Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1464 Hard to move even an inch

The Lingxi realm can directly add a Lingxi. There is a 30% hope that the Linghe realm can directly add a Linghe.

Even monks at the peak of Linghe can hope to advance to the Tianhe realm after taking it!

Is there actually such a powerful magical elixir for improving cultivation in this world?

The Little Fairy World is indeed another world, and such elixirs cannot exist in the outside world.

This kind of magical elixir is the biggest reason why monks enter the fairy world!

Get it, no regrets!

At this moment, the eyes of all the monks became fanatical.

Baoxi Dan!

For any super strong person in the Lingxi realm, adding a Lingxi out of thin air means that years or even decades of hard work can be reduced!

Not to mention the Linghe realm, this kind of elixir is simply terrifying for improving a monk's cultivation!

And if the monks heard correctly, Leng Tong said that this road is only a hundred miles long?

A mere hundred miles away!

For these monks who have the lowest level of cultivation and are at the Lingxi realm, such a distance is not something that can be covered in a matter of minutes. It is simply not too easy!

However, no monk would think that this trial is not difficult at all, but many monks are eager to try it, just waiting for Leng Tong's order to kill directly.

However, the eyes of the strongest monks in the team became dark.

On a straight road of one hundred miles, the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group would have such a low-level trial question?

Just offer two Baoxi Pills?

Among the group of monks, Chu Chen's eyes flashed, and his spiritual senses surged around him like a tide. He began to quickly scan the soft light emanating from Leng Tong's body.

In his perception, Leng Tong's thin layer of light was like a protective shield, constantly dispelling the strange and mysterious spiritual pressure around him.

If this layer of light wasn't enveloped, I'm afraid that invisible spiritual pressure would directly hit all the monks!

This feeling,

It's because everyone is currently under a deep sea, protected by Leng Tong's spiritual shield, so they don't have to face the pressure of the sea.

It should be said that this kind of "pressure" is much more terrifying than "sea pressure". To be precise, this kind of pressure comes from both the sky and the underground. It is like the sky and the earth that are about to pull together and pull out at any time. All the creatures in it were crushed to pieces.

And the power underground is actually heavier than the sky! ?

Sure enough, Leng Tong's faint reminder sounded softly.

"I would like to remind you that you are all protected by my spiritual power within a three-foot radius around me. Once you leave my spiritual power shield, you will directly face the restricted oppression on this island! !”

In fact, all the monks were aware of this, so they didn't take it particularly to heart.

"Haha, no matter how strong the prohibition and oppression can be? It's only a hundred miles away. Even if all our cultivation levels are scattered, we can only run a hundred miles with the body of a super strong person in the Lingxi realm. It’s so easy! Look at me!”

A tall and strong young monk in blue didn't seem to agree with Leng Tong's words. At that moment, he made a bow and shot out like a sharp arrow with a whoosh.

He was as fast as a stream of light within three feet of Leng Tong's body. Once he left the protection of the soft light, the stream of light returned to his true appearance.

The whole person was first frozen in the air, and then fell directly to the ground with a "plop".

Looking at it suddenly, it seems as if someone has pressed his head directly and stepped on the ground...


The strong young monk with his hands on the ground looked up to the sky and roared, the muscles all over his body were bulging, and his face turned red.

His whole body was filled with spiritual energy, and it took him a few breaths to get up from the ground with difficulty.

But he didn't even stand up straight. His slightly arched back seemed to be carrying a big mountain on his back. Everyone could feel from his bulging muscles and bloodshot eyes that he had burst out all his strength. strength.

One step, two steps, three steps.

After just three steps, the young monk's whole body was soaked with sweat. The next moment, halfway through the fourth step, he fell to the ground again, with his limbs firmly attached to the ground. on the ground, unable to move like a dead dog.

Only his wide-open eyes were left, showing endless unwillingness.

"This is... the gravity on this island is much greater than other places!"

"There is a spiritual pressure that is more terrifying than the deep sea."

"Don't rush out, please be careful..."

All the monks began to become nervous one by one, and Lan Xuan, who was at the back, looked at him thoughtfully.

He made his own judgment. Judging from the young monk's fallen posture, it seemed that the pressure in the void was only part of it.

On the other hand, the earth's attraction to people seems to be even more terrifying. This terrifying adsorption force is the most important reason for the young monk's fall.

"Lord Lengtong, does this pressure come from heaven and earth?" Lan Xuan asked.

"That's right."

Leng Tong nodded and glanced at Lan Xuan appreciatively.

"This island is carried by a prehistoric giant dragon. The giant dragon's body is extremely huge. Under normal conditions, the blood circulation in its body will independently generate a terrifying attraction. This attraction fills the air. The whole island is a natural restriction. Faced with this adsorption force, you must use all your strength to counteract it in order to walk normally."

Looking around again, Leng Tong looked slightly stern.

"And this is also the reason why we released this trial. Although this place is only a hundred miles away from the trial site, due to the terrifying adsorption force, it has become a natural trial road. If the cultivation level is If you are humble, let alone walking a hundred miles, I’m afraid it will be difficult to walk here!”

Having said this, Leng Tong once again glanced at the young monk who fell to the ground. At this time, the young man's face was really red with embarrassment. He wanted to seize the opportunity, but he became a negative example. If there was a hole in the ground, he would rather get in immediately and no longer be embarrassed.

As Leng Lengtong's palm fell slightly, the soft yellow halo around her slowly shrank, quickly shrinking from about three feet to a few feet around her.

This time, even if the monks didn't move, it wouldn't work.

Therefore, everyone mobilized the strongest spiritual power in their bodies and began to bear the heavy pressure in the void and the strong adsorption force from the ground.

Although everyone had seen the performance of the young monk before, they were already mentally prepared for the pressure from the outside.

But when Leng Tong's protection was withdrawn and he faced the invisible pressure alone, many monks still changed their expressions.

The moment the soft yellow halo disappeared, all the monks felt as if a mountain range suddenly descended from the sky, pressing down on everyone's heads.

At the same time, deep in the earth, there seemed to be an invisible giant constantly pulling everyone's bodies, pulling them underground.

Under the influence of these two pressures, many monks immediately shuddered, as if they almost couldn't bear it and were directly pressed to the ground! ! (To be continued.)

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