Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1442 The Ancient Blue Sea

"The terrain of the Little Fairy World is very complicated, so there are not only one or two ways to enter the deepest part of the Little Fairy World. As long as you have the ability, you can open bleeding paths from all directions to reach the deepest part. Therefore, the secret paths opened by the old demons , and everyone doesn’t care.”

Leng Tong smiled softly, turned around and looked into the distance in the sky, saying nothing more.

The young monk looked a little depressed and lowered his head.

It was obvious that the young man had taken the situation in the fairy world for granted before and did not understand how people would change in an increasingly desperate environment.

After hearing what Leng Tong said, I finally had some deep impressions...

This is a little fairyland!

Extremely dangerous place!

As time goes by, the environment of the Little Fairy World becomes worse and worse, and it may even turn into an ultimate prison, a hell! !

The monks, each with their own concerns, suddenly lost the excitement of joining the Blood Eagle Regiment for the first time, and all of them were relatively speechless.

Watch the sunrise and sunset with giant eagles flying among the clouds.

There were no words all the way. The giant eagle flew very fast and extremely smoothly. However, the vastness and vastness of the Xiaoxianjie area was far beyond the imagination of many people.

This gray giant eagle could fly from the ground to the void three thousand feet high in half a cup of tea, and it took three full days to reach its destination.

This is an endless blue sea area. The sea in Xiaoxianjie is somewhat different from the sea in the outside world. The sea water here is not pure blue, but has a strong green air. There is an extremely ancient and desolate air wafting above the sea water. The aura seems to have gone through endless years, with a very deep and heavy ancient meaning.

It's like endless years and secrets are buried in this blue ancient sea.

In the vast blue sea, a lush island floats.

In fact, when the giant eagle flew closer, everyone discovered that this "small" island was actually incredibly big.

The mountains on the island alone are more than two thousand feet high, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres, not to mention the large and small lakes, streams, grasslands, etc. on the island.

In terms of area alone, this small island is comparable to the size of a small country in the outside world.

When the giant eagle flew to the top of an ancient black mountain and was about to land,

A sudden change occurred! ?

I saw large green waves suddenly appearing on the sea around the island.

The rolling waves rolled up hundreds of feet high. In the violent waves, the entire island was sinking at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Yes, it is indeed sinking.

Turbulent waves swept across the sky, and huge sea whirlpools began to appear one after another around the entire island.

In this sea area, huge sea beasts fled in all directions, hurricanes rolled up by the waves roared past, and the rolling air currents covered the void!

The entire island seems to be in doomsday and self-destruction?

For a moment, all the monks were dumbfounded. Before they even got off the island, the island was about to disappear!

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Is this island going to sink?"

"The island is gone, what are we going to do?"

"The water vapor is so strong. Should we fly higher? It's too scary."

All the monks couldn't sit still, and even Chu Chen's pupils shrank slightly.

If an island sinks, its enveloping force will be unimaginable. This is the power of heaven and earth, and a real natural disaster!

This means that there is something going on in this sea area!

Will it be a big problem for everyone to escape?

"No need to panic, it's just that the old dragon carrying the island is a little tired, so he needs to sink to the bottom of the sea to rest for a few days."

Facing the panicked monks, Leng Tong calmly gestured to the beast-taming disciples, telling them to stop the giant eagle in the air.

Leng Tong calmly looked at the huge waves below that were so turbulent that it seemed to submerge the sky, and said lightly, "This giant dragon rests for a few days every year. We are lucky enough to encounter such a situation this time. There is no need." What a fuss.”

"What? You, you, you...you mean that this island is also carried by an ancient beast and floats on this sea?"

At this time, all the monks were completely stupid.

Lan Xuan stood up suddenly, with an expression of helpless belief on his face.

"Is it possible that your Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group is so powerful that you can control such a huge and powerful ancient beast?"

At this moment, not only Lan Xuan, but also all the monks present fell into a state of blank mind.

The ancient beast carrying the city is understandable. After all, those slightly larger ancient beasts are often hundreds or thousands of feet in size, and they can carry a small city or something on their backs without any problem...

But what is here? This is an island!

An island with several mountains more than 2,000 feet high and covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres!

How big must a giant dragon be that can carry such an island? I'm afraid only the legendary Dragon God from ancient times could have such a body shape!

And although the size and strength of the giant beasts in ancient times are not absolutely proportional, when their size reaches a certain level, their own strength will naturally not be much worse.

After all, if it can carry such an island, then the giant dragon deep in the seabed will probably reach ten thousand feet in length...

Such a huge beast can easily smash several mountains with one claw. How can such a beast be inferior in strength?

Compared with such a giant beast, human beings are not even ants. Such a giant beast can blow up a hurricane with just one breath. How much energy does it take to maintain such a huge body? ?

It’s unimaginable!

Is this a legendary beast?

The Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group can actually control a divine beast?

What a joke! If this was the case, they might have found the clue to leave the fairy world long ago! !

After all, until now, I have never heard of a god-level powerhouse appearing in the Little Fairy World!

"Don't get me wrong, everyone. Although our Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group is very powerful, it is absolutely impossible for us to be able to control a god-level beast." Looking at everyone's shocked eyes, Leng Tong understood that they had all misunderstood. He had no choice but to smile helplessly.

Everyone's ears pricked up.

"The giant dragon at the bottom of the sea is a mutant of the dragon lineage in ancient times. Although it is a bit bigger, its own strength is still not strong. At most, it has only reached the Tianhe realm."

The monks couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when they heard about the Tianhe Realm. In fact, the Tianhe Realm was already very scary. You must know that if Shi Yuyan hadn't taken action half a step into Tianhe, everyone would have been wiped out.

But I had too much expectations for this ancient dragon, so I was disappointed.

"And because it is so big, it has many limitations. It cannot fly to the sky and escape like ordinary dragons. It may even be directly exhausted by its own size once it leaves the water."

It seems that the ancient beast that cannot leave the water is not a fighting breed?

The disappointment in the eyes of the monks became even stronger.

"When our Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group first discovered this island, we discovered that the island was closely related to the old dragon. They were bound together with great magical powers, making the giant dragon rely on the island for its entire life."

Leng Tong introduced softly.

"Later, we took over the island and regularly provided a large amount of food to the giant dragon, which finally tamed it. We used the island as a training ground for newcomers. Unexpectedly, we happened to meet it during its annual rest time. Everyone, please wait here." (To be continued.)

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