Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1470 Specialty of Little Fairyland

"Chu Chen, you got the last Baoxi Pill."

Yan Lao crossed the void with Leng Tong, who was still in a daze, and appeared in the black safe area.

Chu Chen nodded slightly to indicate that he understood.

Shi Yuyan used the Dayan Heaven Swallowing Technique that evolved due to the awakening of spiritual veins and became the first place.

And with the advantage of second place, he got the last secret medicine of the Little Immortal World, the Exploding River Pill!

"A total of 129,600 steps, which is exactly the number of one yuan. This young man, Chu Chen, has achieved something beyond our imagination..."

Yan Lao suddenly felt that he could not understand this mysterious newcomer more and more, this rookie monk in the Lingxi Realm, as if there was an invisible thick fog around him.

Every time I thought I was about to see him clearly, I realized that he was actually in a thicker fog!

While Elder Yan let out a long sigh, Leng Tong finally reacted and asked the staff of Jiao Island to remove the effects of the trial method, and then brought the new monks to the black safety zone one by one.

Most of the monks looked depressed. This road of trial was too scary!

Although there were only three people who completed the journey, all the monks were tortured to death by this demonic path.

One by one, the staff were brought here feebly, and few of these monks were without injuries.

Or there are burnt marks on the clothes, or the skin is green and purple due to the cold air, or there are wounds scratched by the blade on the body...

Even the middle-aged monk in purple, who had the strongest cultivation, had eyes that were always as bright as lightning, and his eyes were somewhat hollow, and there were patches of purple frost marks on his body, making this strong man who had awakened the purple unicorn bloodline look quite embarrassed.

"I announce that Shi Yuyan and Chu Chen, who are the top two in this trial, each of you can get a 'Exploding River Pill'!"

Leng Tong's cold yet pleasant voice resounded through the void, and soon two girls in yellow came forward carrying jade plates.

All the sluggish monks suddenly became energetic.

The two girls respectively opened the red velvet covering the jade plate, revealing a palm-sized jasper box shining brightly on it.

As Leng Tong handed over a color,

The two girls opened the jasper box at the same time, and immediately, two pills emitting cold light appeared in front of everyone.

This elixir is about the size of a thumb, and its entire body is blue-green in color, glowing like water waves.

Inside the streamer, there was a bright red flame burning faintly, exuding rich spiritual power fluctuations.

The surrounding space was actually illuminated red by these two elixirs!

A stream of strong elixir fragrance floated in the void, and all the monks who smelled this elixir fragrance felt their spirits surge again.

There is no doubt that the effect of this Explosive Creek Pill is absolutely heaven-defying, and the fragrance of this pill alone is enough to captivate the soul.

It made the monks feel like they had entered a new world.

At this moment, even Chu Chen's breathing became unstable.

Among all types of elixirs, elixirs that directly improve a person's cultivation are the most difficult to refine and the most advanced ones.

The same pills in the Lingxi realm, pills in the pure Lingxi realm that replenish spiritual power, and pills that enhance the level of Lingxi cultivation are completely different in value.

With Chu Chen's current method of refining elixirs, it can be said that refining Lingxi realm Qi-boosting pills, blood-transforming pills, and Yuan-pei pills is within easy reach.

But if it comes to Baoxi Dan...he probably won't be able to do it.

Because the art of refining medicine in the Little Immortal World is completely different from that in the outside world. If you have the chance, you must learn the art of refining medicine in the Little Immortal World.

Under everyone's envious gazes, Shi Yuyan and Chu Chen put the small jasper box into the storage ring.

Then Leng Tong paused and announced loudly.

"The first two trials have ended, and we have a general understanding of your strength. In the following time, you can rest for three days. After three days, our Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group's instructor team will be based on your performance. Strength, conduct different trainings, and finally according to the results of the training, you will be divided into various formal groups of Blood Eagle to start your career of breaking the formation. "

"Phew...I can finally rest!"

After hearing Leng Tong's words, most of the monks breathed a long sigh of relief.

After all the hard work along the way, everyone has reached their limit and needs to rest. Three days sounds very enjoyable.

Lan Xuan had a silly smile on his face.

Leng Tong glanced at everyone, stretched out his palm, and a ray of cyan light burst out in the palm, transforming into a three-dimensional image map more than ten feet high in the void.

This is obviously a miniature of Jiao Island, brightly colored and lifelike.

Leng Tong pulled his hands, and the three-dimensional view of Jiao Island was immediately enlarged.

"This is the general topographic distribution map of this island. This trial island is divided into eight major areas: Huanlong Puppet Alley, Longmu Archery Field, Jiaoxi Pond, Jiaoya Cave, Martial Arts Field, Dragon Xigu, Jiaohai Palace, Dragon Soul Palace.”

The monks were dazzled by these names. The only thing they felt was that this island was so big!

Every time Leng Tong mentioned a place, she would point with her finger on the light and shadow of the three-dimensional map. After everyone had a preliminary understanding of the general area of ​​the island, she began to explain softly.

"As newcomers, the two places you need to know most about in the early stage are Jiaohai Palace and Jiaoya Cave. You can ignore other places for the time being."

The ears of all the monks stood up, and they focused on the important point. What on earth are Jiaohai Palace and Jiaoya Cave?

"Jiaohai Palace is the place where our Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group's martial arts are stored. There are countless jade slips of the martial arts in it. The jade slips of the martial arts below the Lingxi realm can be used as long as the official members of the Lingxi realm! For jade slips above, you need to use Blood Eagle Points to redeem them.”

There were not many Linghe monks among the newcomers. The main demand was for various jade slips from Lingxi. Everyone became curious about the so-called Blood Eagle Points.

"Blood Eagle Points? What is that??" Lan Xuan asked on behalf of the monks.

"All members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group can take on missions from the Formation Breaking Group to earn points. This is a reward system within our Formation Breaking Group."

Leng Tong introduced slowly.

"Blood Eagle points are very important. Members of the team mainly rely on points to exchange for skills and treasures to enhance their cultivation and improve themselves. Again, points are very important. Without points, you will be unable to move forward within the team. This is definitely not a scare. you."

When she said this, the new monks immediately understood that these points were equivalent to the internal currency of the Blood Eagle Regiment and could purchase all supplies.

A mysterious smile suddenly flashed across Leng Tong's face, and he continued, "In addition to the Jiaohai Palace where you can exchange skills, the Jiaoya Cave will also be a place you will definitely come into contact with. You can guess where it is. ?”

"Is the Jiaoya Cave the entrance to the dragon's body?"

"Let's go explore and practice somewhere?"

"I guess it's a place for us to practice together!"

All of a sudden, the monks began to make various plans. After all, this Jiao Island was very mysterious. Leng Tong asked everyone to guess that it would obviously be a strange place! (To be continued.)

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