Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1427 Give you back your life

The girl's fairy energy surged, and it seemed that she was a little wary of Chu Chen. After all, her details had always been a secret in the fairy world.

Chu Chen made her feel that she had to be on guard!

However, Chu Chen seemed to have no reaction, ignored everything, put the jade bracelet in the palm of the girl in white, and then calmly left the girl.

Seeing this, the girl in white didn't say anything more. She just nodded lightly after taking the jade bracelet, with a calm expression on her face, "Although everyone is gone and the relics don't have much meaning, I still want to thank you."

Her voice was calm, but there were some unnatural fluctuations in the calmness.

Chu Chen could clearly sense that the girl was feeling uneasy.

"How can you, girl, talk like that!"

Before Chu Chen spoke, Lan Xuan seemed to be unable to bear it any longer.

Lan Xuan had no good impression of her at first, but now he could no longer hold back his anger, "Your master entered the fairy world to die just to find you, and you actually said that her relics were meaningless? It's really too much. "

"What do you know!"

The girl in white smiled coldly when she heard this, and her white clothes danced lightly in the wind.

"The secret of our cultivation in the Scarlet Shadow Sect is not to suffer from love, not to be tired of love, and not to be hurt by love. Disciples of the Scarlet Shadow Sect must not be burdened and controlled by the word 'love', but should do the opposite. Only by controlling one's "emotion" and transcending the word "emotion" can one achieve the path of being a human being without any desire! Forget it... you don't understand these things, it's meaningless."

After saying this, the girl in white paused, turned around and looked at Chu Chen, her bright and moving eyes were completely calm and ethereal.

She turned back into the cold and arrogant fairy in white.

"This little senior brother, since you brought me the relics of our sect, you can be considered a favor to me. This time the cause and effect needs to be settled, so be it. If you conflict with my goals in the future, I will let you go. Once, give you a chance to live."

Without waiting for Chu Chen's reaction, the girl in white jumped up and floated down towards the abyss like a nine-day fairy. Her whole body was like a white and beautiful cloud floating gently towards the Eye of the Wind Cave. Her elegant figure was indescribable. Beautiful and moving.

"She is flying to the fairy world, but she is going to the abyss. What is she doing?"

Lan Xuan's expression was indescribably complicated.

"But this girl has such a strong tone! She actually said that she would give you a chance to live, Senior Brother Chu. Doesn't she know that you are the master of Yinpeng? She really doesn't know how high the sky is."

Chu Chen didn't say anything. Indeed, with his current cultivation and combat strength, there are really not many young heroes in the world who are qualified to say "let him live."

But the words of the girl in white made Chu Chen faintly moved. Could it happen?

"This girl is not simple! Boy, don't underestimate the world's heroes! It's hard to predict the future of such a character with a charming physique that is rare in thousands of years."

As if sensing the fluctuations in Chu Chen's heart, the little hamster who should have fallen asleep suddenly spoke.

"In short, stay away from her. Besides, you are still a boy, full of energy, and the sunshine is not long. If you are really used by that girl to charm her, it is a matter of two opinions whether you can keep your mind!"

Chu Chen showed a look of contempt and was too lazy to say anything to the gullible little hamster.

At this time, there were not many monks left above the abyss.

After the girl in white, who was surrounded by more than a dozen flower-protecting monks, had jumped down, the monks who had been standing outside the Eye of the Wind Cave and watched began to climb down the rock wall.

Soon, there were only five or six monks left in the entire abyss, including Chu Chen and Lan Xuan.

Lan Xuan smiled and asked with his eyes when Chu Chen would leave?

Chu Chen raised his left hand to signal him to wait. It was obvious that he was scanning the abyss with his spiritual sense. Chu Chen always liked to plan before making a decision. This wind cave fluctuated abnormally, so he decided to explore it first.

"The people who come for the assessment this time are not bad at all. The quota of twenty people may... be filled up soon. Aren't you afraid that our trip will be in vain?"

"It'll be ready soon."

Chu Chen signaled that Lan Xuan would be fine soon, but at this moment someone issued a warning.

"If you don't enter the Wind Cave, you will be deemed to have given up, and your qualifications for the assessment will be automatically disqualified."

Seemingly seeing that the last few monks were not taking action, the pretty girl in charge of the review frowned and issued a cold warning.

The last few remaining monks looked at each other, and finally sighed helplessly, biting the bullet and climbing down the edge of the Eye of the Wind Cave.

Start venturing into the abyss.

"Then let's get going too."

Chu Chen smiled at Lan Xuan, and Lan Xuan nodded understandingly.

The two of them understood what they meant. After waiting for so long, they finally set off. They competed to see who could get to the bottom of the Wind Cave the fastest!

Chu Chen took the lead and jumped off the cliff.

Lan Xuan, who was behind him, let out a soft cry when he saw this, turned into a blue light and jumped down.

As soon as the two of them entered the range of the Eye of the Wind Cave, they immediately felt a strong cold wind blowing towards their faces. It was as if there were a pair of invisible giant hands pushing up crazily. Every time they dropped a certain distance, The resistance caused by the strong wind continued to increase.

As the two people quickly jumped downwards, they could clearly feel the wind force around their bodies, which began to rotate and shrink inwards, and faintly turned into a huge vortex that enveloped the entire Eye of the Wind Cave.

This giant whirlpool of wind in the abyss seriously interfered with the monks' descent.

Chu Chen discovered that in the center of the wind vortex, black space cracks could be seen running around like long black snakes, bringing with them terrifying pressure of death.

Chu Chen and Lan Xuan both rushed downward at the edge of the wind whirlpool!

"Be careful, the wind force of this Wind Cave Eye is very strange. If you are accidentally sucked into the center of the whirlpool, you may never be able to get out again."

While Chu Chen was sprinting forward, he sent a message to remind Lan Xuan, who was also sprinting downward.

But when the target looked at Lan Xuan, who was flying side by side at almost the same height as him, he couldn't help but be a little surprised?

"Your movement skills are very good!"

No wonder Chu Chen was surprised. In his sight, Lan Xuan's entire body seemed to turn into a ball of soft catkins.

No matter how violent, weird, and changeable the wind force was, he was always able to make perfect use of the effect of every wind force and float down lightly.

Although it seemed that he was floating unsafely and could be blown away at any time, Chu Chen could see that he was floating down along an extremely subtle route.

In the process of being so light and fluttering, he hardly consumes much spiritual power, but he can still maintain a decent speed!

"Ha... I can't help it. That old demon Duan Ji is afraid that I will die accidentally, so he taught me this set of magic tricks so that I can make money and work for him more conveniently."

Lan Xuan shook his head, but his expression was a bit painful.

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