"Oh my god...so scary"

"Can they escape being chased by so many Spearows?"

"If it were me, I'd be scared to death"

"But you know what, Xiangling and Hutao's Pokémon just now worked really well together, but I don't know why it didn't work against Toucan in the end."

"I have heard from my friends who participated in the competition that Pokémon seem to have attribute restraints. If I want to have Pokémon in the future, I must remember these first."

"The lady with the magic hat was very calm from beginning to end. I hope they can escape this disaster."

On the screen of the Golden Ring, the scene of the Spearow attack just now made the audience tremble with fear.

The three girls in the picture were moving flexibly, constantly avoiding the attacks of the Spearows.

Some of them were even sweating, as if they were the ones being attacked.

Paimon and Ying were even more nervous.

"Lisa, Xiangling, and Hutao, you guys have to keep working hard!"

"Those Spearows are so hateful. It was the Toucan that attacked Miss Lisa first.

Wendy, however, spread her hands helplessly.

"Did you forget that this is a competition and they were ordered by the Elf House owner to attack the contestants?"


At this moment, Su Yan suddenly said:"But the Toucans' territory is very strong. Even without my instruction, they will attack Lisa and the others." As soon as the words fell,

Paimon and Ying both showed awkward smiles.

After all, they had experienced it not long ago...

At this moment, Paimon pointed at the screen and asked curiously:"Hey, look, Miss Lisa and the others fled into another forest, and those Toucans and Spearows suddenly stopped chasing them!"

Sure enough...

At this moment, on the screen, the Toucans and Spearows were all parked in the air, and there was no more pursuit.

Wendy also saw it at this time, and immediately guessed:"They should have left the Toucans' territory."

However, Su Yan shook his head.

"No, they are afraid of the Pokémon in another jungle. If I remember correctly, there is a king-level Pokémon in the direction they are heading."

After saying this,

Wendy, Ying, and Paimon all looked towards Su Yan.

"Heavenly King level? Very strong?"

Su Yan smiled slightly and then said:"……Okay, probably around level 60"

"Level 60?!!!"

As you can imagine, the three of them were so surprised that they didn't know what to say.

Only Wendy couldn't help but complain in her heart.

Boss... you are too cruel!

Before that... the cold wind blew, the snow was

"Hmm... how did it end up in the snowy mountains?"

Zhongli was puzzled at this moment.

He and Xingqiu had originally agreed to meet in the forest and then team up to go to the teleportation array in the center.

But... it was quite far and they had to take a detour.

"Since we have made an appointment, let's take a detour. However, since Shakira is not convenient to walk, let it stay in the Poké Ball for the time being."

While Zhongli was speaking, the cold mist was hazy.

It can be seen how cold it is here.

But this cold air is nothing to him...

Then, he locked the direction of the forest where he would meet Xingqiu, and started walking down the mountain from the top of the mountain.

He did not take the snowy mountain trail.

Instead, he walked down the mountain along the snow on the ground that did not change.

He remembered Su Yan said that the Pokémon here are aggressive.

Zhongli knew very well that if he walked down the mountain in a swagger, he would only get himself into unnecessary trouble.

In this way, he only needed to walk down the mountain towards the intact snow slope, and there was a high probability that he would not encounter wild Pokémon.

"As he said, even I can't sense the elemental force, and I can't fly. This space is really mysterious."

"It's just that I rarely walk in the snow, so I'm not used to it." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Compared to the panic of others, Zhongli showed a calm attitude from beginning to end.

This is the style of the Rock King.

But when he was about to reach the halfway point of the mountain,……


Zhongli suddenly stopped and there seemed to be a faint sigh.[]


Alice appeared behind Zhongli riding an ivory pig and pointed at him like a gangster and shouted,"Yo, boy, hand over your Poké Ball, otherwise, you will be eliminated by me now!""


Zhongli slowly turned around.

He glanced at the other party and then said hello.

"Ms. Alice, long time no see"

"How do you know?……"

Alice almost blurted out a self-exposure, but immediately changed the subject:"Hey, what Ms. Alice? My name is Lily. Stop talking nonsense and hand over your Pokémon."

However, Zhongli didn't buy it at all.

"Don't pretend. I knew it was you when you participated in the competition yesterday. Although you deliberately concealed your presence, when you came to Liyue, I never let you out of my sight. There is no way I could have made a mistake."

"……"Oh, you are such a boring person."

Alice originally wanted to tease the other party, but seeing that she could no longer hide it, she immediately lost interest.

At this moment, Zhongli suddenly asked:"By the way, how do you know Boss Su Yan?"

After saying this.

Alice was surprised again:"How do you know I know him?"

"."Of course you know him... I was just guessing."

Then Zhongli pointed at the ivory pig that Alice was riding and said,"After all, he said that the elves in here will attack anyone, but now you can ride it, so I guess you must know him."

"Wow, you are really smart."

Alice immediately gave Zhongli a thumbs up, but soon she put on a malicious smile.

"I originally wanted to test you, but since you've seen through me, let's try another way... If I let the tusk pigs trample the snow hard, what do you think will happen?"

Zhongli answered directly:"Avalanche."

However, Alice blinked and said,"Let's make a deal. I won't mess with you, but you have to protect my daughter Klee in this game.""


Zhongli raised his eyebrows and said,"I know her, a very cute little girl, but does this count as favoritism and corruption?"

"Of course not, this is called teaming up, do you understand what teaming up means? I didn't break the rules!"

Alice proudly put her hands on her waist, looking very confident.

Zhongli thought about it and realized that if he and Xingqiu could team up, protecting Klee could be the same as teaming up.

"……Okay, I agree."

"It’s settled then."

Although she failed to trick Zhongli, Alice was very happy.

"Ivory Pig, let's go, there are a few people behind us, let's go and scare them."

""Roar, roar."

The ivory pig turned around very obediently.

No, to be precise, it was just like the dragon king scorpion in the desert. It received Su Yan's orders and could be commanded by Alice.

Before leaving, Alice waved her hand.

"Klee is in the forest on the left now, you have to find her quickly, and there is a very scary Pokémon there, you have to be careful.

Seeing that Alice had gone to attack others, Zhongli, who was about to breathe a sigh of relief, raised his eyebrows again after hearing the second half of the sentence.

"A scary Pokémon?"

"It seems that I have to go to the forest as soon as possible, otherwise they will be in danger."

I want to say:

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