Chapter 80: The Three Great Ethnic Groups [See the previous chapter].

“In the secret realm, there are three major races, namely the Haoli, Shavarang and Abirang groups, and of course, there are some other fighting elves living among them.”

Xiang Rong drove the car and introduced Lin Feng to the information in the fighting secret realm.

“Your goal this time is to challenge the elves of the three major races and defeat them.”

“Because they have had a lot of contact with humans over the years, they do not reject humans, just give you some energy cubes when the time comes.”

“However, don’t act out of line, because if you provoke them, the consequences will be serious.” After all, the leaders of their races all have high-level strength. ”

Xiang Rong carefully instructed that he had been severely lectured by the leader of the Abirang tribe because he did not know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth.

“If you do well, some of the well-qualified elves will even leave with you.”

“Of course, you probably won’t be able to see it now.”

Xiang Rong pouted. It’s not that you can’t look at it, it’s that you can’t afford it.

The three elves were already a huge challenge for my finances. Lin Feng kept muttering in his heart.

After bidding farewell to Li Yutang earlier, Xiang Rong took 29 Lin Feng home to prepare some necessary outdoor equipment, and brought a lot of energy cubes.

Because on the other side of the Ugu Forest, it would have taken at least several hours in the past, and he was ready to spend the night in the secret realm. His experience of survival in the wild today is no longer what it used to be.

“Because this secret realm is guarded by the staff of the Elven Association and is open to all trainers in society, you may encounter other trainers in the secret realm.”

Xiang Rong said, paused, a look of reminiscence appeared in his eyes, and continued: “But not necessarily, this secret realm is almost only for martial arts trainers, and there are quite few people who go all year round, when I went at that time, the entire secret realm was me alone. ”

“But no matter what, you must pay attention to safety, try not to fight when you encounter other trainers, endure a breath, and we will support you when you come back.”

While speaking, the vehicle had stopped steadily to the entrance of the Ugu Forest. This is also the route of the original outdoor practical activity class.

“Okay, I’ll send you here.”

The two got out of the car, Xiang Rong patted Lin Feng’s shoulder, and continued: “Safety is always the first priority, and tempering is secondary. ”

Lin Feng focused his head, even if the risk factor of this trip is extremely low, he must always pay attention to safety.

After all, not everyone is a super true newcomer like Ash, who broke into the wild with a Poké Ball at the age of ten and explored alone. Bidding farewell to Xiang Rong, Lin Feng began his own experience this time.

Along the road where the outdoor practical activity class was, Lin Feng soon walked to the lake where the bear apprentice killed the flock of flaming birds in seconds, and at this time, the autumn breeze was practiced, the breeze blew across the calm lake, and a chill swept into the clothes.


The bear apprentice on the side looked at the familiar place, his eyes flickering.


The raven flew through the air, chasing a flock of bobos, flapping its wings and enjoying itself. As for the ghosts, sorry, underage elf cubs are forbidden to haunt the wild.

Replenishing a little energy for himself and the elf, following the navigation of the mobile phone, Lin Feng continued to move towards the secret realm.

As you go deeper, the surrounding trees begin to become dense, and huge trees shade the sky and block out the sun. Walking in this dense forest, Lin Feng stepped on a dead branch from time to time, and instantly made a clicking sound, which was particularly crisp in this silent and deep forest.

Suddenly, as if the play button was pressed, various sounds joined in. This is a wild forest, a paradise for countless elves.

Entrenched in the bushes, the Aber snake with cold eyes felt the powerful aura on Lin Feng and the bear apprentice, held his breath, and watched one person and one pet slowly leave; The dark crow with a dark body stood on the thick branches, silent, sharp eyes through the layers of branches, tilting his head to stare at Lin Feng. This is the wild, where each elf knows the laws of the jungle and hides itself in the safest place.

Two hours later, Lin Feng looked at the two wooden houses in front of him and finally smiled. Xiang Rong said that as long as he saw a wooden house appear, it would prove that the secret realm had arrived.

This road is not easy, as you go deeper and deeper, you encounter more and more wild elves, and even several of them take the initiative to attack, but they all become the experience points of the bear apprentice.

Lin Feng strode towards the wooden house, and at this time, a crisp dog barking sounded in his ears.

In the blink of an eye, two large wolf dogs with black bodies and blood-colored eyes appeared in front of Lin Feng, they lowered their bodies and let out a low roar towards Lin Feng.

These two big wolf dogs are in their thirties, with intimidating characteristics, if ordinary people see this situation, I am afraid that they will be frightened

“Come back!”

There was another voice from behind, and a middle-aged man wearing a straw hat came into view.

This man had a kind appearance and a smile on his face.

“Hello, I’m Sun Pei, a ranger of the Anhan City Elf Association, and no one has been here for a long time, so they are a little excited.”

Sun Pei stretched out his hand.

Hearing this, Lin Feng shook hands with him and bowed his head: “It’s okay.” ”

Elf ranger is a profession that has existed for a long time. Its main purpose is to protect wild elves against elf hunters. And this Sun Pei, Xiang Rong said earlier, has been guarding the secret realm here for many years, and when no trainers enter and exit on weekdays, he is responsible for patrolling the surrounding forest.

He is very good, serious and responsible, and if you encounter problems, please look for him.

Immediately, Lin Feng took out a 437 secret realm entry agreement authorized by the Elf Association from behind his back and handed it to Sun Pei. This agreement was handled by Li Yutang, which directly eliminated a lot of review processes.

Sun Pei took it carefully, and while watching, he spoke: “You are the first trainer to come here in the past month. ”

After confirming that the agreement was correct, Sun Pei took Lin Feng back to the log cabin on the left, stamped a seal on the agreement, and handed it to Lin Feng: “Okay, now you can enter the secret realm.” ”

Lin Feng nodded, it was already afternoon, he didn’t want to delay time, so he told Sun Pei that he could enter the secret realm now.

Then, Sun Pei took Lin Feng to the front of the large wooden house on the right, pointed to the wooden door and said, “Open it, you can enter the secret realm.” ”

So mysterious???

Lin Feng once suspected that he had crossed into the fantasy world, and he carefully looked at the wooden door and did not see anything abnormal. And to Sun Pei’s calm eyes, Lin Feng still decided to believe the forest ranger in front of him, who was very high in Xiang Rong’s mouth.

He walked forward slowly, opened the wooden door, and the inside was pitch black, without a bit of light, like a mysterious black hole, strange and mysterious. Lin Feng took a deep breath, took a step forward, and stepped into the wooden house.

In the next second, the sky swirled, and it was dark in front of my eyes. When his eyes opened again, his eyes had completely changed.

Towering trees, babbling streams, blue skies and white clouds.

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