Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1445 1 person

Yan Lao looked solemn and slowly spoke to the monks.

"I think everyone has heard that the group of peerless experts encountered shocking changes while exploring the Little Fairy World. They had to join forces to set up layers of restrictions and completely block the Little Fairy World! In the end, only one little fairy was left. The small corner has been established as an arena in the fairy world and a place dedicated to practicing one's performance. "

The monks nodded and pricked up their ears one by one.

"But no one knows what this shocking incident is. The news I got here is that they met a person."

one person!

The hearts of all the monks were beating wildly. This group of super powerful people with all-powerful abilities would actually retreat and give up exploring the Little Fairy World because of one person.

Having sealed all areas outside the arena, how terrifying is this person?

Is he still alive? !

The more the monks thought about it, the more frightened they became. One of the young monks with a childish look asked softly, "I wonder what level of cultivation have reached those peerless experts who joined forces to explore the small fairy world?"

"It cannot be speculated or spied on. It is a level that is completely beyond our imagination. Even if we look at the past and present, there are not many people who can match them."

Elder Yan sighed, his tone full of regret, "It's just that time is ruthless, millions of years have passed by in a blink of an eye, and even the most powerful ones will eventually disappear..."

The monks felt relieved. After such a long time, those peerless experts had all disappeared, and that person should also have died.

Yan Lao's expression calmed down a lot, "Let's get back to the topic and go back to the history of the Little Fairy World. About a year ago, the entrance and exit of the Little Fairy World was suddenly blocked without any warning, turning the Little Fairy World into a cage that no one could leave. . At the same time, the beast tide raged outside the arena, and all the statues in the arena suddenly came to life, killing all the monks by surprise..."

The beast tide was raging, so many ancient beasts in the fairy world formed a rampaging beast tide. How terrifying was it outside the arena at that time?

Just thinking about it makes all the monks shudder.

"Why is the statue resurrected? What was the statue in the arena made of? Is there any ancient beast soul sealed in the statue?"

Lan Xuan asked thoughtfully.

"At first many monks thought so,

But everyone was wrong. The statue was really just a statue. It was carved out of local stone, and the souls of any ferocious beasts or evil spirits were not sealed inside. "

Yan Lao answered directly, and his words made everyone's hearts tremble.

The Little Fairy World is so terrible. Those resurrected statues suddenly attacked the monks guarding the arena, and the blood must have flowed into rivers.

Although since entering the fairy world, all I have heard are fragments of words.

But everyone can imagine the tragic scene of the monks being slaughtered by the resurrected statues, with rivers of blood and corpses everywhere!

The saying that the fairy world is hell also comes from that time.

"The tragedy of the arena at the beginning was unimaginable to you. Corpses everywhere and blood floating in the oars are definitely not adjectives. At the same time as the statue mutated, the chaotic blockade around the arena also disappeared. However, this was the beginning of another tragedy. …”

"Is it a tide of beasts?"

A round-faced girl monk was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"At the beginning, the monks only heard loud noises coming from outside the competition area. They did not know that there was a tide of beasts. They only knew that it was dangerous outside. But after the statues were killing people crazily, the outermost group of monks began to They fled, but few survived, and all of them died in the tide of beasts. The last group of monks fled back to the competition area in time, and joined forces with other monks to fight against the statue, and finally saved their lives. "

Yan Lao said with lingering fear.

"What should I do if those ancient beasts chase them into the competition area?"

"There is no need to worry about this. There are special restrictions in the competition area, which were left by the first batch of extremely powerful people who explored the Little Fairy World. Occasionally, one or two weak ancient beasts impact, and the restrictions may not be triggered. If it is a beast When the tide comes and the ban is activated, the tide of beasts will immediately turn into ashes and disappear."

The round-faced girl showed a hint of relief in her eyes.

"It's so tragic..."

Lan Xuan, who had been listening silently, suddenly sighed.

Yan Lao also sighed, as if he didn't want to look back on the tragic scene.

"After the initial changes calmed down for a while, many monks felt that the small fairy world had completely turned into a desperate situation. Therefore, many monks had a mental breakdown and fell into crazy killings of each other. It took a long time before a group of strong men re-established the new order and rules.”

Yan Lao said slowly, "The initial exploration of the Little Immortal Realm can be called the darkest era. On the one hand, the ancient beasts left over from ancient times are extremely powerful; on the other hand, it is also because most of the monks fight on their own and cannot After forming an effective counterattack and paying countless blood costs, all the monks understood that only by uniting and forming their own groups and cooperating with each other can they truly explore the small fairy world. This was the prototype of the original formation-breaking group."

"Who first proposed the concept of Formation Breaking Group?"

The round-faced girl asked softly.

"I'm not too sure about this. In short, they are some of the strongest existences in the small fairy world. At that time, when the monks decided to stick together to keep warm, several large formation-breaking groups were born."

Yan Lao recalled those years with infinite sadness in his eyes.

"The ultimate goal of these formation-breaking groups is to conquer the restricted area of ​​life, enter the deepest part of the Immortal Realm, break the Immortal Realm's divine formation, and let everyone leave the Little Immortal Realm, a world that can turn into hell at any time!"

When the monks heard this, they nodded one after another, with a little more respect for the formation-breaking groups in their hearts.

These formation-breaking groups fight for themselves and for all the monks trapped in the fairy world!

"Now, let me briefly explain that in the fairy world, they are at the top of the food chain, which are the strongest formation-breaking groups."

Yan Lao wore a gray robe and fluttered in the cold wind, and the body-protecting aura on everyone became more and more intense.

The monks were so absorbed in listening that they didn't even notice that the huge Iceland under their feet was rapidly drifting towards the depths of the ancient blue sea! ?

"In this entire little fairy world, the legendary Yin is undoubtedly the strongest and most terrifying existence!"


Hearing this word, Chu Chen couldn't help but feel something in his heart. This team composed of several super old demons is the most mysterious and terrifying existence in the fairy world.

I don’t know when I will encounter this group of super old demons?

Thinking about it, it is scary and exciting at the same time.

"Although Yin is strong, it has nothing to do with all the monks in the small fairy world, so it does not participate in the ranking of the formation-breaking groups. The largest group in the ranking of the formation-breaking groups is temporarily tied by the two formation-breaking groups. Everyone must know who they are.”

When Yan Lao asked, all the monks knew clearly that the two major formation-breaking groups were naturally Destruction Immortal and Jiutian!

(To be continued.)

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