"Next, I announce the grouping of the other students—".

"Ah Wu and Shi Pei, you two students have been assigned to the home of the student Xiaojun in this town to live temporarily. "

"Hongyan and Sixian, you two students have been assigned to the home of the student Xiao Ke in this town to live temporarily. "

Although Dr. Oki said at the beginning that some of the summer camp students from the Carlos area would be separated from their familiar friends for a while, the unfamiliar Kanto students in this town were temporarily staying at home.

But in fact, when arranging this matter, Damu arranged two people as a group, and the students who were assigned to a group were all people who knew each other well.



"Si Cong, Xiao Lin, you two students have been assigned to live temporarily at the home of Xiao Mao, a student in this town. "

"Shanna, Serena, you two students have been assigned to live temporarily at the house of Xiaolan, a student in this town. "

"The last group, Tiyeruno and Doropa, you two students have been assigned to stay at the house of Xiao Zhi, a student in this town. "

"Ash, Hanako, come out and welcome the new members of your family. Dr. Ohki closed the roster and shouted to the welcoming team.

However, after Da Mu finished shouting, no one in the welcome team responded for a long time.

"Okadaira, haven't Ash and his mother, Hanako, come over yet?" asked Oki to his assistant.

"It doesn't seem to have come over yet. Okadaira replied with some embarrassment.

"It's coming, it's coming. Just as Daki was about to ask his assistant to call someone, a woman's voice answered behind the huddled welcome line.


townspeople, who were getting to know each other with the 'new members' of the family, looked back in a tacit manner when they heard the sound behind them, and at the same time, the huddled welcome procession also split off on both sides.

In the welcoming procession of the townspeople, as well as a group of students who came all the way from the Carlos region to participate in the Pokémon Summer Camp, they were stunned and surprised.


the thick and wide dirt road leading to Zhenxin Town, a young woman with brown hair tied into a ponytail and a young man with short black hair were running wildly towards the entrance of the town.

This is not Hanako and broke the alarm clock in the morning, and who is Ash who got up late.

"Huhu...... I'm sorry everyone, I'm late, Dr. Ohki, have the two Carlos trainees who were assigned to stay at my house already arrived?".

Hanako, who took her son out and ran all the way to the entrance of the town, bent over and put her hands on her knees, panting and asking.

"Ahh "

"Hahahaha......" Hearing Dr. Oki's words, the welcome team composed of small town residents at the entrance of the town suddenly erupted into laughter.

However, the residents of the town are just smiling, and there is no malice, and the people in Zhenxin Town are very simple and close to each other.

On the day of Ash's debut in the original book, a large group of small town residents followed Hanako to the gate of the Oki Research Institute to see off his predecessor Ash.

The predecessor later won the quarterfinals in the quartz convention, and when he returned to Zhenxin Town, many of the same townspeople came to the town with Hanako to greet him.

It can be said that Zhenxin Town not only has a good environment, but also has a very strong human touch between people, which Xiaozhi knows.

"Hey!!Ash, did you get up late this morning because you were too excited to sleep last night? "

When the townspeople erupted in good-natured 'laughter', Ash, who was also out of breath as he watched Hanako run all the way from behind.

Standing not far from Oki's side, Xiao Mao, who was standing with his mother Mieko, held his head high proudly, and said with some sobs.

"Hee-hee-hee, I heard Aunt Hanako say that Ash likes to sleep lazily in bed the most. Xiaolan, a girl of the same age who lives next door to Xiaozhi's house, said.

"Bang Bang~".

"Shut up, you two, you two should reflect on yourself when you talk about me, how much better can you two be than me. "

"Don't force me to shake out your mess. "

Because he got up late and was caught by the whole town and the students who came from the Carlos area to participate in the summer camp, it was already a large social death scene.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he was ridiculed by his friend Xiaomao and his neighbor Xiaolan, Xiaozhi stepped forward directly, and one of them rewarded a chestnut in his head, and threatened with a handsome face.



Hearing Ash's words, there were a lot of troubles and handles, and the two people who were grabbed by Ash shrank their necks and suddenly turned into quails.

After successfully cleaning up Xiaolan and Xiaomao, the two tiger girls and bear children, Ash finally had the opportunity to look at the Carlos trainee on the other side.

Not paying attention to these people's snickering gazes, Ash's gaze quickly swept through the crowd, and finally found the figure of the familiar little girl next to a lively girl with light brown hair.

"Found a 6-year-old childhood wild Serena baby. The corners of Ash's mouth curled up with a beautiful arc.

On the other side, because of Ash's 'late' appearance, little Serena, who was aroused by curiosity and was shy, half of her body hid behind her friend and peeked at Ash.

At this moment, seeing Ash's gaze sweeping, he finally stopped directly and locked on himself, and peeked at Xiao Serena who was discovered by Ash, and immediately shrank his body and head behind his friend's back shyly.

"It's really cute~" Seeing Little Serena's shy and timid reaction, a very sunny smile suddenly bloomed on Ash's face.

When the future predecessor in the original book traveled to the Carlos region, the Serena she met not only became slim and very fashionable and beautiful as she grew older, but also became very generous and cheerful, daring to love and hate.

After being guided by her good friend Shanna and discovering that her dream is to become a Pokémon performer, Serena also works very hard to pursue her dream of being a showman.

At that time, Serena was influenced by Ash in Dr. Ohki's summer camp when she was a child, and her personality was full of the same tenacity and refusal to admit defeat as Ash.

Compared to her predecessor Ash, who chased the dream of being a trainer, the first time she participated in the quartz tournament was only the quarterfinals, and Serena, who was chasing the dream of being a performer for the first time and performed on stage, made it to the finals in the Carlos Triple Crown satellite.

Serena also competed on stage with the most famous star of the Carlos region at the time, the then Queen of Carlos, Elu.

At that time, Serena was really full of charm all over her body, which was completely different from her shy appearance at the moment.

"On the stage of future performers, the confident Serena is beautiful, but Serena, who is very shy at the moment, is also very cute. Ash said in his heart.

Ash's gaze didn't stay on little Serena for too long, and the two sides didn't know each other when they first met, so it was rude to keep staring at each other like this, and if it scared the other party, it would be worth the loss.



"The first release of the new book, asking for collections, flowers, rewards, and support!!".

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