Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 950 Temptation of the Blood Demon

Chu Chen froze for a moment, and immediately realized that Elder Lingxin must have seen that the blood mist had descended and the deck was in chaos. It would be inconvenient for him to be in a wheelchair, so he was going to send him away.

Thinking of the legendary elder Lingxin who was unkind and eccentric, and came to his side at the first moment of disaster, Chu Chen couldn't help being slightly moved.

He shook his head, "No, I want to see how the situation will change on this deck? If there is a dead end, there is no difference between the inside and outside of the cabin. The sea of ​​blood is extremely strange, and it is considered a once-in-a-lifetime situation." , I’ll just take a look here, if you die, you’ll understand.” "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows, and there was a sense of leisure and calmness in his expression.

"Okay, you have to be careful, I will pay attention to Qiu Sanduo to take care of you..."

Elder Lingxin looked at Chu Chen helplessly, and the concern in his eyes was self-evident, "If you need any help, just come to me, and I will go to comfort Xueyu first."

Chu Chen nodded, and saw Elder Lingxin walking to the tall mast and blowing a loud whistle.

At the highest point of the soaring mast, a huge snow-white and elegant spirit crane was moving back and forth manically. When the two crystal-clear crane eyes looked at the blood mist around them, there was a smile on their face. Fear that penetrates to the marrow.

As if hearing the call of Elder Lingxin, the spirit crane suddenly raised its head to the sky and let out a long cry, its figure swooped down from the sky like a sharp white arrow, and landed in front of Elder Lingxin.

Elder Lingxin sighed faintly, and brought the spirit crane into the cabin.

The blood mist on the sea is getting thicker and thicker, and the whole world is already blood-colored at this time.

Qiu San was walking to the front of the deck with Fang Rentang, a few monks with the highest cultivation level, and a few senior executives of the Chamber of Commerce on the big ship. They kept chatting and whispering what?

They were obviously discussing countermeasures. Even in the face of a sea of ​​blood, no one would want to sit still. Qiu San shouldered the lives of hundreds of people on board. No matter what, he had to find a way to survive.

Just as everyone was paying attention to the decisions of several elites, the blood mist had already spread to the side of the ship.

Qiu San finally gritted his teeth, stood up, and gave an order, "Activate the guardian formation!"

I saw the entire steel building ship tremble suddenly, and a khaki-yellow light shot up into the sky,

It turned into a huge light shield and enveloped the entire building ship.

That yellow light is majestic and majestic, and the vast spiritual power contained in it is like a towering ancient mountain. It seems that no impact can shake it in the slightest.

Ships sailing in the West Sea not only have to face severe weather such as storms, tsunamis, and thunderclouds, but also often encounter some powerful sea beasts attacking and predating.

Therefore, the protective formation on the ship is so powerful that it can withstand the bombardment of dozens of heads.

Seeing the opening of the guardian formation at this time, many monks' high-hanging hearts fell a little bit.

But in an instant, the monks' sense of security was shattered.

Because when the billowing blood-colored mist touched the mask, it continued to spread in unhindered as if passing through a layer of veil.

That layer of thick and vast yellow light couldn't stop the spread of the bloody mist at all!


The few monks closest to the side of the ship, whose cultivation base was particularly weak, suddenly inhaled a little blood mist, their faces turned black, their bodies were shaking, and they began to vomit on the deck one by one.

Although Chu Chen in the wheelchair was some distance away from the ship's side, he could still smell a strong and pungent smell of blood, like a blood pool in hell, which made people want to vomit.

The most frightening thing was that the breath of the blood pool carried a trace of murderous intent and malice that penetrated into the bone marrow. Being rushed by that murderous intent, Chu Chen only felt dizzy and clouded.

All of a sudden, it seemed that Chu Chen had come to the legendary Shura killing field, and he could hear the faint sounds of fighting, roaring, and roaring in his ears.

No, Chu Chen immediately realized that he also inhaled the blood-colored mist. At this moment, his mind seemed to explode with murderous intent, and a murderous intent rose in his heart for no reason, as if he wanted to immediately pull out his nameless black sword, and began to wantonly Slaughter all beings.

This blood mist actually has the effect of bewitching people's hearts? !

Shocked, Chu Chen quickly mobilized his unparalleled soul power to guard the sanctuary of the Lingtai, and quickly wiped away the killing intent. He looked around.

Because many monks around are already blood-red, killing accidents! Dance around!

"Calm down, the monks who have been eroded by the blood mist should immediately guard the altar with their spiritual sense, and don't be confused by the blood mist and turn into a murderous monster."

Qiu San sounded a warning, his voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone on the big boat.

The monks who had been swept by the blood mist immediately adjusted their breaths to save themselves.

It can be clearly seen that some monks with stronger souls and stronger wills were only slightly shaken, and their eyes quickly recovered.

And some monks with weaker cultivation bases and less firm Daoist heart, their eyes are dull, and bloody swirls can be faintly seen flickering in their eyes, with a strange temptation like a demon Feel.

"Everyone, be careful! This blood mist can contaminate people's spiritual consciousness and lure the demons to kill. Those who are weaker, please return to the cabin as soon as possible. The monks above the Lingxi realm hurry up to the side of the boat and jointly urge the Qingxin formation to resist !"

Qiu San kept making noises to guide the panicked crowd on the deck.

Soon, the chaotic crowd quickly stabilized.

Qiu San led a group of superpowers in the Lingxi realm to maintain order, and kept helping monks who had been eroded by the blood mist back to the cabin, and even gave them the elixir that could refresh their minds.

The monks and the crew on the deck kept shuttling, and Chu Chen turned the wheelchair to lean against a mast so that no one would touch his wheelchair anyway.

Everyone didn't want to sit still, especially Chu Chen. He decided to stay on the deck to spy on the blood mist, peep into the secrets of the blood sea, and find a way out!

Suddenly, Chu Chen saw an "acquaintance" among the noisy crowd ahead.

Among this group of people, a beautiful girl with a delicate appearance was supporting a middle-aged man with a square face and a resolute face with a worried face. It was the kind-hearted father and daughter who wanted to show Chu Chen's legs back then. .

It's just that the father's condition is very bad now. His complexion is black and blue, his lips are purple, and his pupils are red. It is obvious that he has inhaled a lot of blood mist and has been severely corroded.

Chu Chen frowned. The mist was extremely strange. The father and daughter were really kind-hearted, so they should be rescued.

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