Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1190 The Desperate Son of Heavenly Demon

A map of Little Fairyland? !

The Xuannv Demon Envoy didn't hold back anymore, and directly said what the lot was. Copy this address to browsewww.biqi.me

"Presumably, everyone can feel from the picture just now that it is a world that truly has the atmosphere of the ancient times. This kind of atmosphere cannot be faked. And this map is from the time when the Little Immortal World was just discovered in the ancient times. After the two ancestors teamed up to explore the Little Immortal World and sealed the area together, collect and draw the map left behind!"

As soon as the Xuannv Demon Envoy finished speaking, the breathing in the entire auction house suddenly became much heavier.

The value of the map left by the ancestors of the ancient times when they first explored the Little Immortal Realm is simply immeasurable.

Although after such a long time, the sealed areas inside the Little Immortal Realm will definitely change, and some areas inside must have disappeared.

But for anyone who wants to explore the Little Immortal World, this thing is definitely of inestimable reference value! !

After all, this is a map of the Little Immortal World!

Now that the entire Little Immortal World is in a state of great change, this can be said to be the most complete and most worthy of reference.

Once you have such a thing, then taking risks in the entire Little Immortal World is equivalent to taking advantage of every opportunity and being one step ahead! !

You must know that the scope of this change in the Little Immortal Realm is not as simple as one or two sects. In the entire Western Wilderness, Eastern Plains, and even other continents, almost some famous sects have disciples who have fallen into the Little Immortal Realm.

Among them, the Western Wilderness is the most.

There is no sect that does not want to save its disciples. Once this map is available, the success rate of saving disciples will be greatly increased. This is even related to the continuation of the blood of the entire sect!

"The map of the Little Immortal Realm... is valuable, thirty thousand Lingyu!"

Feng Tianyou, the son of the demon, was the first to bid, this time a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

He missed two auctions of evil talismans in a row, but now this map of the Little Immortal Realm has moved him so much that he has decided to get this map no matter what.

Because according to the rules of the Black Blood Auction,

Bidders can temporarily mortgage their personal treasures to Heixue in exchange for Lingyu to participate in the auction.

As for the price of the treasure, of course, the Black Blood Auction has the final say, and the mortgagee has no bargaining power.

But fortunately, at the Black Blood Auction, the bids were always considered fair, and they would not be pressed too hard, usually only about three to four levels.

"Forty thousand spiritual jade."

Seeing Feng Tianyou coming again, Chu Chen smiled slightly, his eyes were peaceful, he took a sip with a teacup in his hand, and his tone was not in a hurry.

"Sixty thousand spiritual jade!"

Feng Tianyou coldly bid, "Brother Chu, I advise you to do what you can, that puppet bat has already consumed a lot of the spirit jade you brought! If you overestimate your capabilities, you will end up humiliating yourself!"

Seeing that Feng Tianyou was fighting with this young man surnamed Chu again, everyone temporarily stopped bidding, and decided to watch the two young men first, and then join the battle after a decisive battle.

"Seventy thousand spiritual jade."

Chu Chen put down the teacup, and nodded slightly to Feng Tianyou.

Obviously, the Tianmozi from Tianmo Peak didn't know that the so-called Fu Lao was actually Chu Chen, and it was impossible for him to know how terrifying his opponent was.

"Ninety thousand spiritual jade!"

Chu Chen's casual attitude made Feng Tianyou angry. He didn't seem to take himself, the son of the demon, seriously.

"One hundred thousand."

Chu Chen pressed on with every step, making Feng Tianyou suddenly feel a little uncertain. Where did this kid get so many spirit jades?

"How much does this cost?"

Feng Tianyou took a deep breath, and took out a small crystal bottle from his body. Inside the bottle was a light golden pill the size of a nail beast.

A girl in black beside him stopped indifferently, took the crystal vial lightly, opened it and sniffed it, "Heavenly Demon Replenishing Essence Pill, priced at 30,000 Lingyu."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the "Tianmo Bujing Pill". This elixir is the best elixir for cultivating souls in the magic way, and the market price ranges from 40,000 to 50,000 Lingyu.

If it is placed at auction, it may fetch a higher price.

It is a pity that according to the rules of the black blood, the collateral, the black blood has the right to sell at any time, and the mortgager can also redeem the meeting with double the price at any time.

If the mortgagor has already disposed of the things by the black blood before redemption, he can only accept his fate.

"Tianmo Bujing Pill" is precious to Feng Tianyou, but it needs to be refined, and he can afford it.

"That's 120,000 spiritual jades, 90,000 spiritual jades, and a treasure worth 30,000 spiritual jades as collateral!"

Feng Tianyou looked at Chu Chen coldly, "Junior Brother Chu, do you still want to follow?"

Feng Tianyou was fearless on the surface, but his heart was already disturbed again.

No one knows how much pressure Feng Tianyou, the contemporary senior brother of the Tianmo Peak, who looks like he has boundless appearance, came to the Black Blood Auction House this time.

The peak owner of Tianmo Peak personally promised that if he can successfully bid for a "sufficient" treasure in this auction, then he can practice the legendary "Hell Demon Venerable Heart Art", the supreme heart method of the Demon Underworld Sect!

"Youming Demon Venerable Heart Art" is the supreme heart method left by the founder of the legendary Demon Underworld Sect. Only the successor of the suzerain is eligible to practice!

And this method of thinking is also one of Feng Tianyou's greatest longings all along...

Once he has practiced this mental method, with his talent, Feng Tianyou firmly believes that he will be able to defeat the greatest opponent he has ever been. !

So the biggest problem now is to obtain a "sufficient" treasure.

This was originally a very simple matter, but Feng Tianyou did not expect that Chu Chen would be caught halfway, and a small half of the Lingyu was wasted.

The treasure of "sufficient weight" is no longer within reach of Feng Tianyou.

At this moment, Feng Tianyou knew very well that this map of the Little Immortal Realm was his life-saving straw, he must take it down!

This time... no matter what, the auction must be successful! !

"I offer 130,000."

Under Feng Tianyou's desperate gaze, Chu Chen surprised everyone by only raising the price by 10,000 Lingyu.

Feng Tianyou was completely speechless. After handing over a "Jade Slip" of the Qisha Demon Forging Body Technique, he exchanged it for 60,000 Lingyu with slightly red eyes.

"I offer 180,000!"

Feng Tianyou tightly grasped the armrest of the iron chair with his right hand, the veins on his hand were already bulging.


Chu Chen paused for a moment, and under the focus of the auction, he only added 10,000 Lingyu, which was not painful.

All the demon cultivators couldn't help but shook their heads, and the two were clearly on the right track.


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