Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1469 The Ultimate Way

Although Chu Chen was still moving forward step by step, the ground seemed to be shrinking under his feet, and every step he took seemed to be wider than before.

Around him, the void kept roaring, and a pale golden whirlpool stream hung above his head, as if a golden divine ring was stirring the space around him.

Under the influence of this rotating divine ring, he seemed to be invincible. No matter how huge the pressure in the void was, it could not stop him in the slightest.

He takes one step after another. Every time he takes a step, the earth will immediately crack, countless cracks will appear, and the earth will be broken!

He looked as calm as a god, with firm eyes and unstoppable progress. Soon, he was on par with Zhou Xingyu!

Realizing that Chu Chen was catching up, the purple light dragon swimming around Zhou Xingyu suddenly noticed a dazzling light, causing him to fly up and slash through the void with the Human Emperor Dragon Blade, trying to throw Chu Chen away.

It's just that Chu Chen's strides were as fast as the sky and the earth, so he couldn't get away from him at all!

The two entered into a stalemate!

The two seemed to be evenly matched, and it seemed difficult to surpass each other immediately.

Shi Yuyan, dressed like a fairy in white, took the lead and entered the last 100 meters, followed by Chu Chen and Zhou Xingyu.

The surrounding space suddenly darkened, and the thunder and lightning, flames, black ice, rocks, heavy water, thorns, headwinds, etc. all became active and turned into giants with heads of more than ten feet, charging towards them!

Thunder giants, fire giants, rock giants, giants composed of various elements, are all murderous!

At the same time, the three of them could clearly feel the huge pressure radiating in all directions in the void, making them feel as if there were several mountains above their heads!

"Open it for me!"

At this moment, Shi Yuyan suddenly scolded, and white light burst out around her, like a bright and huge bright moon rising.

A lightning giant and a black ice giant that rushed towards her were directly refined when illuminated by the moonlight, turning into a mighty wave of essence that was poured into her body.

Replenished by this energy, Bai Xiaolin's body shook violently, and the light of the bright moon became even brighter!

Let the dozens of giants around her turn into mist and escape into her body when illuminated by the moonlight!

But at this time,

Her aura no longer became stronger, but instead became weaker? !

Yan Lao, who was watching the battle from a distance, immediately understood that the energy that could be stored in her body had reached its limit. No matter how strong she was, her physical strength had not yet reached the Tianhe realm. The energy that could be stored for half a step of Tianhe was already unbelievable. If she goes down, she will be stretched to pieces!

Sure enough, the huge bright moon behind Shi Yuyan dispersed, and her slender fingers glowed with silver light. She flexed her five fingers, and five solitary silver lights that tore apart the space immediately appeared in front of her, tearing the space with three thorn giants at the same time!

hiss! hiss! hiss!

The aura on her body has been weakening, and the elemental giants approaching her have been torn apart. She is getting closer to the end of the road!

Zhou Xingyu and Chu Chen behind her were having a hard time at this moment, surrounded by more than a dozen elemental giants.

The Human Emperor Dragon Blade in Zhou Xingyu's hand let out a loud roar, and the purple dragon around him rushed out, crushing the three thunder giants in front of him.

However, behind him, a black ice giant and a thorn giant attacked simultaneously. He flew up and avoided the thorn giant's attack, but his right foot was violently dragged by the blue black ice giant's big hand. The purple dragon He quickly turned around and strangled the black ice giant and the thorn giant at the same time.

However, under the influence of this, his figure stagnated!

Chu Chen took advantage of the situation and surpassed him with a big stride. Chu Chen's spiritual power roared around him, and a burst of golden-red spiritual power transformed into three radiant suns around him.

He did not release these three suns directly, but instead surrounded him. The rolling heat directly evaporated a rock giant that was falling on him!

At the same time, Shi Yuyan, who was tearing apart the world like a fairy, rushed out of the end of the road, entered a black jade safe area, and took the lead in taking the first Explosive Creek Pill.

There is only one spot left!

Either Chu Chen or Zhou Xingyu! !

Chu Chen moved so quickly that the ground seemed to have shrunk. In a few steps, he had already rushed to the edge of the end. Those elemental giants were unable to stop him at all, and were burned into thick fog by his protective sun. !


Zhou Xingyu, who was flying to catch up with Chu Chen, waved his right hand in a hurry, and the Human Emperor Dragon Blade in his hand let out a huge dragon roar! And it turned into a bright purple sword light, breaking through the world, and slashed directly towards Chu Chen!

At this moment, the sky and the earth darkened, leaving only the purple sword light that made the sky and the earth invisible, blasting towards the young man's back.

Zhou Xingyu wanted to force Chu Chen to dodge to both sides to prevent him from leaving the ultimate way first!

Unexpectedly, Chu Chen had no intention of evading and continued to take the final step forward!

The purple sword light has already arrived, and it will hit his back in the blink of an eye! ?

Get out of the way!

Zhou Xingyu was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that Chu Chen would risk his life for this last step?

You must know that he had no intention of holding back this strike from the Human Emperor. He had exerted at least nine levels of strength. Not to mention Chu Chen, a young monk from Lingxi, even a monk with perfect Linghe would be injured!

Leng Tong and Yan Lao also changed their expressions. Chu Chen didn't dodge such a domineering blow? !

For a piece of Explosive Brook Pill, could he risk his life? ?

This kid has endless potential, and he will do such reckless things in a moment of enthusiasm.

Yan Lao's heart went cold. He even regretted taking the Explosive Creek Pill as a reward and letting Chu Chen move forward like crazy!


Everyone heard a strange sound of gold and iron clashing. After the purple sword light hit Chu Chen's quilt, it transformed into the cold Human Emperor Dragon Blade and fell to the ground? !

The clothes on Chu Chen's back have completely disappeared. There is a white knife mark on his vest. There are countless cracks on his back. Was Chu Chen's back cracked? !

But there was not a drop of blood left, but a purple metallic light emerged from the crack? !

This...this is wrong. Is he made of flesh and blood?

His body turned to metal?

All those cracks closed up in an instant, and Chu Chen's back was restored to its original state!

Only then did Yan Lao realize that Chu Chen, who had crossed the finish line, had a small medicine stove like a black iron lump in his hand!

He understood immediately. When the Human Emperor's dragon blade struck Chu Chen, he activated the "Secret Technique of Giant Mountain Furnace Body Protection" to merge his body with the mysterious little medicine furnace.

On the surface, the Human Emperor Dragon Blade struck Chu Chen, but in fact it struck the small medicine furnace, so everyone saw the effect of metal cracks appearing on the back!

This body-protecting secret technique can be regarded as a forbidden technique. First, Chu Chen himself must connect with the soul of the medicine furnace, and then the medicine furnace itself must be extremely strong. Finally, once this secret technique is activated, it must be cooled down for at least three months!

Yan Lao understood the mystery, but the other monks, including Leng Tong and Zhou Xingyu, all looked at Chu Chen who had reached the finish line with their mouths wide open.

Is this guy a monster born from stone?

He is not a human being!

Is there really a pervert in this world who can still walk freely after being slashed by the Human Emperor's Dragon Blade?

Is he really someone who entered the fairy world from outside? Maybe he is a person from the fairy world after all!

The monks almost went crazy!

No one thought that Chu Chen was so outrageous that he had exceeded the limit of what they could accept!

"I got the Bakui Pill, right?"

Chu Chen, who entered the black safe area, asked lightly.

And Leng Tong was so shocked just now that he lost the ability to speak! ! ! (To be continued.)

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