Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1447 A more terrifying existence than the king-level ancient beast

Yan Lao's warning, in fact, every monk has already understood in his heart that in the small fairy world full of dangers and many blessings, without life, no matter how many treasures you have, it will be useless!

However, when faced with the birth of a heaven-defying treasure, few monks can face it calmly.

There are some long-lost magical powers, ancient magic weapons, and genius treasures from countless ancient times in the fairy world...

These things are unimaginably precious!

Even if you only get one or two of these peerless treasures, it is enough to suppress the luck of an outside great religion and protect its longevity.

How easy is it to stay calm?

No matter when and where, monks always have a sense of luck, thinking that they should be the lucky one chosen among ten thousand!

Therefore, even if the opponent is powerful enough to easily crush him, he still wants to try his luck.

But with such an ending, more than 99% of the monks died because of it!

In today's fairy world, there are too many such examples...

"If you are unfortunate enough to encounter a king-level ancient beast... hide as far as you can! Don't be delusional, don't be greedy, and don't try your luck! With the cultivation of you people, the king-level ancient beast It’s not a powerful existence that you can imagine!”

"Remember, this is not a warning, but a way to survive in the fairy world!"

Yan Lao sighed heavily, seeming to be caught up in the terrifying memory of a certain encounter with a king-level ancient beast.

Several young monks looked a little confused when they heard Yan Lao's words, because none of them had passed the king-level ancient beast.

"Are king-level ancient beasts really that scary? After all, they are just a bunch of beasts..."

"No matter how powerful they are, it's possible to deal with them, right? For example... what about poisoning them?"

"Or do we surround and kill it?"

Yan Lao smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You guys really don't know the heights of the world. You actually want to compete with a king-level ancient beast. You can't even let it fill the gap between your teeth."

At this time, Lan Xuan also stood up and spoke, "I also know a little bit about king-level ancient beasts. Even if it is poisoning, based on everyone's level, what level of poison can be released?"

Lan Xuan's face flashed with a disdainful sneer and ridicule.

"Someone once used the 'Poisonous Dragon Zhi' that could easily poison the Tianhe Realm monks to transform into a blood-eating **** king beast to hunt. A full three hundred kilograms of Poisonous Dragon Zhi was enough to poison a dozen of the Tianhe Realm's legendary strong men. In the end, the golden-eyed black giant ape ate and nothing happened... No, it still farted, and then nothing happened..."

All the monks were stunned for a moment. To be honest, the name of Poison Dragon Zhi is well-known in the monk world. This highly toxic elixir is said to only grow on the edge of the dragon's nest. It is nourished by the filthy gas discharged by the giant dragon. It is only Half a tael can poison a legendary strongman in the Tianhe realm.

In the world of monks, this kind of poisonous weed is extremely expensive, and it is sold individually for one penny. It is often still valuable and has no market. It is the favorite treasure of some assassins, killers and other dark organizations.

Three hundred kilograms of Poison Dragon Zhi, in terms of price alone, can bankrupt an upper-middle-sized sect or family. In the end, it was just a tooth sacrifice to the king beast... Such a loss would probably make many people jump in pain.

"Once the ancient giant beasts reach the king level, their physical structure and flesh and blood tissue will completely transform into another form, a powerful creature similar to a mythical beast. In their eyes, they are as small as dust, but once they provoke the king The consequences of the beast’s anger are definitely not something that everyone can bear.”

"So the first ironclad rule for becoming a member of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group is not to provoke the king beast!"

A group of young monks put away their contempt at this time and nodded to express their acceptance.

Mr. Yan let out a long sigh and glanced around, "There is another ultimate danger that needs to be reminded of you... that is, in this little fairy world, there are a few people who are so terrifying that, to a certain extent, More than the king beast!"

Isn't the king beast at the top of the pyramid of the food chain in the fairy world?

Many monks are wondering why there are a few people who are more terrifying than the king beast!

At this time, Tonglan Xuan in the Immortal Realm also showed a look of fear, "What Mr. Yan is talking about should be... the legendary Yin people, right?"

"That's right."

Mr. Yan nodded cautiously, "The six old demons of Tianhe in the hidden formation are called the six killing gods. In this little fairy world, if you encounter the king beast, you may still have a glimmer of hope. But if you encounter the hidden beast, you may still have a chance to survive." The members probably have no chance of survival!"

"Isn't it said that Yin has always been high and low, making it difficult for outsiders to meet him?"

The round-faced girl asked with fear and curiosity, "Yin are super powerful and have always been aloof from things. It is difficult for ordinary people to meet them, right?"

"It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to encounter them, but our Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group is currently at the forefront of the Little Fairy World, and the treasures contained in the ancient ruins we explore are also some of the best, so there are still some chances of hidden encounters. ”

Yan Lao looked bitter and helpless.

"So is there any relevant information about those old demons? I've spent a lot of effort here and found nothing."

Lan Xuan looked at Yan Lao expectantly. Since he entered the fairy world, he had tried his best to collect Yin's information, but he had always failed.

He knew very well that this was information that all monks were willing to spend a lot of money to buy, which was extremely valuable to his business.

"The information about the people in the Hidden Group has always been incomplete and not comprehensive. Moreover, that information is top secret in the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group, and you cannot know it at your current level."

Yan Lao waved his hand, "Okay, now let me introduce the terrain distribution of the Little Fairy World.!"

Lan Xuan and the other monks were dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, Yan Lao directly bypassed this part.

What he said was very clear. With everyone's current authority, they cannot access this information. If you want to know, you must first improve your status in the Blood Eagle Regiment.

Yan Lao ignored these unwilling and highly curious monks and continued his lessons.

"The ancient ruins in the current Little Fairy World are divided into two major categories based on their internal resource distribution."

Yanlao talks eloquently.

"One type has a large number of low-level treasures and ruins that are not very dangerous. They are called legacy ruins."

All the monks in this kind of ruins know that once such a place is discovered, the treasures inside can be easily taken away.

"The other type is extremely dangerous, and the number of treasures inside is not very large, but each treasure is an ancient secret treasure with earth-shattering power. Such legendary ruins are basically within the restricted area of ​​life!"

(To be continued.)

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