Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1471 Spirit Envoy

Leng Tong didn't show off too much and quickly revealed the truth about Jiao Ya Cave.

"It is our team's magic weapon reserve center. It contains a variety of magic weapons, spiritual weapons, treasures, and even semi-legendary magic weapons! As long as you have enough points, you can redeem them as you wish. The magic weapon you want!”

As soon as Leng Tong said this, the new members became excited again.

You must know that good magic weapons are always hard to come by. In this Jiaoya Cave, you can even redeem semi-legendary magic weapons, which is simply incredible!

No wonder everyone in the Little Fairy World desperately wants to join the top formation-breaking group, because once they join a good formation-breaking group, it will be different.

Lan Xuan suddenly raised his hand and asked Leng Tong a question.

"Can points only be obtained by completing tasks? Is there any other way?"

"Yes, I want to earn more points, how can I do it!"

"Sister Leng, are these tasks difficult?"

All of a sudden, all the new members started asking questions.

"There is no other way, only mission."

Leng Tong categorically rejected all other ideas of the new members.

"Of course the tasks are difficult and easy. The more difficult the task, the more points will be awarded. At the same time, the simpler and easier the task will be, the fewer points will be awarded."

Leng Tong glanced at everyone indifferently, "At the same time, don't worry too much. The Formation Breaking Group will have many types of missions, and not all of them are combat missions. There will even be missions during your training. As long as you can complete it, , you can still get points.”

Most of the student members were relieved when they heard that training tasks also had points.

Chu Chen had already known that the Blood Eagle Group's training of newcomers must start with training, and resources would be invested in training.

"By the way, there is another place on the island. As long as you complete its exclusive task, the reward for the task is directly ancient treasures."

A mysterious smile suddenly appeared on Leng Tong's face.

"No need to ask, I will tell you that it is called Dragon Soul Palace! Dragon Soul Palace stores various ancient magic weapons obtained from ancient ruins. If you are very confident in your own strength,

Feel free to challenge the exclusive mission of Dragon Soul Palace. Once completed, those ancient treasures will be yours. "

Ancient treasures...

Some of the new members began to be fascinated, but the calm new members obviously knew the key. What Leng Tong said was, if you are very confident in your own strength! ,

Obviously, the difficulty of the Dragon Soul Palace's mission is not something they can handle at this stage.

It’s better not to think too much about it just yet.

Chu Chen, who had been silent, suddenly raised his hand.

Leng Tong glanced at him, "What do you want to ask?"

"Senior Sister Leng." Chu Chen raised his head slightly and looked at Leng Tong, "Sister Leng, please tell me, in the points system of the Blood Eagle Breaking Formation Group, how many points can be exchanged for a general Lingxi realm skill jade slip? ? Ordinary, ordinary Lingxi realm skills."

Chu Chen's skills from Black Mist Valley must be upgraded, so he needs a large number of Lingxi Jade Slips, and exchanging them with Blood Eagle Points should be the most convenient way.

"Ordinary Lingxi Kung Fu?"

Leng Tong frowned slightly, a little surprised.

It's strange. Logically speaking, with Chu Chen's amazing strength, even if you want to ask about the skills, no matter how bad it is, it should be the top skill in the Lingxi realm. How can you deal with ordinary skills? interested?

However, an accident was an accident, so she still explained it to Chu Chen.

"For general Lingxi Realm exercises, five points can be exchanged for a jade slip. The specific list of items that can be exchanged for points is in the mission hall. The mission hall is located due north of the martial arts field. You need to understand For this information, you can go there and check it out at any time.”

After a pause, Leng Tong seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly a jade palm spread out.

A stream of crystal red light burst out from her palm.

Those red lights flew in front of the new members one after another, and turned into exquisite, pocket-sized red jade eagles. They looked like they were carved from jade, lifelike, and there was a mysterious feeling about them floating in the air. Feel.

"This red jade eagle is the guide jade slip for our team. If you refine it, if you don't understand anything, just ask it."

After the explanation, Leng Tong, Yan Lao and some other members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group left on their own.

Many new members began to try to establish connections with Yuying.

The same goes for Chu Chen. He grabbed the pocket-sized red jade eagle floating in front of him and felt a slight burning sensation in his palm.

As Chu Chen poured spiritual power into it and opened his palm, the little jade eagle suddenly came to life, spreading its wings and flying around him for a moment.

The small eagle mouth opened, and a slightly mechanical sound came out.

"Hello, new member 314 of the Blood Eagle, I am the special guiding spirit for the newcomers of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group. You can call me the spirit envoy. I will always accompany you during the training days on this giant dragon island. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I can ask you questions at any time, and may you become a true blood eagle flying in the sky!"

After Lingying said this, he became quiet, which seemed very abrupt.

"Oh, this guy..."

Chu Chen couldn't help but shook his head and laughed. This red jade eagle seemed to be a special communication instrument, and it seemed that a little bit of the spiritual consciousness of the ancient blood eagle had been infiltrated into it.

To be honest, this method of refining magic weapons is quite eye-catching. With such a novice guide, the regular members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group can save a lot of energy and effort.

"I see."

When Chu Chen saw the new members who had taken the Spirit Eagle, they began to leave in twos and threes, and he made his own decision.

"Spirit Envoy, I want to find a place to sleep now. Where is the resting place on the island?"

"The first thing to do when entering the island is to familiarize yourself with the environment of the island. Sixty-five percent of the students are there, and seven percent are those who directly ask to sleep. New member 314, you are in the minority."

After saying that, the red pocket jade eagle opened its mouth and spat out a ball of light. Then the ball of light exploded and suddenly turned into a clear three-dimensional map.

That map is a miniature map of the entire Jiao Island. From there, you can easily see that on a mountainside not far away from the east, a magnificent temple is shining with a faint light.

Go to the temple to sleep?

Chu Chen was very surprised!

However, this jade eagle is indeed very magical. The image of the temple it transforms is lifelike and detailed.

Even Chu Chen could see that the Buddha statues in the temple were not like ordinary temples where the Buddha's body was made of clay and then covered with gold foil.

That Buddha statue actually seems to be made of sea water, shining with blue light?

This place for group members to sleep is really weird? ! (To be continued.)

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