Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1446 The little princess is a battlefield genius

"Yes, Mie Xian and Jiutian can be said to be divided into two parts of the world. The remaining ones are the so-called ten formation-breaking groups, each occupying an area with the most abundant ancient ruins, dominating one side."

As Yan Lao spoke slowly, a huge light curtain appeared in front of everyone's eyes. The regional distribution map of these super formation-breaking groups was marked with different colors.

From this light map, it can be judged that there are still many areas in the Little Fairy World that are unknown!

"How much significance does the ranking of this formation-breaking group have? Who is weaker and who is stronger, will there be any difference in the results of exploring the fairy world?"

The round-faced girl looked puzzled.

"The importance of the Ranking of the Formation Breakers is far beyond all of your imagination."

Yan Lao's expression suddenly became serious, "For example, if several team members discover an ancient ruins together, who should explore it first? Once this problem is not handled well, a breakdown may occur. The battle between the teams. After the series of changes, the human monks in the Little Fairy World can no longer withstand much internal strife!"

The round-faced girl couldn't help but nodded.

After a pause, Yan Lao spoke again.

"Ancient ruins. Almost every ancient ruin contains a large number of magical weapons, techniques, heavenly materials, earthly treasures and other resources from the ancient times. This is a piece of fat!"

All the monks nodded.

"In order to minimize the internal friction among human monks, and to increase the exploration rate of ancient ruins and the success rate of capturing forbidden areas, the Little Fairy World has an unwritten rule, that is, when two or more formation-breaking groups discover the same ancient ruins , when there is a dispute about who enters first, the formation-breaking group with the highest ranking will have priority to explore!"


Yan Lao's words really shocked everyone. The meaning of priority right to explore is so extraordinary.

After all, no one knows what kind of treasures an ancient ruin contains, and the first formation-breaking group to explore will definitely try their best to take away all the treasures. The next group to go, I can only get some leftovers.

"However, this rule is just a rule. Once a truly peerless treasure is born, many low-ranked formation-breaking groups will dare to fight against high-ranking formation-breaking groups. However, rankings still have a great degree of deterrence, which makes the formation-breaking groups The regiment must have an objective assessment of its own and the opponent's strength to avoid unnecessary killings.


Yan Lao said in a deep voice the laws of this world of the jungle.

"Then how strong is our Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group among all the groups in the entire Little Immortal World?"

Lan Xuan first asked a question that everyone was most concerned about. In fact, this was also a question that everyone wanted to ask but did not dare to ask easily.

When Lan Xuan took Chu Chen into the Blood Eagle formation-breaking group, he once said that Blood Eagle was one of the ten strongest formation-breaking groups at its peak. Later, a big change happened, which reduced the strength of the entire team. Big reduction.

No one can tell how much strength this team still has now.

Since they want to become a part of Blood Eagle, everyone is naturally concerned about the current strength of this team. After all, this is not only related to personal honor and future achievements, but also related to whether there is any hope of truly leaving the fairy world in the future!

"Today's Blood Eagle occupies the 24th place among all the team rankings in the Little Fairy World."

Yan Lao smiled bitterly. Faced with this sensitive issue, he introduced it straightforwardly without any hesitation or hiding anything.

"We used to be a super group ranked in the top ten, but then some changes happened and our strength was greatly reduced. Now we are trying to find a way to get back to the top twenty."

As soon as these words fell, the expressions on everyone's faces varied. Some were disapproving, some were relieved, and some seemed suspicious.

Li Lao smiled calmly and said leisurely.

"The original Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group was founded by Lord Blood Eagle in the darkest era of the Little Fairy World. With his peerless cultivation and courage, the Lord promoted Blood Eagle to one of the top ten strongest breakers in one fell swoop. The level of formation.”

Yan Lao tried his best to keep his voice calm, but there was an uncontrollable sigh in his tone.

"Alas, the Lord was accidentally seriously injured while exploring a forbidden area of ​​life and almost died. Although the injury was finally stabilized, a large amount of lifespan and original essence were also lost. In order to reduce the consumption of his own life , the Lord can only enter the state of suspended animation most of the time.”

When Mr. Yan said this, his eyes turned red. It was obvious that he was also an old subordinate of Lord Blood Eagle.

"As a result, the leaderless Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group has plummeted since then. At its lowest point, it was not even ranked among the top fifty."

Yan Lao gritted his teeth and spoke word by word.

"Have you all fallen outside of fifty?"

The girl in round clothes asked with a look of disbelief, "Then why did the ranking come up again?"

"All of this is because Miss Sun, the granddaughter of Lord Blood Eagle, entered the Little Fairy World from the outside world at the most critical moment, and single-handedly became the backbone of the entire Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group!"

As Yan Lao spoke, his expression gradually showed enthusiasm and sincere admiration.

Chu Chen had also heard from Lan Xuan before that the Miss Sun mentioned by Yan Lao was the youngest princess of the small country of Yinghuang Mountain.

In order to save her grandfather, she resolutely entered the fairy world regardless of the opposition from the government and the public. She is a genius in tactics and strategy.

"In a short period of time, a scattered group of leaderless Blood Eagles was resurrected in the hands of Miss Sun! It gradually returned to within fifty from outside fifty."

"Within three months, we will be back within forty!"

"Within six months, we will be back within thirty!"

"... In less than half a year, the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group has already reached the 24th place in the rankings!"

Yan Lao's face looked completely proud of Miss Sun.

"Little princess... no, Miss Sun has such great courage, great ability, and great supernatural powers? It seems that she is also a goddess-level existence in the fairy world!"

Lan Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his whole face began to light up.

"That's natural!"

Yan Lao nodded with a proud look on his face, "It's just that Miss Sun is not interested in this. Her biggest and ultimate goal is not to break the ranking of the formation group, but to let the Blood Eagle Lord, whose life hangs by a thread, as quickly as possible." Leave the Little Fairyland and return to the Blood Eagle Secret Realm to extend your longevity.”

There seemed to be fire in Yan Lao's eyes.

"And this purpose is also the ultimate goal of all members of our Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group, which is to leave the small fairy world and return to the big world!!"

Chu Chen nodded subconsciously when he heard this. It had to be said that the people in the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group still had their own principles.

The existence of so many ancient ruins and ancient treasures in the Little Fairy World is a huge temptation in itself.

The leadership level of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group can make it clear that the ultimate goal of the entire team is not to obtain those treasures, but to leave the fairy world as soon as possible. This vision and level are far beyond that of many Formation Breaking Groups.

Sure enough, the trader is the one who controls a country, even though it is a small country.

"I hope everyone remembers this!"

When he said this, Yan Lao's expression became particularly stern.

"No matter how good the treasure is before you, if you don't have the life to enjoy it, it will all be in vain! Survival is the first principle you have to face in the fairy world. Don't ever forget this!"

(To be continued.)

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