Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1505 Are you from the Moyue Shen family?

The old man in gray clothes was about to attack Chu Chen, but unexpectedly, he spoke first.

"Whether this treasure was stolen by us or distributed by the elders in the group, I will just say one thing, we, the internal affairs of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group, will do your shit!"

The old man in gray never expected that Chu Chen would suddenly start spraying, and he was stunned.

Chu Chen waved his hand to signal the frightened young man in white to stay away and to the side, his expression indifferent.

"And we have never heard of Elder Blood Eagle having any friends. We have always been warned by them that if there are turtle bastards who claim to be their friends, just say one word to these people, get out!"

The eyes of the old man in gray suddenly turned blood red, and veins appeared on his forehead. He really didn't expect that a young monk in the Lingxi Realm would dare to humiliate him with such nonsense.

This was the first time that he had been verbally humiliated by a low-level monk in all his years in the world of monks. The moment he reacted, he was so angry that he almost exploded!

"You little beast, you have no respect for your elders. I will do justice for... Tian today!"

The old man in gray originally wanted to teach Chu Chen a lesson for Elder Xue Ying, but when he thought about Chu Chen saying that the people who claimed to be friends were turtle bastards, he had to forcefully change his mind to teach Chu Chen a lesson.

"Old turtle, if you want to rob something, why don't you just go ahead and do it? There is so much nonsense, and our time is also very precious, so hurry up."

While Chu Chen was speaking, he also yawned, looking very impatient.

"Well, now that things have come to this, I can only do justice to God and kill you little beasts!"

The old man in gray clothes spoke word by word, and the sky was full of murderous intent!

"You want to kill us, just in time, I want to kill you too. Old Turtle, as the elder of the Blood Moon Formation Breaking Group, I believe you have a lot of treasures on your body. You can deliver them to your door, right?"

Chu Chen chuckled, with a flash of edge in his eyes.

The few monks behind Chu Chen were stunned and didn't know how to react.

This old man obviously came to kill people and seize treasures, but Chu Chen was planning to kill him and then seize his treasures! ?

"Haha... I have lived in this world for nearly a hundred years, and I have never encountered anyone who wanted to kill me and take my treasure! Okay! I am standing here now,

Forget about killing me, if you can break through my spiritual shield, you can use the treasures on my body for you! "

The old man in gray clothes laughed angrily when he heard this, snorted coldly, and his expression suddenly became even colder.

The next moment, a mighty ray of spiritual power rushed out from his body, condensing around him into a red crescent moon that looked as if it were carved from blood jade! !

"People from Mo Yue Shen's family!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Chen's expression, which was already murderous, changed in vain.

The Mo Yue Shen family is an ancient family well-known in the world of monks. It has a very high reputation and status in the world of monks.

The biggest characteristic of monks of this lineage is that the spiritual power they cultivate has a strong aura of the moon.

The moon was also called Taiyin in ancient times. It is opposite to the sun and contains the power of heaven and earth.

Although the blood moon condensed in front of the gray-clothed old man at this time contains a strong blood evil spirit, the most original trace of lunar power in it cannot be faked. This is the identity symbol of the Shen family of the Demon Moon. .

"You...are you from the Moyue Shen family?"

Chu Chen was shocked. Speaking of it, it had been a long time since he and Shen Qian were separated.

Therefore, when they first met the Shen family members of Moyue, they were naturally moved and decided to let him go and inquire about Shen Qian.

But Chu Chen soon realized something was wrong.

He frowned slightly. The lunar aura of the Shen family of Moyue is majestic and majestic, and when the secret technique is used, it is like a bright moon rising into the sky.

However, the blood-red moonlight on the old man's body was completely different. It contained a strong and unimaginable blood evil spirit. This blood moon was even close to the devil and should have gone astray.

"Moyue Shen family? Hahaha..."

The old man in gray clothes laughed wildly when he heard this, his tone full of disdain and ferociousness.

"I am indeed a member of the Shen family of Moyue, but that was twenty years ago. Ever since I killed those extremely hypocritical hypocrites, I have become a member of the Shen family and completely ended the cause and effect! Boy, Don’t try to plead with me through your relationship with the Moyue Shen family, it’s already too late!”

"Hey, it's your own fault and you won't survive."

Chu Chen shook his head and sighed. It seemed that this old man didn't even know who Shen Qian was.

Then there is nothing to say. With a shake of his palm, the golden light exploded in his palm and instantly condensed into a small golden sun.

Then he saw Chu Chen's figure erratic, and he took the little sun in his palm and printed it directly in front of the old man.

"Humph, what a small trick!"

The old man in gray snorted disdainfully. The little golden sun in Chu Chen's palm looked like a soft ball of light and did not emit any violent spiritual energy fluctuations.

According to the estimation of the old man in gray, the power contained in that ball of light is at the level of the middle stage of Lingxi realm.

For him, a super monk in the late stage of Linghe Realm, it is not worth mentioning at all.

However, although he was scornful in his heart, the old man in gray did not neglect it in his hands.

As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. There are many capable people and strangers in the fairy world, and if you are not careful, you may capsize in the gutter.

The old man in gray had lived for such a long time, and even his eyelashes were empty, so how could he easily underestimate his opponent?

Therefore, he still used 70% of his spiritual power to activate the blood moon in front of him to protect his surroundings.

The crescent moon was as crystal clear as jade and as red as blood, laying a curtain of light in front of the old man.

In front of the crescent moon, the golden little sun was like a ball of golden cotton, swaying as Chu Chen's figure approached the old man.

At first, the old man didn't care, but the moment the dangling little sun resolutely touched the bloody crescent moon, the old man's complexion suddenly changed wildly.

Chu Chen was at the Four Streams Realm, and the little sun condensed in his hand also exuded the spiritual power of the middle stage of the Lingxi Realm.

The old man is a perfect monk in the Linghe realm, and his 70% shield formed by the solidification of the blood moon naturally has the defensive power of the late Linghe realm.

Using the power of the middle stage of Lingxi realm to attack the defense of late stage Linghe, the result can be known without even thinking about it.

It is simply like a cricket shaking a tree, a mantis using its arm as a chariot, and an egg hitting a rock.

The entire gap in realm is simply an insurmountable chasm.

Facing such a blow, the old man still gathered 70% of his strength to defend, which was purely an instinctive expression of his extremely cautious character.


The solid and condensed blood-colored light curtain stood in front of the golden little sun, but it seemed like the ice and snow were melting rapidly under the scorching sun.

Chu Chen's palm shook violently, and the golden little sun exploded. Thousands of feet of golden light burst out instantly, flooding the void with billowing golden-red flames. (To be continued.)

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