Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1448 The Blood Eagle Group who broke their promise

"Actually, what I want to know most is who left these relics and treasures. Are they the legacy of the legendary ancient immortals?"

Lan Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he was known as a master of the fairy world, he obviously knew too little about the fairy world that seemed to be shrouded in thick fog.

"No one knows whether they were left behind by the ancient immortals, but the things in those ruins are not easily accessible. The best treasures must be in the restricted area of ​​life!"

Yan Lao said word for word.

"But the difficulty of the restricted area of ​​life...can't be entered by just anyone, right?"

The round-faced girl looked helpless.

"Yes, the reason why the Life Forbidden Zone is called a Forbidden Zone is because it is too dangerous inside! More than 50% of the area in Xiaoxian Realm belongs to the Life Forbidden Zone, and many formation-breaking group strategies have been involved in it. Yes, it only accounts for a part, such as..."

There was an ancient aura in Yan Lao's voice, which made all the monks fascinated. Only Chu Chen felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Standing in the crowd, he felt that the world was about to darken and his eyelids were struggling. After a few times, I finally couldn't help it and fell asleep slowly.

Yan Lao, who was speaking, glanced around, and after looking in the direction of Chu Chen, he frowned slightly, and lightly pressed his palm a few times, causing faint ripples to slowly spread around.

Chu Chen's consciousness had always been a little groggy. Since he really didn't have much interest in the information that Yan Lao said, and he couldn't sense any dangerous presence around him, he simply stood there. Fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly had an idea while he was sleeping, and then woke up suddenly.

Is the chill in the air getting much worse?

"What's wrong?"

Lan Xuan looked at Chu Chen waking up from his deep sleep, his expression changed drastically, and he frowned and asked.

"There is a situation..."

Chu Chen whispered, he instinctively told himself that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

But when he saw Yan Lao talking in front of him, he suddenly stopped and stopped talking.

He stood with his hands behind his back, but no movement was seen. "Swipe", his whole body turned into a white light and rose into the sky.

Did he abandon everyone and fly away?

At the same time, a stream of extremely cold air suddenly spurted out from the soles of the monks' feet, and sharp ice pillars stood up like lightning on the ice around where the monks were standing.

Those ice icicles bite, tangle, and coil with each other, almost forming a huge black ice cage between the lightning and flint, trapping everyone inside!

All the monks were stunned and listened carefully to the lecture. In the blink of an eye, they were imprisoned together and turned from classmates to cellmates?

"Lao Yan, why are you doing this?"

"Lao Yan, please let us out quickly. What do you want to do?"

"It's so cold, it's getting colder..."

The monks couldn't help but panic, but this shocking scene was unexpected by everyone. The crowd was excited for a moment, and everyone shouted to Yan Lao in the void.

After hearing everyone's shouts, Yan Lao still stood calmly in the void with his hands behind his back. His whole person looked like an immortal, with a sense of being out of the world.

"Don't panic. After I've told you so much, it's time to give you some practical basic trial tasks."

Yan Lao's voice in the void turned cold.

"Everyone, listen up, from now on! You will face Blood Eagle's first death mission!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, a death mission?

"Lao Yan, are you kidding? Isn't this a basic task?"

"Why did it become a death mission!"

"I died from the mission at the beginning, can I quit..."

"Silence!" A cold glint flashed in Yan Lao's eyes, causing all the monks to shut up immediately.

"Listen, you have three sticks of time to escape from this ice prison. Those who successfully escape will be able to join the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group and become a formal member!"

Yan Lao's voice became colder and colder.

"If you fail to escape...you can take care of yourself."

The ice prison flashes with a white light, as if to remind everyone that the countdown to death is about to begin!

"How can this be! Haven't we already gone through trials? Why do we have to go through them again?"

"Let... let us out!"

"Lao Yan, please wait a moment..."

The monks were shocked and angry. So many people were buried in the dragon's belly in the Wind Cave Abyss, and only these twenty lucky ones were left. It can be said that there were heavy casualties.

As a result, I have to go through a death trial here... Is this Blood Eagle a world of madmen?

"The Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group doesn't need weak people!"

"The trial begins now!"

No matter how unwilling the monks below were, Yan Lao still waved his arms coldly and forcefully.

The next moment, in front of everyone's eyes, they saw huge cracks suddenly appearing on the small island with a radius of several thousand feet. The entire ice prison was peeled off from the ice island and began to slowly sink into the sea...

The cold water suddenly submerged everyone's feet and slowly rose up along their calves.

At this moment, the monks felt that the soles of their feet were freezing.


A girl's soft call came, causing all the monks who were already confused to tremble.

Looking towards the cry, he saw that Shi Yuyan's expression changed drastically and she lifted her jade feet into the blue sea water.

Everyone discovered that she had lifted up her white skirt in panic, revealing a beautiful and white calf, but there was a black and white sea worm covered in lumps wrapped around it. It raised its upper body ferociously and hissed out its bright red core.

At this time, part of the ice prison had invaded the sea water, and there were suddenly some sea worms and other creatures in the originally calm sea water!

However, after scanning with their spiritual senses, the monks immediately discovered that they were not real creatures, but creatures condensed from sea water.

This sea worm is one of them!

The appearance of this sea worm seems so disgusting that it scares the girl in white who can fight two wind dragons without changing her attitude.

The monks noticed that the face of the charming girl changed drastically. In their panic, they even forgot to activate their spiritual power to fly it away. They just kept shaking their feet and finally shook the sea insect away.

The girl in white clothes was already flushed with anxiety, and there was water in her beautiful eyes. She felt so fragile that I felt pity for her, which made some young monks want to rush up and hug her into their arms to comfort her.

It seems that no matter how powerful a woman is, she still has a natural fear of things like insects...

There were a few young heroes among the crowd who were ready to move, and they obviously wanted to go forward to comfort them. However, when they thought of the frightening performance of the graceful girl in the abyss of the wind cave, like a god of death from hell, their steps as if they had just stepped out stopped. Stopped abruptly.

The girl in white, Shi Yuyan, looked pitifully at the young monks, and their hearts softened again.

(To be continued.)

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