"Miss Beidou, Xiangling and the others should have been teleported to another place. Should we go to the lake to meet up as we said before?"

At this time in the desert, several people were walking on the endless sandy road, each of them followed by a Pokémon.

The words just now were a question from Yunjin.

Beidou looked ahead, but did not answer Yunjin directly, but looked at the other people.

"Xin Yan, Miss Ganyu and... Miss Xianyun?"

"What about you? We have an appointment with our partners. Do you want to join us or……"

The five of them met by chance on the road.

Like the other two groups, after a brief discussion, they decided to go to the finish line together.

Along the way, they encountered several waves of attacks from wild Pokémon.

Fortunately, they all had rich combat experience and escaped unscathed.

But some of the contestants they met during the journey were not so lucky.

They were either dragged into the desert or

"807" or be killed by the Pokémon hidden in the desert.

Directly eliminated.

In response to Yunjin and Beidou's questions, Xianyun said

"I don't care. I lost my teammate, but I think she will find a way to reach the end."

But the dancing swan next to her added:"Hey, everyone, just make your own decisions. Don't pay attention to me, an unreliable trainer."

As soon as the voice fell, Xianyun protested:"Why am I unreliable?!"

However, the dancing swan looked contemptuous and said

"If you were reliable, you wouldn't have jumped into the teleportation array alone before Miss Shen He finished speaking. Now you can't meet up with her even if you want to."

Xianyun had agreed to form a team with Shen He.

But before they could make it clear, Xianyun came in...

Well, they didn't agree on where to meet in advance.

No wonder Wu Tiane looked so contemptuous.

Xianyun was powerless to refute, and even wanted to change the subject.

"Ahem, that was an accident, an accident. If you are too bored with Dancing Swan, why don't I tell you about Shen He's childhood? Or... I can also listen to Gan Yu's childhood story."

"That... I'm still here."

Ganyu coughed twice, knowing that she couldn't let Xianyun continue talking.

At this time, Beidou and Yunjin were looking at the dancing swan.

"By the way, Miss Xianyun, your Pokémon is really amazing. It can actually speak human language."

"of course……"

Xianyun had a proud look on his face.

Dancing Swan shook his head helplessly, fearing that his trainer would talk nonsense again, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the lake in front is exactly halfway to the center. I think it’s better to go there first."

""Okay, I'll listen to you."

Xianyun didn't care.

Then, only Ganyu was left. She thought for a moment and said

"Everyone, let's do as you say. Yan Fei and I also agreed to meet at the lake. I always feel that the owner of the Elf House seems to have deliberately divided the area there."

"Hahaha... As expected of you, you are a secretary. You have discovered it."

Beidou nodded. After agreeing to form a team with Xiangling and the others, she was the one who chose the lake as the meeting place.

At this moment...

Yunjin suddenly looked at the dancing swan, and asked puzzledly:"Miss Xianyun, although your dancing swan is a little small, if you want to let one person fly on it, it should be possible. Why don't you choose to ride it to your destination?" As soon as these words came out


Xianyun was stunned, and everyone was also stunned.

"Oh, why didn’t I think of that?!!!"

Since Xianyun came in, she found that she couldn’t use the power of elements, let alone the power of immortality.

So, she didn’t think about it.

Now that Yunjin reminded her, she realized that the dancing swan can actually fly!

"Hahahaha... This immortal, I will definitely pass this level!"

After saying that, Xianyun looked at the dancing swan and hooked his finger

"Come, let me ride"


The dancing swan was speechless. It shook its head helplessly and said,"Okay, I'll take you to the lake first. If there are no accidents on the way, I'll come back to pick you up.……"

However, the dancing swan had not yet finished speaking.

"Hey, wait for me here, I'll go check out the situation first!"

At this time, a big blue swallow just flew over the top of Xianyun and the others' heads.

It was a flying Pokémon, the Great King Swallow.

Obviously, the idea of riding a flying Pokémon was not only thought of by Yunjin, but also by other contestants.

Although the Great King Swallow is only about 70 centimeters long and cannot carry people. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But people can grab its claws and fly in the sky like a slide.

"Look , it really works!"

There is the best example right in front of him, Xianyun was very excited.

Fortunately, the dancing swans he met in Aozang Mountain at that time could fly.


Xianyun then jumped onto the back of the dancing swan and pointed forward.

"Let's go... No, take off, Dancing Swan!"

However, just as Xianyun's voice fell and the Dancing Swan was about to flap its wings,


"What's this?"

"There's a scary guy in the sky!!!"

The big king swallow that just flew over Xianyun and the others suddenly streaked across the sky like a shooting star......

The trainer's scream was accompanied by a bang.

Then, the trainer and the king swallow fell into the yellow sand.

Everyone looked up.……


At some point, a pterosaur with a body as big as a rock appeared in the sky.

It was obviously the one that caused the King Swallow to fall.

It roared loudly, like the king of the sky.

No matter how you look at it, it is definitely not an ordinary Pokémon.

At this time, someone raised the illustrated book in fear.……

"Fossil Pterosaur, a rock-type and flying-type Pokémon, has serrated fangs that are powerful enough to tear steel apart, and is the king of the sky in ancient times."

That's right.

This is another special king-level Pokémon.

It rules the sky.

Any contestant who wants to take a shortcut will become the target of its attack.

You know.

There are more than 500 contestants in this competition. There are people who want to take a shortcut with flying-type Pokémon, but so far, no one has been able to do it.

The reason is... absolutely no one can ride a flying Pokémon and get under the nose of this king of the sky.

Seeing this scene...

Xianyun silently jumped down from behind the dancing swan, then looked at the fossil pterosaur, and then at the dancing swan.

She shook her head, spread her hands, and suddenly sighed:"Hey, it's rare to participate in the competition, it's too boring to just fly to the finish line. After thinking about it, I still think the process is the most important."

As soon as 4.3 Xianyun finished speaking, he was met with contempt from the dancing swan.

Just as it was about to ruthlessly complain about Xianyun...

Beidou quickly came out to smooth things over.

"Ha, ha...Miss Xianyun is right, the process of the competition is the most important, and it is more lively with more people."

Ganyu also said at this time:"Well, and it seems that as long as we walk, the fossil pterosaur will not attack us. Next, we just need to be careful and we can reach the lake within today."

Since the sky is not accessible, we can only walk on the ground

"Let's go. I hope the Pokémon in the sand won't come out to bite us, so that we can reach the end more easily."

However, just as Xianyun finished speaking,……


Suddenly, a cry of fear was heard from behind.

"It’s a scorpion, a huge scorpion!!!"

"Don't be afraid, it just looks a little big. There are seven or eight of us. As long as we work together, we can definitely take it down."

I want to say:

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