Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1443 It’s so difficult to jump off a building

The island sank, and the huge island sank rapidly in front of everyone's eyes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just one stick of incense, the entire island was completely submerged into the blue water, and even the highest peaks completely disappeared.

However, from the turquoise sea surface, you can see a huge shadow gradually disappearing and fading.

It feels as if a huge prehistoric beast has entered another dimension.

On the vast sea, there was only a huge whirlpool, which eventually calmed down.

A sea area as quiet as sleep, as if nothing had happened.

No waves!

I have to say that today is really a perfect weather. In such a vast sea area, the sea water is so calm, without any fluctuations in wind and waves. The entire sea water is like a mirror, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The giant gray eagle is hovering in the sky. Its wings are so huge that they can cover half of the sky. They are stretched out straight. After a long time, they are slightly flapped, and they can actually keep it suspended in an extremely stable state. In the void, people are extremely surprised by its powerful ability to stay in the air.

It's just that most of the monks are not thinking about other things at the moment. They are almost staring blankly at the place where the island originally existed, with dull and trapped faces on their faces.

The giant eagle's extremely fast flight for several days was a drain on it, and it was also a considerable drain on the monks.

The invisible strong wind was violently consuming the true energy in the monks' bodies.

In fact, the monks were all thinking about reaching their destination and taking a good rest, but the destination actually sank.

What the hell is this?

Fortunately, the giant eagle was now in the air, so the monks simply sat cross-legged and began to meditate to adjust their spiritual energy.

"By the way, this eagle is just hanging in the air. Isn't it tired?"

After a long time, a round-faced young girl cultivator in the team looked at Leng Tong doubtfully.

Judging from the size of this giant eagle, plus the loft on its back, I'm afraid it would weigh at least hundreds of thousands of kilograms.

The amount of force required to suspend such a heavy piece in mid-air is unimaginable.

The round-faced girl was obviously too kind and felt sorry for the giant eagle.

"Don't worry, the ancient behemoth has extraordinary talents. This ability to stay in the air is the innate magical power of this giant eagle. Even if it is suspended like this for several months, it will not be tired." Leng Tong smiled softly.

In fact, what she said was absolutely correct. The monks stayed on the back of the giant eagle for two more days, and a dazzling brilliance suddenly bloomed on the calm sea!

Is this an island about to float?

A glimmer of hope rose in everyone's minds, but they saw the light only glowed for less than a breath before dissipating, revealing an old man in gray.

Everyone was disappointed, but before they could see clearly, the old man rose into the sky, and in just a blink of an eye, he flew on the back of the giant eagle.

The old man was dressed in gray clothes, wearing straw sandals, and holding a cracked bamboo stick in his hand.

His sleeves and trousers were rolled up several times, and there were a few drops of muddy water splashed on the edges of his trousers. At first glance, he looked like an old farmer working in the fields.

But when they saw the old man, several official members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group on the giant eagle's back looked solemn. Everyone, including Leng Tong, bowed down and saluted respectfully: "Have you met Mr. Yan?" ”


The old man nodded, tapped the bamboo stick in his hand, his figure floated, and he entered the main hall of the hall and sat down on the main seat, looking like a master.

He glanced around, nodded gently and said, "Xiao Leng, it was our negligence this time. We did not inform you in advance that the trial island would be closed for a few days."

"Old Yan, you are serious."

Leng Tong cupped his hands and said to everyone, "This Mr. Yan is the instructor on the trial island and is responsible for teaching everyone some introductory Blood Eagle membership courses."

After hearing this, all the monks made a half-master's salute, but after seeing Mr. Yan sitting on the main seat for a while, he suddenly frowned, tapped the bamboo stick lightly on the ground, closed his eyes, and seemed to be After thinking about something, he asked after a moment.

"This giant eagle hasn't taken the 'Hua Ling Xuan Liquid' for a while."


Leng Tong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, lowered his head and thought for a moment, his pretty face looked surprised and ashamed.

"Lao Yan is right. Last month, the Hualing Xuan Liquid was not put into the warehouse in time. I have been busy with many things recently. When I was busy, I really forgot to feed this giant eagle this liquid. It was our negligence. ”

The old man frowned slightly and tapped the bamboo stick on the ground a few times.

"Although you don't need to take too much of the Hualing Xuan Liquid, it is indispensable for flying behemoths like this. Once it is not taken for a long time, the behemoth will get tired very easily. If things go on like this, it will deteriorate. It will damage its lifespan. This giant eagle has not taken Xuan liquid for two months, and it needs to be replenished in time... Even though this giant eagle has not activated its spiritual intelligence, we still have to treat it well. "

"That's what the old man taught me."

Several members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group headed by Leng Tong bowed their heads and said yes. Faced with the scolding of this old farmer-like man, no one raised any objection, which was enough to show the prestige of this old man in the hearts of everyone.

"Since this giant eagle is tired, we can no longer wait on its back. Please follow me down and let this giant eagle go back and rest early."

The old man stood up and walked out of the attic, squinting at the blue sky with an extremely indifferent expression.

Although the old man's expression was indifferent, the expressions of the monks changed after hearing these words.

Everyone looked at each other.

A girl in purple who looked pampered looked even more aggrieved.

"Shall we go down directly? Go down...go down to the sea? I only have the cultivation level of Lingxi realm now. This sea looks very strange, and I am a little scared...can I not go down?"

The old man chuckled when he heard this.

"Haha, not only is it weird, the rules of the world in this sea area are different. If an ordinary monk stays here for a long time, the spiritual power in his body will continue to be melted away. Not to mention the Lingxi realm, even the Linghe realm A monk can’t stay in the sea for long!”

After hearing this, the expressions of the monks changed from doubt to fear.

The old man waved his bamboo stick, "But since I'm letting you down, I won't let you fall into the sea easily. Just come down with me."

The old man chuckled, then jumped up on the giant eagle and jumped decisively.

Facing the turquoise sea, like a small black shadow, falling infinitely.

After him, the members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group headed by Leng Tong also jumped down decisively, seemingly without any hesitation.

From a distance, it looks like a few small black dots flying down from the giant eagle.

The remaining monks were completely stunned. Seeing that all the official members of the Blood Eagle Regiment had jumped down, they couldn't do anything without jumping.

Otherwise, if the giant eagle really flew back to the abandoned city three days ago, then their work would be in vain.

Therefore, the monks gritted their teeth and started jumping down one by one.

The giant eagle hovered in the sky three thousand feet high and jumped down from the height of three thousand feet. Even though everyone was at least a super strong person in the Lingxi realm, they still felt a little scared in their hearts.

As the monks continued to decline, another incident occurred.

Huge waves of pressure appeared out of nowhere, giving the impression that the surrounding air suddenly changed quality, from an invisible gaseous state to a liquid state, and then to a solid state.

Later, every time the monks landed in the void, it was like drilling down into the endless sand.

Is it so difficult to even jump off a building? !

(To be continued.)

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