Nourished by the fat man's black energy, the strange green giant tree grew more vigorously, and the ferocious black pythons on the giant tree also became more violent.

The blood-red mist covered the sky and blocked the entire gate completely.

Although it was consumed a lot by the three huge beasts, but because of the continuous replenishment of the fat man in black, it still stands still.

And beside the fat man, a girl in black stood silently. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

She is charming and charming, and she is stunning in the world, but it is Zhou Mei who disappeared not long ago.

It's just that Zhou Mei's complexion at this time did not have that incomparably seductive style, she stood beside the fat man lightly, expressionless.

Qi Fei turned his head and glanced at Zhou Mei, and a black light flashed across his eyes: "Why, are you shaken? You can understand that from the very beginning, your approach to the bearded man was just a task, and he is not your real one. tutor."

"Heh..., of course I understand." Zhou Mei was stunned for a moment, and that kind of charming smile appeared on her face again, "Everything is just the order of that '', but what I am worried about is not Feng Tie. , but Chu Chen."

Qi Fei's ferocious face was slightly moved, his eyes flickered for a moment, he spit out a mouthful of spittle, and shouted sharply: "Stop talking nonsense, Xiao Ran's target is Feng Ci, what's the matter with Guan Chuchen? , What are you telling me about this!"

After being yelled at by Qi Fei, Zhou Mei fell silent.

She turned her head slightly. Even though she was separated by a thick forest and a long distance, she still seemed to be able to see the depths of the forbidden area. Waves of strong winds swept past, enveloping a large number of branches and leaves and splashing in all directions.

After a slight silence, she lowered her head gently.

As if dreaming, as if whispering, with an indescribable tenderness and thoughts, Zhou Mei's faint voice sounded in the air: "No matter what, I hope that guy Chu Chen...don't be Yǒushì. Xiao Ran really It's too scary, I hope he can use the fastest Sùdù to escape from that monster when he meets him. I wish him good luck and don't run into Xiao Ran."

Black leaves fluttered, murderous aura raging.

Among the black leaves all over the sky, Chu Chen and Xiao Ran stood facing each other, like two huge silent ancient peaks, standing motionless.

Xiao Ran's eyes were empty, and his voice seemed to come from a god above the nine heavens, without any emotion: "You know īdào,

The difference in strength between you and me is like the gods and mortals above the nine heavens, which cannot be calculated at all. "

"Even mortals have their own attachments." Chu Chen looked even more indifferent, "What's more, you have gone astray and will never set foot in the god-level realm. Speaking of it, you are just a wild dog who betrayed the teacher. Come on if you want to bite me."

"act recklessly!"

Xiao Ran's face became angry, and his original ethereal state like a god dropped to freezing point in an instant.

His gaze suddenly turned cold, and he stretched out his hand a little, and a ray of pure green light suddenly pierced through the void and shot toward Chu Chen.

The blue light was cold, like an extremely sharp sword energy tearing through the void.

It's just that the blue light just arrived in front of Chu Chen, but saw a flash of gray shadow, and directly pierced the air.

Seeing this scene, the sneer on Xiao Ran's face was even worse. What he is best at is Sùdù.

Therefore, seeing Chu Chen showing off his skills in front of him immediately felt extremely ridiculous.

"I are here!"

The figure trembled slightly, Xiao Ran opened his spiritual sense in an instant, and turned around without looking at it, and just slapped him.


The blue light is vast, crushing the void.

After cultivating to Xiao Ran's level, a single blow has the power to collapse mountains and crack the ground, but when the raging green light blasted past, it hit nothing, and there was no trace of Chu Chen behind him at all!

Could it be... Could it be that my spiritual sense capture has disappeared?

No Kěnéng! Was it affected by something?

Xiao Ran was slightly startled, and the next moment, a gray shadow flickered in front of him, and Chu Chen's blurred figure had already appeared in front of him.

A huge fist surrounded by blazing flames suddenly smashed out, and Chu Chen's icy voice appeared in the void:

"I'm here, Xiao, where are you looking?"

The flames soared into the sky, and the golden-red flames streaked across the void with a blazing light that pierced the void, crushing directly towards Xiao Ran's chest.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ran's complexion changed slightly, and when there was no time to spare, his body suddenly turned to one side, but his operation was still half a beat slow.

The moment the forceful and domineering punch brushed past his body, he slammed back and hit his shoulder heavily.


Amidst the dull loud noise, a terrifying breath of flames poured into his body crazily, a huge force surged in, Xiao Ran's figure was shaken violently, and he was kicked and kicked by this huge force. Kicked back two steps.

Every time he took a step, the soles of his feet stepped on the ground, leaving patches of spider web-like cracks, as if even the ground couldn't bear the enormous force he was bearing.

Shock appeared in Xiao Ran's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw Chu Chen slowly put away his fists, his eyes were indifferent and cold: "This is the first combat technique taught to us, Shaking Mountain Fist. Let this move be the prelude to the battle between our two generations of disciples!"

Xiao Ran's left hand lightly patted his right shoulder, and the vast spiritual power swept across, instantly dispelling the flame breath that Chu Chen blasted into his body.

He looked up at Chu Chen and smiled, "It's kind of interesting, your spiritual sense can actually interfere with other people's spiritual sense, but such small tricks are useless in front of real strength, now I will give you a punch."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Ran slowly punched Chu Chen.

It was just a seemingly innocuous punch, but at the moment when the power of the punch exploded, the entire space collapsed and compressed violently.

The naked eye can see that everything in the whole world is quickly gathering towards his fist.

The next moment, a dazzling cold light flashed in Xiao Ran's eyes.

The half-thrown fist changed in an instant, turned into a grasp, and violent suction forces burst out from his palm.

I saw that Chu Chen's body flew towards his palm involuntarily under the pull of this huge suction force, as if it was automatically sent to the door for him to beat!

Seeing Chu Chen flying towards him, while attracting Chu Chen with his right hand, Xiao Ran grasped his fist with his left, and waves of vast blue light crazily gathered on his fist, surging out waves of incomparably violent spiritual power .

"Is this Tuntian Jue? The ancestor Tuntian in ancient times wanted to swallow the whole world, and walked the supreme Pangu Avenue, but was eventually destroyed by the rules of heaven and earth. Now it seems that this practice is indeed harmful to Tianxin, and it should be off."

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