Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1428 2 Young Men Who Stumbled

Regarding the special movement skills he learned from Duan Lao Mo, Lan Xuan had a bitter look on his face. It was completely because Bao Bao felt bitter in his heart and Bao Bao didn't talk about it because it would be useless if he did.

But Chu Chen became more and more curious about Duan Ji, an old fox. Any movement technique given to his slaves was so magical.

This set of fantasy body movements is considered to be the most advanced movement technique in the Lingxi Realm. Even many monks in the Linghe Realm may not have such a powerful movement technique!

Just to ensure that Lan Xuan, a money-making tool, would not die so easily, he was actually willing to give him such a magical set of movements.

The old fox is really awesome!

The two of them fell straight into the sky like meteors in the abyss, and began to surpass the struggling monks.


"Hold on to the rock wall, don't get swept away accidentally!"

"If it doesn't work, just go back quickly!"

Like meteors falling into the abyss, the two of them passed by the monks who were climbing down cautiously one after another.

In comparison, these people work too hard.

In order to prevent their bodies from being blown away by the strong wind, they all tried their best to hold on to the cracks or bulges in the rock wall and climb down little by little. Some monks simply tied ropes around their waists.

Comparing these monks, Chu Chen and Lan Xuan basically flew straight down the whole way, only occasionally tapping lightly on the rock wall when they needed help. They looked relaxed and happy. This scene made many monks feel Extremely envious.

It must be said that the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group was very clever in using the Eye of the Wind Cave as the assessment venue. Under such a violent hurricane, even the monks in the first level of Linghe could not perfectly control their body shape.

In such a dangerous place, a slip of foot may lead you directly into the eye of the storm!

Therefore, if you want to climb to the bottom, there are extremely high requirements for the monk's physical strength, spiritual power, reflexes, coordination, courage, courage, etc. What they test is the monk's overall strength and quality.

Chu Chen saw a strong man who had reached the Linghe Realm. Because he was too tall, he was not flexible at all. His two iron-claw-like palms were holding on to the rock wall and he didn't dare to move anymore. Get down!

As the two of them descended deeper and deeper into the Eye of the Wind Cave,

I saw more and more monks along the way.

At the same time, the surrounding space became larger and larger, and the rock walls became wider and wider.

At this moment, the spiral wind deep in the wind cave became more violent!

Due to being buffeted by endless winds all year round, the rock walls around the Eye of the Wind Cave are polished very smooth, and there are very few places for people to grab and use strength, which invisibly increases the difficulty of climbing. Difficulty.

In such a difficult environment, if you don't have absolute confidence in your own body skills, you will never dare to jump down.

In the eyes of many monks, the two of them have become monster-like existences.

"Maybe they were not fast, but simply lost their footing and fell."

A young monk could only complain to the female monk next to him with a wry smile.

The two chased each other and flew down again for about a stick of incense. The surrounding hurricane began to become more and more unstable. In some places, the wind was gentle at first, but in the blink of an eye it would suddenly become extremely violent.

Ever since they saw two Lingxi realm monks clinging to the rock wall, only to be rolled into a ball of bloody mud by the sudden violent wind, Chu Chen and Lan Xuan had to change their way of descending.

No longer daring to make a huge leap downward, the two of them took the direction of clinging to the rock wall and walked down quickly, treating the cliff as if it were flat ground.

Although the two people walking quickly used their hands to adjust their posture from time to time.

But the two men who were running so fast also stunned the monks around them.

Chu Chen looked down from the rock wall. In front of him was an abyss formed by endless darkness and strong wind, with no end in sight.

Under such circumstances, even powerful spiritual senses will be affected, because the strong wind here is not just wind, but also involves some kind of rules of heaven and earth, which will cause strong interference.

However, despite this, Chu Chen's expression did not appear to be impatient. His face was always calm, and his descent was neither urgent nor slow, maintaining a high speed.

Lan Xuan, who was next to him, was even more relaxed. His Piaoxu movement could be said to be the best at performing in such complex winds.

As long as there is wind, no matter how chaotic or violent the wind is, he can easily control every ray of wind and control his body shape perfectly.

"Brother Chu, I have to speed up."

Seeing that the Wind Demon Eagle's Nest was nowhere to be seen after going down such a long distance, Lan Xuan decided to speed up again because he still had room to speed up.

I know Lan Xuan reminds myself that the competition has entered a fierce stage!

Chu Chen understood and nodded with a smile, "No problem, use your maximum speed, I won't lose you."

"Then I won't be polite."

Lan Xuan nodded, his figure shook slightly, and his speed suddenly increased.

Originally, his body was just equivalent to a catkin swaying in the wind.

But at this moment, it suddenly seemed to turn into a swift sharp arrow and shoot rapidly downwards.

If you look carefully, you can find that Lan Xuan's feet are almost dancing on the rock wall into a phantom at this time. By constantly stepping, moving, leaping and moving in a small space, he has cleverly moved everywhere around him. Not only was the chaotic wind power fully utilized, the speed was extremely fast!

"This is... a very famous borrowing technique!"

At this moment, Chu Chen's eyes lit up sharply. It must be said that this illusion movement technique is really very clever, and it can actually make use of every inch of airflow in the space.

At this time, Lan Xuan was descending very quickly. In fact, he didn't exert any force at all. He relied entirely on his exquisite body skills to gather the chaotic wind around him and form a thrust to push him down!

How weird is the wind power in the Eye of the Wind Cave?

It is simply unimaginable that the size, speed, direction, etc. of each ray of wind in the same direction are different.

Being able to subdue and gather so many chaotic and different wind forces, this kind of movement can be said to bring the ability of "borrowing force" to the extreme!

At this moment, Chu Chen's heart was moved, and he couldn't help but start to incorporate this exquisite leveraging technique into his nameless footwork.

Change the descending position again!

I saw Chu Chen using his hands and feet on the rock wall to climb and descend rapidly like a spiritual ape. With the exquisiteness of Wuming's footwork and his deepening understanding of the method of leveraging strength, his climbing speed was no worse than Lan Xuan's. .

One is as graceful as a flying bird, and the other is as thunderous as an angry ape. The two are evenly matched.

At this moment, looking from a distance, the two people seemed to be descending like two streams of light rapidly in the dark and endless rock wall of the wind cave.

Compared with the two of them, the other monks who were climbing down cautiously were almost like slow-moving turtles!

He was constantly crossed by the two of them.

"These two lunatics actually want to show off their skills under such circumstances. They really don't know how to live or die!"

"Let me see how arrogant they can be, maybe they will be swept in by a storm and crushed to pieces!"

"Do you dare to fall so fast in the Eye of the Wind Cave and rush to reincarnate?"

The monks could not climb over the two of them, so they could only protest with their mouths.

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