Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1431 Endless Killing

When Fenglong pressed down on everyone, the monks' counterattack seemed to be bursting with aura, but in reality they were so powerless!

The bright torrents of spiritual power bombarded the wind dragon, just like water droplets splashing into the sea, unable to stir up even a single wave.

The Linghe monk with the strongest cultivation among them gritted his teeth and directly detonated a forbidden weapon!

Make a final stand.

boom! !

The dazzling blue light burst out in the darkness instantly. The moment the forbidden weapon was detonated, super spiritual power fluctuations at the peak level of the Spirit River Realm erupted. This spiritual power turned into an unyielding blue sword light, cutting through the layers. A layer of void, slashing towards the scales on the wind dragon's neck!


The next moment, a sudden change occurs?

The moment that piercing sword light struck the scales of the wind dragon's huge neck, the neck of the wind dragon actually "disappeared" in an instant, leaving behind a huge dragon head and a slender dragon body. The space is connected, and there is a stretch of blank space in the middle that is more than ten feet long.

When the sword light slashed through the blank part, the "disappeared" dragon neck reappeared, and the entire wind dragon was intact, without any damage at all!

The dragon's eyes seemed to become colder at this moment.

"No, this wind dragon is the body of a demon spirit. Its origin is a ball of pure wind power. Normal attacks are useless against it!"

"It's the only thing that kills us, we can't fight back!"

With a desperate roar, the wind dragon that had already attacked swept the huge dragon claws and directly caught the monks.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

These unlucky monks immediately turned into several balls of essence and blood and dispersed.

The wind dragon swallowed all the blood essence in one gulp. Its huge body's speed did not slow down at all, and it rushed towards another wave of monks further down!

"Run! This wind dragon is going crazy and wants to kill us all!"

"There is a rock crevice here, hide in it!"

"Where are the people from the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group? Did they also release this wind dragon? Is this a trial or a murder?"


I don’t want to do the trial anymore. Let me go. If I die, even if I’m a ghost, I won’t let them go! "

All the monks inside the Eye of Wind Cave were completely panicked, and huge panic spread, causing everyone to fall into endless fear.

Every monk was desperate to escape, and some gritted their teeth and fled downwards, even leaving the rock wall and jumping off the building.

Some found rock cracks that had been blown apart and hid in the deepest parts of the cracks.

However, the violence of this wind dragon exceeded everyone's expectations.

Seeing that many monks were hiding in those cracks, the wind dragon actually roared, speeded up, and rushed towards the nearest crack!


Amidst the violent roar, gravel flew and smoke filled the sky. The two monks on the outside were directly smashed into pieces by the violent bombardment.

Turned into blood mist and was swallowed by the wind dragon!

However, the crack that was originally only a few feet wide was expanded to four to five feet long by the powerful impact of the wind dragon.

The next moment, a slender dragon claw grabbed the remaining monk who was desperately hiding in the deepest part of the crack, and exploded with a pop.

Devoured another monk!

This horrific scene was staged in front of everyone, instantly causing waves of hysterical panic, and some timid monks even burst into tears.

Since the wind dragon was entrenched in the sky and was being hunted from above, the remaining monks desperately climbed downwards, hoping to escape from this bloody massacre.

One by one, they were scrambling, thinking that even if they couldn't escape the wind dragon, they still had to be faster than the other monks.

While everyone was running for their lives, Chu Chen and Lan Xuan were also falling rapidly!

However, a group of monks were almost crowded into the same space to escape, and they couldn't move any faster.

The huge wind dragon also dived quickly. After killing more than a dozen monks with lightning, it seemed to sense something. The huge dragon head turned sharply, staring at the direction Chu Chen was escaping, and turned into a silver light with a bang. Rush away!

It's eyeing Chu Chen!


Cold, deathly murderous intent surged in overwhelmingly. At this moment, Chu Chen couldn't help but feel a chill in his body, as if he had been preyed upon by something.

When he looked up, he saw the wind dragon charging directly in his direction, with a very clear target!

"Hey, boy, that wind dragon has sensed that your life fluctuations are extremely powerful, and now it regards you and Blue Boy as the best prey!"

The little hamster lost his usual gloating tone and was obviously worried.

Feeling the violent aura of the wind dragon coming towards him, Chu Chen frowned and sprinted downwards at a sudden speed.

What is surprising is that after having these two special prey, the dragon actually jumped over a monk who was clinging to the rock wall and directly pursued Chu Chen and Lan Xuan.

The wind dragon obviously wanted to eat the most delicious prey first and could not care about individual small prey.

"Fuck you, why is this demon dragon coming at us!"

Lan Xuan, who was next to him, also speeded up while shouting. It has to be said that the speed of both of them is not weak. Whether it is Chu Chen's unknown footwork or Lan Xuan's phantom movement, they are both powerful in this environment. Can burst into the world's fastest speed.

The two people who fled were like two super lightnings tearing apart the darkness!

However, compared with them, the wind dragon, who was born as a wind demon, is even faster!

No matter how hard the two of them struggled to escape in the abyss, the huge figure of the wind dragon kept approaching the two of them, and they could catch up with them in the blink of an eye!


The low dragon roar sounded like rolling thunder, and the cold murderous intention seemed like a sharp knife hanging above the head, which could be slashed down at any time to chop the two of them into pieces.

Getting closer and closer, seeing that he couldn't escape the pursuit of the wind dragon, Chu Chen frowned fiercely and stopped instantly!

Dressed in gray and dancing wildly to welcome the young man, the young man seemed to have made a decision in his cold eyes.

Since you can’t hide, let’s do it!

Chu Chen pursed his lips slightly, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

This wind dragon has already regarded him as fish on the cutting board, and he must let him know that he is not so easy to eat.

The spiritual energy in Chu Chen's body was flowing rapidly, but when he saw the huge body of the wind dragon swooping down, it shook slightly. It seemed that he sensed some unusual aura, and suddenly disappeared from the mid-air without a trace?


The overwhelming murderous intention also suddenly disappeared, making people doubt that maybe nothing happened!

Is this abyss suddenly empty?

Only Chu Chen and Lan Xuan were left standing in the air.

Well, what's going on?

Is this demonic dragon trying to suddenly appear from somewhere else and attack?

Or was there an accident?

Chu Chen hugged Yuan Shouyi, and his spiritual sense was pushed to the limit, and everyone was on guard.

He has the spiritual sense to monitor every inch of the void!

An inexplicable sense of crisis lingered in his heart!

No, could it be... (To be continued.)

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