Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 898: Chu Chen VS Xiao Ran

"In a word, if you want to chase the teacher, you must first step over my corpse!"

As soon as these words came out, the expression on Chu Chen's face became extremely decisive and firm.

There was a flash of brilliance in his eyes, and clusters of golden-red flames slowly rose out.

The golden-red flame was not very blazing, but it exuded a horrible aura that burned the sky and destroyed the earth. The sky and the earth seemed to be afraid of this flame.

"This is your way?" Xiao Ran nodded expressionlessly, his eyes were empty but respectful, "I have been hesitating whether I will fight you in the future when you grow up. Now it seems that the relationship between you and me The final battle between the two... is going to be advanced." w "Novel" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"This is a battle between the teacher's new and old disciples, and it is also a battle between us that is bound to come."

Chu Chen said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, in the space where the two were located, the light of cyan and golden red instantly flourished.

An invisible field gradually spread between the two, and a wave of cold murderous intent transformed into a storm that swept across the world, and all the towering giant trees within a radius of hundreds of feet were constantly swaying .

The overwhelming murderous aura covered the sky, and this space seemed to be as desolate as the end of the world.

Chu Chen's eyes trembled a few times, and he resolutely reached out and took out the little hamster from his arms, and threw it out of the invisible field forcefully: "You go."

The plain tone resounded in the void, and the little hamster was thrown hundreds of feet away.

The figure was still in the air, but the little hamster had turned around and landed steadily on the ground.

Mung bean-sized eyes turned to look at Chu Chen, the little hamster sighed slightly, and climbed up a giant tree in no time.

With a kick on the sole of the foot, the figure of the little hamster has turned into a white lightning in a few ups and downs, and completely disappeared in the vast forest.

It also understands that this battle is beyond his reach.

This is the duel of Chu Chen and Xiao Ran's love for the bearded teacher, and also the duel of the Tao they have cultivated.

This is... an unstoppable, unstoppable, uninterrupted battle of fate! !

falling leaves fluttering,

The needle-shaped leaves were attacked by the majestic murderous aura, and they fell from the palms of the towering giant trees one after another.

Among the black leaves flying all over the sky, in the whole withered world, only Chu Chen and Xiao Ran were left to confront each other.

The wind was strong, the giant tree was swaying, and among the branches and leaves flying all over the sky, Shen Hou carried the bearded man who had already fallen into a coma and galloped rapidly.

Beside him, although Tang Rou followed closely, her expression was still full of worry.

Although they were far away, the two could still feel the terrifying murderous aura behind them.

It is obvious that Chu Chen and Xiao Ran have raised their aura to the peak level, like two huge ancient volcanoes about to erupt.

In this fierce competition of momentum, a thunderous blow could erupt at any time, this is a battle of life and death!

Tang Rou knew very well that Chu Chen was only at the level of Lingquan Dzogchen after all, even though he cultivated the legendary barren spring, even if he possessed the skills of the ancient emperor of heaven.

But the distance between Lingquan Realm and Linghe Grand Realm is like two worlds!

In terms of cultivation alone, the gap between Chu Chen and Xiao Ran is really too big.

Thinking of this, Tang Rou felt that everything was burning inside, and she even wanted to turn around and go back desperately.

Even if it's Hǎode to stay by his side and do nothing, at the very least, at least when he dies in battle, he himself...

Shen Hou didn't look back, even if he didn't look at it with his eyes, he could still sense the turbulent emotions of the girl beside him.

His complexion darkened slightly, and his deep voice carried a strong sense of sorrow: "You must not go back, otherwise, everything Chu Chen has done will be in vain."


Tang Rou's eyes flickered, and she hesitated for a moment. Just as she was about to speak, Shen Hou's icy voice came again: "We can't intervene in the battle between them. Our responsibility is to take the teacher away safely. Only in this way Only then can Chu Chen completely let go of everything and put all his strength into the battle. Otherwise, he will be worried, and he will have no chance of life in front of a terrifying strong man like Xiao Ran... All we can do is trust him, maybe He can escape by himself!"

Tang Rou's eyes suddenly darkened, and she nodded slightly after a long time: "I understand."

"Don't worry, if Chu Chen can't beat Xiao Ran and can't escape, at least he can hold on for a while." Shen Hou took a long breath, "Xiao Ran committed such a heinous crime, Yao Gong San Lao will not I will indulge him in such a murderous act. I believe it will not be long before the three elders will arrive, and by that time, Xiao Ran will die!"

Tang Rou nodded and sighed slightly: "I hope so..."

Neither Shen Hou nor Tang Rou thought that the three elders of the Yao Palace were on their way, so far away.

At this moment, at the entrance of the forbidden area of ​​the ruins, the black gate pierces the sky, as if it has traveled through an incomparably long time and space, and has existed forever.

And on the side of the gate, an extremely thick tree is growing crazily, exuding a majestic vitality of life.

This big tree is incompatible with other big black trees around it. The whole body of this tree has a dark green color, like the evil eyes opened by hell ghosts.

The giant tree was about hundreds of feet high, and there were countless black pythons growing on the extremely thick trunk, which made one's scalp feel numb at a glance.

Those giant pythons were as thick as wheels, with dense scales, dancing wildly on the giant trees.

At the same time as it was twisting, thick red smoke spewed out from the mouths of the black pythons.

The smoke covered the sky and the sun, and actually completely blocked the entrance to the entire forbidden area.

Outside the gate, three rounds of scorching sun in blue, red, and black colors hang high in the air.

You can see a huge blue ice phoenix, a huge red dragon and a black dragon constantly impacting the smoke at the gate.

But the smoke carried an astonishing magic, as if it were thick and invisible barriers. The three giant beasts sank deeply into it every time they impacted, but they still couldn't break through the smoke completely!

The three elders of Yaogong had actually rushed to the gate of the forbidden area, but they were blocked by the blood-colored mist, and they were unable to break through this weird secret art restriction even if they used their supernatural abilities for a while!

At this moment, under the dark green giant tree, a strong, fierce, fat man covered in black with a fleshy face was leaning on the giant tree with one hand.

Waves of incomparably rich black spiritual light surged out of his body, and sank into the giant green tree mightily.

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