"Hmph, mention Hierno and you'll brag about it, obviously Doroba knows more about Pokémon than you do. The lively girl named Shanna crossed her hands on her hips and mercilessly debunked the big words of the chubby boy touting herself.

"This Pokémon is called Ba Da Butterfly, and it is a Pokémon unique to the Kanto region, and compared to other butterfly Pokémon, Ba Da Butterfly can not only learn superpower telekinesis skills, but also have the ability to fly in the rain. "

The boy named Doroba next to him fiddled with the camera in his hand.

While taking pictures of the dancing butterflies in the fields outside through the car window, he explained to a few companions around him.

"Hmph (╯^╰)~ How to mention Jeruno, I will say that Doroba knows more than you, and you will brag. "

"How can I brag, I now know that this elf is called Ba Da Butterfly. "



The planes were switched to buses, and the trainees who rushed from the Carlos area to Kanto to participate in the summer camp felt a little physically and mentally exhausted.

However, when they are about to reach the final destination of the summer camp and come to the other area to see Pokémon that they have never seen before, all the students in the bus are very excited.

One by one, they huddled by the window with excited faces, looking at the upcoming Shinshin Town and the small Pokémon moving in the fields.


bus came to a steady stop outside Shinshin Town, and the trainees who had made the long journey from Carlos to participate in this weekend's Pokémon Summer Camp also restrained their cheers from the excitement they had previously seen on the bus.

One by one, with a somewhat restrained and shy expression, they carried their small duffel bags on their backs, and then got out of the car with the staff sent by the Burratano Institute to lead the team, and accepted the enthusiastic cheers and eyes of the residents of the town below.

"Hello Dr. Oki, I'm Sophie, Dr. Bratano's experimental assistant and the leader of the students of the Kanto summer camp of the Carlos faction this time, and all the students on our side have arrived. "


leader of the trainees, a woman wearing a white wide-brimmed sun hat, stepped forward to the front of the welcoming procession, and said with a respectful expression.

After all, standing in front of her at the moment is a well-deserved titan recognized by the academic community of the Pokémon world, and an idol in the hearts of all Pokémon scholars and researchers.

"Miss Sophie, thank you for your hard work~" Damu said very casually.



After exchanging a few words warmly with the leader of the summer camp on Carlos's side, Da Mu turned to look at the students behind Sophie with a somewhat restrained expression.

"Fellow future trainers, welcome to Kanto from distant Carlos, and I am the organizer of this Pokémon Summer Camp: Oki. "

"The purpose of this Pokémon Summer Camp is to form a deeper bond through communication with other Pokémon. "

"On this trip to the Kanto region, I believe you will meet many Pokémon that you can't see in the region, and I believe that you will also make a lot of friends in the Kanto region. "

"So everyone, enjoy the next Pokémon Summer Camp!!" Although there are still four years left before the official start of the original story, Oki is slightly younger than the image in the original book.

However, as a researcher appointed by the Kanto Alliance, he is responsible for distributing the initial Pokémon of the three families for novice trainers.

Da Mu always had a kind and friendly smile on his face, and a simple phone call made the group of students in front of him who had come all the way from the Carlos area and were still a little nervous and nervous gradually relaxed.



......After listening to Da Mu's speech, the six-year-old children's faces also returned to their previous excitement, and they applauded Da Mu's speech at the same time.

"Since there are still three days before the camp officially starts, I will arrange for you all to stay at the homes of other students in the town who have signed up for this weekend's summer camp. "

"So future trainers, are you ready to part with your familiar friends for the time being, and at the same time make new friends?" said Oki with a smile as he raised the roster in his hand.

"Ready, Dr. Ohki~".

"Ready, Dr. Ohki~".



The boys, who had a more sunny and cheerful personality among the students, replied in unison.

However, the girl who is more introverted among the students is a little nervous when she hears that she will be temporarily separated from her familiar friends and then arranged to live in a small town and Kanto students' homes for two days.

"Don't be nervous, the students here in Kanto who signed up for this weekend summer camp are 6 years old like everyone else.

They also love Pokémon as much as you do, and they look forward to becoming Pokémon Trainers in the future, and I'm sure you all have a common language. "

"Next, I will divide you into groups of two, and ask the students whose names I read them to be listed. Seeing that some of the students looked nervous, after a brief guidance, he also picked up the registration form and began to read the students' names.

"Fat man and Xiaohu two students, you are a group. "

"Okay, Xiaohu, we were actually put in a group. "

"But I don't want to be in the same group as you. "One fat and one thin, two boys whose names were read out of the group.

"Fat man, Xiaohu, you two students have been assigned to the home of the student Bino Xiaoxiong in this town for a while. "I didn't care about the reaction of the two students, Da Mu said here.

"Takeo Hino and the members of your family, you can come over and welcome the new members of your family. "

"It's coming, it's coming. In the welcoming procession, a teenager wearing yellow short-sleeved black shorts and a large-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose stepped forward at the push of his family.

"Hello, I'm Koo Hino, and I'm glad to meet you. "

Coming to the two new friends who had come from outside the region and would be living with their family for the time being, the young man greeted him a little shyly.

"Hello Xiaoxiong, my name is Fat Husband, his name is Xiaohu, please leave it to you in the next two days, I hope we will become good friends. "

"If anyone bullies you, I'll help you beat him, and this time Xiaohu brought a lot of toys and snacks when he came over, and I'll let you share them with you when the time comes."

The fat boy called the fat man said with a familiar look.

"Thank you...... Thank you, fat man. A shy boy named Koo Hino agreed.

"Alright, Koo Hino, bring two new friends to your family. "



"The first release of the new book, asking for collections, flowers, rewards, and support!!".

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