Liyue Street.

Because of the competition held by Lonely Cloud Pavilion, the whole street was empty.

Even many shops were closed, and it was obvious that they had no intention of doing business.

This was understandable.

After all, so many people had been waiting for this day to come this month.

In the past two days, the ships at the port alone had made countless trips to Lonely Cloud Pavilion and carried so many people.

However... there were seven people here, all of them looked sneaky and were dressed like the Fatui.

"Are you all ready?"

It can be seen that these people are very nervous, because the target they are targeting is the Elf House.

This month... Su Yan is well-known in Liyue, and how could the Fatui not know about his mysterious power.

But there is no way.

Their executive has been missing for a long time.

Now Liyue has a new executive, who is in urgent need of finding the missing Tartaglia.

As minions, they can only follow orders.

"Well, during this period of time I often pretended to pass by this store. The two elves that often followed that person have not been here recently. He has now gone to Guyun Pavilion again, and there is definitely no one in the store!"

"Very good, then we will take this opportunity to rush in and look for Lord Tartaglia. Whether we find him or not, we will retreat immediately after five minutes."

"Yes, this way we can also give an explanation to the lady."

"By the way, why does the lady want to find Lord Tartaglia?"

"I'm not sure, it seems that the lady's plan failed, and Lord Tartaglia has been lurking in Liyue for a long time, probably trying to get information from him."

"Well, those are matters between the executives, we don't need to speculate, and there is no time to talk about it now."

""Action!" the leader shouted in a low voice.

As soon as the words fell... all the Fatui rushed forward and rushed to the Elf House at a very fast speed.

They had a clear division of labor.

Some people were on the lookout for incoming people.

Some people were starting to pick the lock... well, their proficiency in picking the lock was comparable to that of Tartaglia.

They just waited for the sound from the door lock... click!

""It's done!"

The person who opened the lock was instantly delighted.

He had originally thought that the door would be difficult to open, but it turned out to be just an ordinary door lock.

At this moment, the leader quickly signaled

"One person stays behind to keep watch, while the others go in to search. Remember, do not move anything inside, and do not let that person find you."

"Got it!"

One after another, figures sneaked into the elf house as the door was opened.

But in the next second


"Ah! Help, help!"

"What the hell is this? Oh no, I’m going to be sucked in!!!!"

A series of terrified voices came from inside, and the faces of the fools who hadn’t had time to enter all changed drastically.

"Oh no, we've been tricked, run!!!"

Including the leader and the person who opened the lock, there were still four people outside.

Hearing the three companions who had just entered the house screaming in fear, they dared not stay any longer.

But just when they turned around and wanted to quickly escape from the elf house... a beautiful and elegant Pokémon blocked their escape route at some point.

"Hehe, since you are already here, why leave so quickly?"

This Pokémon is Gardevoir.

It smiles sweetly and lovely, and slowly stretches out its slender little hand.


"No, I, I can't move."

""Help, help me, I can't move my hands and feet."

The four Fatui were under the control of Gardevoir's telekinesis, and they couldn't move their hands or feet.

When these Fatui were still outside, Palkia sent a message to Su Yan... and Su Yan had already told Gardevoir and Palkia what to do.

"Don't you want to see your Lord Tartaglia? I can let you meet him."

So although Gardevoir had never seen Tartaglia, she knew the name and why these people came.

"Is Lord Tartaglia really here?"

Just as the leader's voice fell,

Gardevoir's eyes flashed with a beam of light.

The next second!

The four people immediately flew into the elf house.

When they just entered the elf house... they found that in the hall of the elf house, there was a black hole with extremely strong suction, which was sucking them in.

It turned out that... the three people who entered the elf house first were terrified by this black hole.

However, it was useless to know now.


In a flash, the four people disappeared into the black hole, without any way to resist.

Gradually... (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The black hole began to close and close.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

At this moment, Gardevoir pursed her lips and smiled softly:"Thank you for your hard work, Lord Palkia."

In the void, Palkia's response slowly floated over.



Gardevoir slowly walked into the elf house and gently closed the door again.

And the scene just now.

It didn't even take thirty seconds.

In addition, everyone went to Guyun Pavilion... No one knew what happened here.

At the same time, in the dark space.

There were eight people...

All of them seemed to be floating, and the surroundings were all pitch black, as if there was no front, no back, and no up and down.


"Where am I?!"

Someone suddenly woke up, his voice trembling with fear, because the moment he woke up, he found that it was pitch dark around him.

Soon, another voice sounded around him.

"Lao Liu, is that you? Lao Liu!"

"It's me, I, where are we? Ah, I remember that my brothers and I seemed to have been sucked into a black hole just now.

Although these people could not control their bodies and could only drift with the waves, their voices and consciousness were still there.

At this moment


A familiar yet strange voice suddenly came from a distance, as if in surprise.

"This voice... Are you Lord Tartaglia?"

As expected, there were clearly seven Fatui who were sucked in just now, but there were actually eight people in this space.

The last one was obviously Tartaglia.

How could these Fatui mishear the voice of the executive officer?

"You, you guys came in too?!"

""Lord Tartaglia, we are here to save you!"

The Fatui were very excited when they heard the voice of their executor. After all, they came to save him.

It was as if they had forgotten their current situation.

"Save me? Ha, ha...hahahahaha."

At this moment, Tartaglia suddenly burst into laughter.

There was even more madness in his laughter.

Just listening to this almost crazy voice, the Fatui were terrified.

Is this... still the executive they know?

The laughter lasted for a long, long time...

Tartaglia didn't know how long it had been since he last laughed like this.

For a month, he was alone in this space, unable to move freely, no one talked to him, but his consciousness was particularly clear.

It was simply torture.

The most important thing was……

"Now that you are all here, let me tell you two things. Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news?"


The Fatui didn't know how to answer for a moment.

After a few seconds of silence...

Tartaglia's voice sounded again.

"Forget it, I'll tell you straight away, the good news is that in this space, our hunger will always remain the same as the moment before we came in, so it's hard for us to die... Hehe, this doesn't seem to be good news, because I didn't have dinner before I came in, and now I've been hungry for a month, what about you? Did you come here after dinner?"

"Hey hey hey——————"

After hearing this, the hearts of the fools instantly sank, because they came in at about 11 o'clock in the morning, who would eat lunch in advance?

"So, what about the bad news?"

"The bad news is... here we can only remain in this state of being unable to move and invisible. As long as that person doesn't want to, we will never be able to leave."

Tadalia sighed.

The reason why he was trapped here was because he was curious about the origin of the elves in the elf house.

As the saying goes... curiosity kills the cat, and the same applies to ducks.

However, compared to being trapped here for the past month, today is the day when Tartaglia is in the best mood.

This is not... there is someone to chat with..

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