"Wow... so strong"

"Too awesome, Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing are so awesome."

On the screen,

Keqing's Blue Blade Ghost used her sword to transform into pitch-black claws, constantly repelling the attacking lava worms.

Facing the fire attack of the lava worms, Blue Blade Ghost did not dodge or evade.

This is to talk about the characteristics of Blue Blade Ghost...


When the level is similar, the fire attribute cannot cause any damage to Blue Blade Ghost, but will increase its fire attribute attack.

Of course, since the opponent is also a fire-type Pokémon.

So Keqing only let Blue Blade Ghost use ghost-type attacks.

Let's look at Ningguang's side...

Facing fire-type Pokémon, ground-type moves have a double restraint effect.

Since the round land shark evolved into the sharp-toothed land shark, its movements and attacks have become much stronger.

I saw the sharp-toothed land shark rushing into the lava worm swarm, rolling up the wind and sand at a rapid speed.

In an instant, all the lava worms were bound in the wind and sand...

Ningguang did not take it lightly, and took the opportunity to chase

��Fanged Land Shark, while they are in a mess, use the double slash to defeat them!"

After a while... the lava worms that surrounded the two were knocked down by the Blue Blade Ghost and Fanged Land Shark.

At this time, dozens of lava worms all fell to the ground, their eyes turned into circles.

At this moment, other contestants happened to walk down from the top of the volcano.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but gasp in shock.

"No, it's worthy of Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing, they actually defeated so many wild Pokémon."

Among these people, there was also a Magma Worm.

It almost died.

It can be seen that the combat power of Keqing and Ningguang's Pokémon has far exceeded that of other contestants.

Seeing that Keqing also ended the battle, Ningguang couldn't help but admire:"Your Blue Blade Ghost is really powerful"

"Your Fanged Land Shark is also very strong."

Keqing also did not dare to underestimate Ningguang.

The Blue Blade Ghost relied on its fire-inducing property to easily defeat the Lava Worm.

The Fanged Land Shark relied on its attribute restraint.

But it was much more difficult than the Blue Blade Ghost.

The most important thing was that the Fanged Land Shark could still defeat the Lava Worm without any damage.


Keqing raised her eyebrows. She could feel that the Sharptoothed Land Shark was even stronger than yesterday.

However, now was not the time to compare their strengths...

If they wanted to make it to the end, they still had to pass the volcano.

Ningguang was naturally aware of this, otherwise she would not have agreed to form a team when they were outside.

Moreover, the two of them happened to be teleported to the same place.

"Keqing, Su Yan said there are very powerful Pokémon here. It seems that cooperation is the best choice for us. What do you think?"

After the voice fell, Keqing suddenly pointed forward.

"Do you see the lake in front of you?"

Ningguang nodded. Since they were high up on the volcano, they had a broad view and could see farther.

"Yes, I see. It’s about halfway to the center."

Keqing immediately made an analysis.

"We will set our sights there first. Just getting there is half the battle."

"You are right."

Ningguang nodded and said,"It's just that we haven't even walked halfway down the mountain yet, and we have encountered so many wild Pokémon attacks. It seems that it may not be so easy to get to the lake."

"Besides, Su Yan said that this game is not that simple. We have not met a truly powerful Pokémon yet, and we don't know what kind of guy it is."

At this point, Keqing touched her chin, as if imagining

"Don't think too much. If we really encounter it, we will definitely be able to recognize it. Then it depends on who is luckier and can escape from it."

"You are right, let's continue down the mountain."

However, just as Keqing and Ningguang were about to leave……

""Hey, you two, could you give me a ride?"

A charming voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

Ningguang and Keqing turned around at the same time.……

"Is it you?"


The person who just spoke was Yae-san. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As the ruler of Liyue, they naturally have to grasp the information of various countries.

And as the chief priestess of Inazuma and the Lord of the Palace, how could Ningguang and Keqing not know Yae-san?

Moreover, Yae-san is a well-known figure in Teyvat.

However, this is not what Ningguang and Keqing are surprised about.

Because at this time, there is a fox-like elf on each side of Yae-san.[]

The one on the left is the six-tailed fox that was taken from Su Yan. It is still very weak, weaker than any other elf in this space.

And the one on the right of Yae Shinko... is actually a nine-tailed fox with golden hair.

Only after Cang Yan Rengui and Fanged Land Shark saw this nine-tailed fox, they both showed very nervous expressions.

It can be seen that this nine-tailed fox is not simple at all. Yae Shinko smiled slightly and immediately asked the two again:"You two, why don't we work together to get through this second game together, what do you think?"

"……Okay, we can work together. More people is always better."

Ningguang was very perceptive. When she saw the abnormalities of the Blue Blade Ghost and the Sharptooth Land Shark, she knew that the elf next to the Eightfold God was definitely not simple.

Although I don't know how she did it...

Of course, Keqing also discovered this.

"Since Ningguang has no objection, then I naturally have no objection either."

"Let's go then……"

Yae Shinko was now stroking Kyuubi's hair, and the other party was obviously enjoying it.

At this moment

, the scene of the volcano was also seen by the people in the square.

"I remembered, is the one named Yae Kamiko the editor-in-chief of Yaedo?"

"Yes, yes, yes, you���I also remembered"

"But, even so, why does she have two elves? Isn't it said that only one elf can be registered for the competition?"

"Yes, I remember that she used that Vulpix to defeat Magikarp yesterday and successfully advanced, and it took a long time."

"Vulpix? Then, what about the nine-tailed fox next to her now?"

Yes, there was a rule before this competition that each person could only register one Pokémon.

There is no doubt that Yae Shinko registered Vulpix.

But now there are two...

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to Su Yan.

"You don't have to think too much about it. The Nine-Tailed Fox was persuaded by Yae Shinko with her own ability, so she did not violate any rules."

To be honest, Su Yan was quite puzzled.

Before the second game, he gave the Pokémon the instruction that... except for Alice, anyone could be attacked.

But... Yae God is not a human, but a scum fox.

In addition, she was randomly teleported to the volcano, where the king Pokémon there was Nine-Tailed.

As a result... Yae God actually persuaded it to help temporarily with just a few words.

It's really a slip of the tongue.

In this case, Su Yan does not intend to amend the rules. Luck is sometimes a part of strength.

And until now... almost all the king-level Pokémon arranged in it have appeared.

Snow mountain, ivory pig.

Desert, dragon king scorpion.

Volcano, Nine-Tailed.

And the king-level Pokémon in the dense forest will get closer and closer to Zhongli and the others.

It seems like a secret killer, silent and waiting for the appearance of prey.

In addition to the above, there is also a special king-level Pokémon, which has not yet shown its face.

But the real horror... is in the second half of Fan..

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