Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1465 Top 3

Bang, bang, bang...

Amidst the dull noise, clusters of colorful and dazzling spiritual light rose up.

At this moment, all the cultivators did not dare to neglect their hearts, and they all pushed their spiritual power to the extreme state.

The dazzling spiritual light was like a blazing flame, shining one after another between heaven and earth.

It illuminated this dim huge dock.

When the spiritual power was really circulated and began to move forward, the cultivators in the team gradually pulled away from each other, and the high level of their cultivation could be seen at a glance.

The purple-clothed cultivator in the back of the Spirit River walked at the front of the team.

He had the strongest cultivation, and later awakened the Qilin bloodline.

As he walked, purple flames were steaming around him, as if he was a god of war in purple flames, moving forward steadily, and his speed was almost comparable to the speed of an ordinary person jogging.

Under such a terrifying majesty, he could have such a speed, which made the cultivators astonished.

The second person in the team was the peerless demon girl Shi Yuyan. She had practiced the innate charm technique and used it with all her strength. She changed her previous white-clothed fairy's otherworldly aura. Her figure swayed, and she walked like a charming peony walking in the wind, with a temperament that could turn everyone upside down.

She seemed to be in the fairy and demon mode. In order to fight, she had to give up her fairy posture and forcefully enter the demon mode to stimulate the highest combat power.

Shi Yuyan's charm was very different from that of ordinary demon girls. If ordinary demon female monks walked in a charming manner, they would just twist their waists and hips, use their innate advantages to create a series of attractive curves, and use their spiritual power to help charm everyone.

However, for monks with resistance, it would not have much impact.

Although Shi Yuyan walked in a charming way, this kind of charm directly penetrated into the deepest part of people's hearts.

When ordinary male monks watched her move forward, their eyes would definitely not only focus on her beautiful buttocks, ****, and thin waist.

In fact, everyone's eyes seemed to have no idea where to focus. Every part of her body seemed to exude an amazing charm. This charm was a whole, and it did not need hips and thin waists to highlight it. It was already so exciting that people could not control themselves.

The cultivators did not even dare to keep their eyes on her for too long.

If they did not look away for more than three breaths, their whole body would immediately become extremely hot and their blood would churn.

Shi Yuyan, with her full spiritual power, gave people the feeling that she was enough to seduce everything in the world.

Not far from the demon girl, the person who rushed to the last place in the top three surprised everyone. It turned out to be Lan Xuan, whose cultivation was not very strong.

At this time, his feet seemed to dance into a phantom, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a flexible fish, flexibly shuttling among the crowd.

He actually killed the third place! ?

There was always a faint smile on his face, as if he was not competing with others at this time, but strolling in the garden to enjoy the mountains and rivers.

Obviously, at this moment, the Huanxu body method he practiced had a strong advantage.

The essence of the Piaoxu Body Technique is "borrowing force", which makes the whole person turn into a soft and gentle willow catkin, walking with the help of all the surrounding wind, resistance and other external forces.

What's even more amazing is that the Huanxu Body Technique can not only borrow external forces, but also various kinds of pressure.

At this moment, the strong pressure in the void and the strong adsorption on the ground have become the help that Lan Xuan can rely on.

As his body swayed left and right, he constantly pushed, moved and transferred the pressure and adsorption, making it much easier for him to walk than others.

No one thought that he would have the hope to compete for the only two Explosive Creek Pills!

The top three took the lead, and the fourth in the team was the old monk who awakened the ancient phoenix Qiwu.

He was wearing a black robe. Although his face was old, the blood in his lion-like body was very vigorous, and the burning spiritual power was like a furnace.

Like a fierce beast, he walked very steadily, every step was extremely solid, walking like a dragon and a tiger, and his posture was soaring!

Around him, the shadow of the ancient Fengqiwu tree loomed, as if it brought him a special power.

The ancient sacred tree was rooted in the earth, so it had the most experience in dealing with the earth's suction.

When each sacred tree grew to its full strength, its body was extremely huge.

For example, the legendary world tree could even drag up a large world.

The pressure that such a huge tree had to bear was also enormous.

Therefore, it can be said that each sacred tree grew up under tremendous pressure since childhood. Therefore, how to deal with this pressure from the earth has almost become an instinct.

Behind the leading four are some other cultivators in the Lingxi realm.

They either tried their best, sweated profusely, or used some secret treasures, and finally they could barely support their bodies to go on.

But their performance was very ordinary, and there was nothing worth looking forward to.

What was surprising was that the two most promising people, the short monk who was the descendant of the ancient star emperor, and Chu Chen who had just awakened from the spiritual state, did not start walking immediately.

They closed their eyes and silently felt the pressure in the void and the suction of the earth, as if they were calculating something carefully.

It was not until most people had walked more than a hundred feet away that the two looked at each other and nodded slightly, and started to set off.

The momentum of the two of them was as if the monks in front of them were like floating clouds. The only two people who could really compete for the Exploding River Pill!

As soon as they set off, their completely different styles were immediately revealed.

Then he saw a dazzling starburst explode around the little monk!

The intense starlight enveloped his body, turning it directly into a dazzling comet and rising into the sky, breaking through the space and rushing forward!

This guy...this guy actually flies in the air? ?

At this time, all the monks were completely stunned.

How much pressure and adsorption force there is on this island, all the monks can see it and feel it in their bodies!

Even the purple-clothed monks at the lower level of Linghe can only walk step by step. The average super strong person in the Lingxi realm has difficulty even moving. This guy can actually fly in the air? ?

How perverted is he? Simply incredible! !

On this mysterious bluestone road, especially in the air, every time the monks are a certain distance from the ground, the pressure they bear increases exponentially. Obviously, since this is a place of trial, the people of the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group are also fully Considered this.

It can be said that from the beginning of the design of this trial road, it was never thought that people would be able to fly across it!

Are you kidding me?

The little monk uses a flying one? (To be continued.)

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