Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 951 Poor Lame Boy

Just as he was about to rescue the father and daughter, Chu Chen noticed that the girl was looking at him with concern, so he waved at her.

Seeing Chu Chen waving, the girl was slightly taken aback, with a hint of hesitation in her eyes.

"Wave at me... are you asking me for help? But father..."

After slightly hesitating for a moment, the red-clothed girl bit her lip, and gently supported her father against the side of a boat.

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"Father, please hold on first. I'll go and help that little brother. His legs are inconvenient. If he doesn't help him, he's probably going to die here. I can't see him waiting to die like this."

The middle-aged man nodded when he heard the words, and forced a smile on his blue-black face: "It's okay, I can still persevere, if it doesn't work, I will take the family-passed Return to Heaven Pill, it is important to save people, you go quickly Help that crippled little brother."

The girl hurriedly pushed aside the crowd, stumbling all the way and squeezed in front of Chu Chen as fast as she could, and said eagerly, "Brother, don't panic, I'll take you back to the cabin right away."

While talking, the girl frantically took out a green pill from the sachet hanging on her waist.

Chu Chen froze for a moment, originally he wanted to save someone, but others thought he was asking for help.

It could be seen that the girl was very anxious. When she was taking the elixir, her slender and fair fingers were trembling slightly, and her expression was anxious.

"This is Bixin Dan. It is a third-grade elixir refined by my father. It is enough to protect your heart and prevent you from being further corroded. Take it quickly."

Chu Chen gently waved his hand.

"No, I didn't ask you to come and save me."

Chu Chen smiled and shook his head, "I called you here because I want to say a few words to you."

"Ah? What?? It's time like this..."

The girl was stunned for a moment, she never thought that the boy would have such a reaction.

Chu Chen said seriously: "What I want to tell you is that this blood mist penetrates everywhere, even hiding in the cabin is useless. Everyone is running to the cabin now, and it is very chaotic inside. You and your father don't have to do this." I was in a hurry to get in."

"Huh?" The girl was taken aback suddenly.

Quickly reacting, he nodded heavily, "I see, thank you brother for reminding me. Then I'll go back and see my father. He accidentally inhaled a lot of blood mist on the side of the boat."

"Wait a minute..."

Seeing that the girl turned around and was about to leave, Chu Chen stopped her in a deep voice, took out a purple medicine talisman from the storage ring and handed it to the girl, "You take this."

"What's this?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, this purple medicine talisman was crystal clear and shimmering, exuding a shining precious light.

As soon as the palm of the hand touched this medicine talisman, I felt a cold feeling rushing to my mind, which made people feel refreshed.

You don't have to ask to know, this is definitely a treasure.

"Uh...it's nothing."

Chu Chen smiled faintly, "This is a thing passed down from my family. It can ward off evil spirits and avoid evil spirits. Wearing it on your body should be able to counteract the erosion of this blood mist."

"What...? No way!"

After hearing Chu Chen's words, the girl was stunned, her face flushed, and she subconsciously shook her head.

"How could I want such a precious thing from you, which can drive away the mist in the blood mist. This should be your family heirloom! Now that you are alone, there is probably only such a treasure left on your body. If I What do you do if you take it away? No, no, you are so pitiful, I can't take your things. "

Chu Chen couldn't laugh or cry: "I don't have anything to do with it. I have worn this jade talisman for many years, and my body has long been contaminated with the innate talisman energy of this talisman. All evil spirits will not touch my body."

"No, no, no... no..." The girl blushed and kept waving her hands.

"Take it, if I say it's okay, it's okay."

Chu Chen was speechless, and this gift-giving treasure was still unable to be given away, "Look at your father, if you don't have this talisman, I'm afraid you won't be able to last for a long time, so hurry up and take the jade talisman to dispel his evil spirit."

The girl was startled when she heard the words, and quickly turned her head to look in the direction of her father. She saw the perennial man leaning against the edge of the ship with a faintly dark complexion, and the blood in his eyes was already so intense that the whites of his eyes were almost invisible.

It was obvious that he had been seriously eroded by the blood mist, and he urgently needed to get rid of the strange mysterious power in the mist.

"Then... well then, thank you."

The situation was urgent, and the girl also came and didn't care what to say, took the medicine talisman and ran over in a hurry.

After walking to the middle-aged man, the girl directly put the medicine talisman into his palm.

"Father, run the spiritual power into the palm of your hand."

At this time, the middle-aged man's consciousness was a little confused, and he sensed a trace of cool air in his palm, which seemed to be able to dispel the mist in him. After hearing the girl's call, he subconsciously poured the cultivation base in his body into it.

In an instant, a bright purple light shot up into the sky, the rich purple light was pure and pure, enveloping the middle-aged man like waves of water.

Surrounded by this pure purple light, streaks of blood-colored mist were washed out of the acupuncture points around the middle-aged man's body, forcefully forced out of his body.

The purple light is clear and pure like glass.

As soon as the treasure talisman was activated, the blood mist was dispelled away, and the eyes of the other monks on the big ship lit up.

With such a treasure, even if it is swallowed by the blood mist, it can live a little longer than others.

However, with strong people like Qiu San suppressing it, the order on the ship was orderly. Although some monks had already moved their hearts, no one dared to snatch the treasure.

They could only look enviously at the spitting purple aura.

After only half an incense stick, all the blood mist inhaled by the middle-aged man was expelled out of his body.

The whole person was refreshed, the Lingtai was extremely clear, and he felt an unspeakable sense of relief all over his body.

"Xiaoying, which expert gave this medicine talisman?"

After regaining consciousness, the middle-aged man ignored the jealous eyes of the monks, and hurriedly asked the girl in red, his eyes full of gratitude.

You must know that he himself is a pharmacist, and he is also a strong one among the famous pharmacists.

When the blood mist struck this time, he wanted to save people, so in order to study the characteristics, weaknesses and restraint of the mist, he took a risk to absorb a lot of blood mist into his body.

Unexpectedly, the horror of this blood mist was far beyond his imagination. With his pharmacist cultivation base immersed in decades, he was helpless when faced with the attack of this blood mist. All kinds of pills to exorcise poison and avoid evil spirits were useless, but instead put him in danger and almost lost his life.

However, the spiritual light emitted by this medicine talisman completely cleared away all the evil spirit contained in the blood mist with ease.

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