Chapter 81: Shavarang.

In the secret realm,

Lin Feng looked at this picture-like scenery and suddenly lost his mind.

The scenery of the elven world is already very beautiful compared to the previous life, but compared with the secret world, it is inferior.

He released the bear apprentice and the raven to guard on the side, and at the same time turned on his mobile phone and looked at the secret map sent to him by Xiang Rong.

“The entire secret realm is divided into three major regions, and each ethnic group occupies an area.”

Lin Feng said to himself.

“And the ethnic group closest to the entrance.”


After determining the target, Lin Feng no longer hesitated, looked back, and behind him was a deep hole, pitch black. This is both the entrance and the exit.

Take the bear apprentice and the crow and officially go to the Shavarang tribe.

About half an hour after Lin Feng left, two dog barks sounded again next to the log cabin outside the secret area.

“Shouting, shouting all day.”

Sun Pei heard the sound and walked out of the log cabin, opened the door, but saw a middle-aged man wearing camouflage clothes, followed by two young people, a man and a woman.

“Old money!”

The moment Sun Pei saw the middle-aged man’s appearance, a wave of surprise surged in his heart, and he walked quickly to the middle-aged man in two quick steps.

“Hahaha! Lao Sun, long time no see. ”

Old Qian laughed and gave Sun Pei a big bear hug.

The old Qian tiger had a scar on his face, grinning, ordinary people saw it, but they felt afraid. But Sun Pei didn’t feel anything, they had been friends for more than ten years.

“Bringing someone new again?”

Sun Pei looked at the two young people behind him, the boy was handsome, the girl was beautiful, and she had a pair of straight and slender thighs.

“Call Uncle Sun.”

Old Qian turned his head and said.

“Uncle Sun is good.”

The two immediately said politely.

“These two dolls, both senior students, have been joining our martial arts hall for a while. Although they both look showy, they have good talents, and now they have become intermediate trainers. ”

Old Qian said.

“No, just in time for the weekend, the curator asked me to bring them to the secret realm to increase their practical experience.”

Old Qian smiled and said that Sun Pei bowed his head slightly, Old Qian would bring one or two good seedlings of the Rock Martial Arts Hall to the secret realm every year to experience, and they came and went, the two had similar temperaments and had a deep friendship.

“It’s really a coincidence, usually no one comes to the secret realm for a month, but I didn’t expect that there were several people today.”

Sun Pei sighed. Old Qian was slightly startled, did not speak, first took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Sun Pei.

Sun Pei took it carefully, clamped it between his fingers and sniffed fiercely, showing an expression of enjoyment, and said with a smile: “Or do you know that the two of us lit up, swallowing clouds and mist, and the two young people behind squatted on the ground and frolicked with the big wolf dog.” ”

“You mean, there are other trainers coming to the secret realm today?”

Old Qian talked about Fang Cai.

Sun Pei nodded, immediately pointed at the two young people, and said: “They are about the same age as them, but their every move is quite calm, either they are children of large families, or they are quite strong.” ”

“That’s a coincidence.”

Old Qian nodded.

He was just a little surprised that he would meet a trainer who entered the secret realm on the same day, so he asked about it and understood the basic situation. After all, walking outside, wild elves may not be the most dangerous.

Trainers who can enter and exit the secret realm, the elf association has a record file, if an unexpected situation occurs in the secret realm, the elf association can directly find people through the file.

Therefore, in the secret realm, trainers generally do not disturb each other, and even occasionally help.

“With you, I can rest assured, after you go in, in case that person is in danger, you will try to help under the premise of ensuring your own safety.”

Sun Pei said.

Old Qian nodded quickly, if it was really the two situations that Sun Pei had guessed, helping him would definitely be a matter of reward greater than pay.

“Okay, I won’t keep you anymore, you guys hurry in, come out early tomorrow, and help me talk a little more.”

Sun Pei said.


Old Qian nodded.

Suddenly, under the surprised faces of the two young men, they opened the door of the wooden house and walked into the dark black hole. When he opened his eyes again, it was exactly the same scene as what Lin Feng had seen before.

“As planned, let’s go to the Shavarang tribe first.”

Old Qian walked in the front, turned his head and said.

“Okay, Uncle Qian.”

The two young men answered in unison. At this time, Lin Feng saw that the dozen shavarangs in front of him suddenly made a difficulty.

I don’t know the elven language, how to express my intentions to this group of shavarang. Go up and say hello?

Or directly say whether to fight or not??

And just when Lin Feng was tangled, the largest Shavarang in the front noticed Lin Feng, turned around, and white pupils looked at him.

Then, the other dozen or so shavarangs all turned around at once and looked at Lin Feng, who was hiding behind the tree. A sense of oppression followed.

Lin Feng took a step and walked out lightly, with a smile on his face, trying to make this group of shavarangs feel no threat. Soon, he and Shavarang at the front both looked at each other.

Shavarang is a humanoid elf with a brown body and a spring-shaped part of each hand and foot, which is very elastic and can be freely retracted.

However, there is no mouth.

Its legs are said to be able to extend twice as long, making it its most important combat weapon.

[Elf: Shavarang Level LV: 32 Characteristics: Soft] Shavarang with advanced strength!

It wouldn’t be such a coincidence, and he directly met the leader of the Shavarang tribe, right?

Lin Feng scanned the circle without a trace, and saw that the rest of the shavarang levels were between ten and twenty levels, confirming his guess that the shavarang in front of him, which was obviously a circle larger than similar people, was the ethnic group of the shavarang race.

“Hello, I heard that you have a high level of proficiency in martial arts, so I want to talk to you.”

Lin Feng said politely.

Whether it’s good or bad, let’s talk about it first.

In fact, Lin Feng didn’t have to worry at all, the Shavarang tribe had lived in the secret realm for many years, and during this period they had come into contact with many training house rules that entered the secret realm.

The purpose of each of them is to fight it and hone themselves.

Yes, there are quite a few trainers, and not only the elves fight with them, but they also fight themselves. As a rude warrior, wherever there is a battle, there are them.

After listening to Lin Feng’s words, the leader of Shavarang had no expression on his face, and he stretched out his hand and pointed to a Shavarang on the right. Immediately, the pointed Shavarang stood up to Lin Feng and put on a fighting posture.

Watching the rest of the shavarang retreat to the side, Lin Feng sighed at the high efficiency, and then took out the Spirit Ball. As a red light landed, the bear apprentice confronted Shavarang.

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