Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1191 The Treasure of Town Peak

Such a small price increase by Chu Chen was a kind of torture for Feng Tianyou who had been mortgaging his things.

Because every time the price is increased, it means that this famous son of Heavenly Demon has to mortgage another thing!

The competition between such a pair of "old enemies" made the atmosphere of the auction become indescribably treacherous.

Especially Feng Tianyou's

The rage and anger on his face formed a sharp contrast with Chu Chen's calmness and indifference. And it was rare to see the famous "Heavenly Demon Son" of Mo Mingzong able to be forced to such an extent. At this moment, many people looked at Chu Chen with question marks again.

Feng Tianyou, who was extremely anxious, also had a new idea about Chu Chen's origin at this moment.

Could it be that this kid is really possessed by the legendary ten thousand year old ghost on Duxu Peak?

After this idea came up, Feng Tianyou suddenly felt that he was crazy, no matter how mysterious this kid is, it is impossible for him to be a ten thousand year old ghost.

At most, it is only because there is some aristocratic family behind it that it can be so overbearing with financial resources.

But he had no way out, Feng Tianyou gritted his teeth fiercely, and took out a crimson iron wheel from his storage ring with a swish.

With a faint red light, the iron wheel is not eye-catching at first glance, but it has a special attraction that firmly attracts everyone's attention.

After the girl in black at the side took a look, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

"Heavenly Demon Blood Wheel, worth 150,000 Lingyu."

Before the girl in black finished speaking, the demon cultivators next to her almost went crazy when they heard the words "Heavenly Demon Blood Wheel".

"What? The demon blood wheel? Could it be one of the world-famous patriarchal artifacts of the Demon Underworld Sect, the treasure of the Heavenly Demon Peak, the demon blood wheel, which is known as 'the demon's wrath, the blood wheels fill the sky'?"

"The blood wheel of the demon is also pressed out, is the son of the demon crazy!"

"It's really the demon's blood wheel, how is it possible?"

Shouts of exclamation rose up loudly, immediately detonating the entire auction house.

Almost all the demon cultivators who heard Feng Tianyou's words were shocked, and looked at the quaint iron wheel in Feng Tianyou's hand in disbelief!

The iron wheel looked about three feet in circumference,

The whole body is dark red, and it looks like it has been soaked in blood, emitting a faint red light.

There are black lines on the red iron wheel, and there are extremely simple sculptures carved on it. It seems that a supreme demon can be seen in the sea of ​​blood roaring up to the sky. The scene is extremely grisly and extremely shocking.

After watching for a long time, there is an illusion that the mind is intimidated by it.

At this moment, even Chu Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Tianyou in surprise.

Is this guy crazy, betting on Zhenfeng's treasure, what will happen to him after that?

Even if it is the Black Blood Auction, after getting the blood wheel of the demon, they will not easily sell it.

After all, it is the treasure of the Demon Sect. If it is disposed of by the Black Blood Auction, the entire Demon Sect may not give up.

But if faced with the temptation of a high amount of spiritual jade, there is no moral integrity in the Black Blood Auction.

It is not uncommon for them to resell several large mortgaged treasures in history.

Feng Tianyou, at this moment, he is clearly in a daze, the demon blood wheel!

The Heavenly Demon Blood Wheel, one of the most powerful ancient peaks of the Demon Underworld Sect, is the supreme magic weapon of the Tianmo Peak. According to legend, it is a peerless magic weapon formed by condensing the essence of the flesh and blood all over the body when the ancient Heavenly Demon collapsed.

Its power is unparalleled, and it has the terrifying power to destroy mountains and mountains!

"What kind of son of the demon, he is a prodigal son, he even mortgaged this treasure for a small fairyland map..."

"The son of the demon, he has his own sense of proportion. Who dares to buy the blood wheel of the demon, this is the bottom line of challenging the demon sect!"

"Heavenly Demon Blood Wheel, that is a supreme magical weapon capable of suppressing the luck of sects. Today I finally saw the true nature of this thing... Even if I die, it's worth it!"


Discussions erupted in the entire auction hall. The crazy behavior of the son of the demon gave this map of the little fairy world a more mysterious brilliance.

"Three hundred and thirty thousand Lingyu, junior brother, do you still want to play?"

Feng Tianyou stared at Chu Chen with oppressive eyes.

"I'll pay 340,000 yuan."

Just when everyone was shocked by Feng Tianyou's overwhelming victory with his handwriting and courage, a calm voice sounded calmly.

The sound was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly.

No need to look, everyone knew that the bidder was the grey-clothed boy with a smile on his face.

"Senior Brother Feng, do you have anything else to pledge?"

Chu Chen looked at Feng Tianyou sincerely, but Feng Tianyou's eyes were red as if he had been hit hard, and with a wow, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was on the verge of falling.

"No, if you grab the map of the Little Immortal Realm, you're going to kill someone!"

"The son of the demon, that's all. If you can't afford it, don't play it."

"Feng Tianyou, this new generation of genius from the Western Wilderness, let me down, alas..."

Amidst the discussions among the crowd, the drowsy Feng Tianyou felt ashamed and angry, he let out a long sigh, and slumped back on his chair.

"You little bastard, I want you to die. No matter how cunning you are, you will be proud for a while. I will let you know that big fists are the last word. You can't stay in this black blood auction forever..."

Feng Tianyou gripped the armrest of the chair tightly, murmuring in his mouth.

"The auction continues. Are there any bidders?"

The beautiful woman in black signaled to everyone that there are still bids to continue to join the battle.

Three hundred and forty thousand Lingyu, it seems that the dust is about to settle.

Just when everyone's eyes were focused on Chu Chen, the old body of the evil bone high priest trembled slightly, and he glanced at Chu Chen indifferently with his hazy old eyes.

He raised his hand to the beautiful woman in black, "Oh, the old man didn't want to join in the scramble among you young people, but this map of the little fairy world is of great significance. In order to return my useless children, I had to Fight it out."

Sighing faintly, the high priest of the evil bones tremblingly took out a black wooden sign from his arms, and shook it in the direction of the Xuannv Envoy.

"I used to have a little friendship with the ancestor Moxue of your Black Blood Auction House. He gave me this Moxue Token. It is said that you can exchange some spiritual jade at critical times, right..."

"Ink Blood Order?"

The Xuannv Demon Envoy couldn't help being stunned for a moment with a smile on her face, and the whole charming face suddenly became solemn.

She saw her hurrying from the auction stage to the side of the high priest of the evil bones, took the black wooden plaque from the old man's hand respectfully with both hands, and slightly stimulated her spiritual power to sense it.


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