Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1430 Evil Dragon Domain


The wind was fierce and the moment the huge wind dragon formed, a loud dragon roar shook the sky.

At this moment, a silver dragon-shaped sun seemed to suddenly rise from the dark abyss.

The bright dragon-shaped silver light broke away from the dragon's body, rushed up from the bottom of the abyss, and shot straight into the sky!

Bang bang bang...

The few monks at the bottom who were closest to the wind dragon were hit by the silver light and exploded without even having time to say a word.

Turn into nothingness!

Between heaven and earth, a majestic pressure surged in, filling the entire Eye of the Wind Cave!

"not good!"

At this moment, on the cliff at the entrance to the abyss, the expressions of several members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group who were responsible for this wind cave assessment changed drastically.

In front of them, a bright screen of light appeared in the void.

The image reflected on the light screen is the scene of panicked monks deep in the Eye of the Wind Cave.

The moment the huge silver wind dragon appeared, all the monks' faces became very ugly.

"The strong wind gathered spirits, and a demonic wind dragon actually grew up inside the Eye of the Wind Cave! How could this happen? Haven't we sent people to inspect it many times? How come no one found that there is a wind dragon hidden in it? spirit?!!"

In front of the huge light screen, a man in black clothes and white hair had a sinking face, and his eyes instantly turned red.

He was obviously one of the people in charge of this recruitment. He was so frightened and angry that the other Blood Eagles became anxious as well.

"It's terrible now. The wind dragon is so terrifying. I'm afraid none of the monks who went for the trial will be able to escape! So many people died at once... Our Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group will probably become the target of public criticism!"

"Calm down, I'll go rescue them!"

The assessment girl who had been silently looking at the light screen looked stern and bit her lips silently.

But just when she was about to stand up and prepare to enter the Eye of the Wind Cave, she saw the body of the silver wind dragon inside the Wind Cave shake, and the mighty silver light rushed up like a Milky Way flow.

A huge silver barrier formed, completely covering the entire entrance to the abyss!

"No, that wind dragon has blocked the Eye of the Wind Cave!"

The expression of the man in black clothes and white hair changed dramatically again. He stared at the wind dragon in the light screen, his eyes spraying out uncontrollable anger.

"This evil beast...it actually plans to kill all the monks, and then condense their flesh and blood essence to shape its own body!!"


At this moment, no matter how calm the girl in charge of the assessment was, she looked helpless.

Her eyes were full of shock and worry, "The monk below is finished!!"

"What should we do? What should we do? Hundreds of monks in the Lingxi Realm, plus a few strong men in the Linghe Realm! If such a group of people all fall during the recruitment assessment of our Formation Breaking Group, We are afraid that we will attract hostility from all the Formation Breakers! Everyone will wonder whether we are recruiting people or committing murder!"

The members of the Blood Eagle Regiment were all in chaos.

"Such consequences... will cause too much damage to our Blood Eagle!"

"There is no way. This wind dragon is at least half a step into the Tianhe realm. None of the monks below can compete with it... We can't go down either. By the time we break this barrier, this wind dragon will probably kill everyone long ago. People!”

The assessment girl bit her lip. She understood deeply that the Blood Eagle Formation Group had encountered an unprecedented crisis!

In this little fairy world, although every formation-breaking group's assessment, formation breaking, and exploration of ancient ruins will lose a considerable number of manpower.

But if so many people died in a simple group trial...

The reputation of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group will be instantly reduced to the lowest level. From now on, no one will dare to join the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group!

In the Little Fairy World at this time, when everyone is facing life and death danger and everyone is trying their best to break the formation to deal with those ancient behemoths, if so many people die in one recruitment assessment of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group, all the Little Fairy World may be in trouble. The anger of people in the fairy world is the real anger of heaven and man! ! !

This consequence, such consequence... is too tragic...


The silver light was dazzling and unparalleled, as if the Milky Way thousands of meters long rolled out, filling the entire Eye of the Wind Cave.

At this moment, looking from inside the Eye of the Wind Cave, the originally dark and cold Wind Cave Abyss has completely turned into a bright silver country, with a silvery white light everywhere.

In this endless silver light, the figure of the huge silver wind dragon spun around, dancing wildly in the light like a huge silver lightning.

It can be seen that the body of the wind dragon seems to be completely integrated with the strong wind in the wind cave. It can be completely dispersed and turned into a piece of silver light at any time, and then re-condensed in another place!

"This is...the legendary 'Wind Dragon Heavenly Domain'!"

Seeing the wind dragon moving randomly throughout the wind cave abyss as if teleporting, Lan Xuan was shocked and exclaimed!

Chu Chen's face was even more solemn at this time, and his expression was full of alertness!

This wind dragon was originally a kind of demon spirit formed by the endless strong wind inside the wind cave absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Therefore, it is like a fish in water in the entire wind cave abyss, gathering and dispersing as desired. This is almost equivalent to the "celestial domain" The power effect is achieved.

You know, only god-level creatures can have the "God's Domain"!

Strictly speaking, the aura of this wind dragon is only half a step to the Tianhe realm. With Chu Chen's current cultivation level, although he has killed more than a dozen peak masters of Duxu Peak at the peak of the Linghe Realm, no matter Whether it is Tianhe or half-step to Tianhe, such a gap in realm cannot be overcome by him.

And it's different to have a "heavenly domain". Although it's not the domain of gods, it's still extremely terrifying!

Although it is still far from being comparable to the power of a real god who can control the entire space with his words, the wind dragon at this time is definitely an extremely powerful opponent. At least, it has surpassed what Chu Chen had ever experienced before. Any enemy you encounter!


With a shocking dragon roar, the huge wind dragon dissipated from the bottom of the abyss, and then regrouped above the abyss.

A pair of cold silver dragon eyes stared coldly at everyone climbing on the rock wall, with murderous intent exploding.

This huge wind dragon was so terrifying that it not only blocked the road with a barrier to prevent strong men from rescuing it, but also blocked the top with its body and began to cleanse and kill these monks.


Suddenly, before any of the monks could react, a shrill scream suddenly pierced the sky. I saw a few slender and sharp dragon claws coming out of the chest of a strong man from the Linghe Realm who was climbing on the rock wall. He squeezed hard and grabbed the strong man directly with a bang. Explode.

Before the rich blood essence could fall, it was pulled by the wind and turned into a red light that sank into the wind dragon's body.

The silver wind dragon was entrenched in the sky, and its body didn't even move. It saw the silver dragon's claws escape into the void and return to its body, stained with little blood...

This guy can actually split his body to attack at will, which makes people unable to hide! !

At this moment, an icy chill rose from the hearts of all the monks.

The wind dragon is entrenched above the Wind Cave Abyss, and its meaning is already very clear... it will trap everyone to death and kill all the monks on the rock wall!


The wind howled, and after killing a monk in the Spirit River Realm, the wind dragon seemed to be aroused with murderous intentions. It suddenly swooped down from the sky and rushed towards the monks closest to the entrance of the abyss.

Upon seeing this, those few people mobilized all their spiritual power and resisted desperately. A fierce spiritual light shone around them as if burning.

They will fight to the death! (To be continued.)

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