, they are now separated. Ying and Paimon came to Liyue with Lisa and the others, so they are naturally worried.


"Do you want to see it?"

Wendy suddenly approached them and immediately showed an inexplicable smile.

When these words came out, Paimeng quickly opened his eyes wide:"Singing man, do you have a solution?"

Unexpectedly, Wendy spread her hands

"You overestimate me. Don't say I can't let you see inside. The Champions Road has now been made into an independent space by Boss Su Yan. I can't see inside even if I fly to the sky."

I can only say... He is worthy of being the God of Wind.

Besides him, the only one who could see that the Champions Road was made into a space was Zhongli.

Even Xianyun didn't see it.

That's right.

In fact, the Champions Road has now become a space of its own, just like when Tartaglia entered the Elf House, and as a result, no element could be used.

As long as people enter it, no ability can be used.

Only Pokémon is not affected... Of course, this is also what Su Yan did on purpose.

And... Even if the contestants want to leave the island, jump into the sea, or run to the exit, they will eventually return to the Champions Road.

However, Wendy's words were met with contempt from Paimon and Ying.

"Then why are you asking us if we want to see it?"

Wendy just blinked hard.

"I can't do it, but someone must have a solution!"

"You mean... Boss Su Yan?"

Ying understood immediately.

Paimeng even said:"Oh oh oh, you are all so smart, singing for money, then you should go and ask the boss."

""Hey... why me?!"

Wendy immediately cried.

He came here to instigate because he was afraid of Su Yan, no, he came here to fool Ying and Paimeng.

But Paimeng pushed it back to him?

But at this moment, Ying and Paimeng's eyes suddenly moved up and looked behind Wendy.

"Ahem , don't tell me that the owner of the Elf House is behind me.

Wendy turned around slowly.



Wendy took two steps back and almost tripped herself. She was obviously scared.

Because Su Yan was smiling at them.

"What? You want to see what's going on inside?"

"Think about it!"

Paimeng and Ying nodded like little chickens pecking at rice.

Not to mention them, even the people around them became excited after hearing Su Yan's words.

"Boss, we also want to watch the game process inside, can you think of a way?"

Don't say...

Now the remaining people are not contestants, but they all came to Guyun Pavilion early in the morning just to watch the second game.

Unexpectedly, the contestants all went to another place, so they naturally felt disappointed.

"Well, I happened to borrow a golden ring from the little guy last night, so it’s okay to show you what’s inside."

After saying that, Su Yan immediately fumbled in his pocket and took out a golden ring. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He borrowed it from Hoopa last night...

Although he can make it himself, and he can also use other methods to let everyone watch the movie.

But after all, there is a ready-made one...

As mentioned before, Su Yan can use all the moves of Pokemon, and Hoopa's ability is naturally included.

He just threw the golden ring in his hand……[]

The golden ring slowly rose into the air, and then gradually grew larger.

At this moment, Su Yan pulled it with his hands.

The golden ring, which had expanded to several hundred inches, suddenly flashed a picture.


At this moment, everyone looked up and looked at the picture of the golden ring. Sometimes it was a mountain, sometimes it was a forest, and sometimes it was a yellow sand. It was as if they were actually there.

You know, there is no so-called TV in Liyue, let alone a movie screen.

Who among the people present has ever seen such a big screen, and it can move?

So everyone was stunned when they saw the picture, even Wendy and Ying were no exception.

""Wow, so awesome, boss of the Elf House, you are really awesome."

Paimon's eyes were twinkling with stars, and he kept praising Su Yan.

Wendy even looked Su Yan up and down.

"I found that you are really omnipotent. In fact, I didn't have much hope just now."


Su Yan smiled. In fact, even without Wendy's reminder, he would have done the same thing.

Otherwise, he would not have brought out Hoopa's golden ring.

At this moment... the golden ring began to play various pictures, and a familiar person appeared in the picture of the golden ring.

Some people remembered that this was one of the contestants.

"It's Wanyou. I remember him. His spirit is very strong. He is a fighting-type Iron Palm Warrior."

"Yes, yes, I remember that too."

"So he has arrived in the desert."

In the picture, the Liyue man named Wanyou is observing his surroundings vigilantly.

The endless yellow sand is blowing, so he can only raise his hands to protect his eyes from the sand.

"What bad luck! How could I be teleported to the desert? No, I have to leave this damn place as soon as possible."

Just in case, Wan You reached to his waist, took out the Poké Ball, and summoned the Pokémon inside.

"Iron Palm Warrior, please help me."

As soon as the red light flashed, it turned into a fighting spirit of about 2.3 meters tall, which looked like a sumo wrestler.

But just as the Iron Palm Warrior appeared...

Wan You's face suddenly changed.

"What is this?!"

Before he could react, the sand beneath his feet suddenly collapsed.

Wan You and Iron Palm Warrior were caught off guard and suddenly fell into the collapsed desert.


"He, he fell down?!"

"Just now I seemed to see a shadow on the sand. He was dragged down. Could it be a Pokémon?!"

"That's right, it must be the Pokémon hiding in the desert. Is Wanyou okay?!"

As soon as the show started, everyone saw the contestants being attacked by the Pokémon in the desert. Everyone present became nervous, and some were even trembling with fear.

After all, the screen was big enough to make people feel that they were being pulled down...

At the same time.

Su Yan's mind suddenly sounded a telepathic feeling.

It was from Palkia who stayed in the elf house.

"Lord Su Yan, someone is trying to sneak into the Elf House. How should I deal with them?"


At this moment, a light bulb popped up in Su Yan's head, and he seemed to remember something.

"It turns out that this was what Keqing interrupted me last night. I almost forgot about Tartaglia."

"Oh, no, I totally forgot about it."

I want to say:

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