Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1506 Senior, please give me advice

The moment the golden flames flooded the void, the bloody moonlight around the old man instantly exploded inch by inch, and the billowing golden flames rose and rotated, completely surrounding the figure of the old man in gray.

Under the intense high temperature, not only did the old man's defenses collapse, but a smell of burnt clothing and hair quickly began to appear on the old man's body.

"Boy, you dare!!"

At this moment, the old man in gray clothes also felt a huge wave of panic in his heart.

He was shocked, and thanks to his instinctive caution, the outcome was irreversible in no time.

Although the blood moon light shield that condensed 70% of his power was exploded by the golden little sun, it almost exhausted the power contained in that little sun.

As soon as the vast golden flames spread over, another stream of rich blood rushed out from the old man's body, extinguishing the golden flames instantly.

The old man looked at Chu Chen with a mixture of shock and anger!

This kid, what level is this kid's offensive skills at? How could he easily disintegrate the defense of his Spirit River Realm with just his cultivation in the Lingxi Realm?

"Old turtle, you still have some reaction, try this trick."

Chu Chen's posture didn't look like a junior fighting against a strong one, but more like a master giving guidance to the junior.

After one blow, his figure moved closer, like a ghost, deeply attached to the old man in gray.

He turned his palm over and pointed it into a sword. A blazing sword energy burst out from his fingertips and struck directly at the old man in gray!


The blood-colored spiritual shield condensed by the gray-clothed old man in desperation was smashed to pieces by the sword energy in one fell swoop. This sword energy containing a wisp of void sword intent from the peak of Duxu Peak was unparalleled!

The old man in gray clothes roared angrily, and in desperation his body emitted intense and unparalleled blood-colored spiritual power, but he could not stop the power of that wisp of sword energy at all.

With an earth-shattering roar, the old man in gray clothes retreated violently with all his spiritual energy in his body. Dozens of bloody auras surged out from around him, forming layers of protective light shields in front of him.

However, that ray of sword energy was indestructible. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated the spiritual light shield formed by all the protective magic weapons and struck directly at the old man.


The expected sight of blood and flesh flying around did not appear.

The moment he was hit by the sword energy again, the old man's figure shook violently and turned into a jade doll about three inches tall, with a crystal-clear body and eyebrows and goals.

The jade doll was smashed to pieces by the sword energy in one fell swoop, and crystal jade fragments flew everywhere, cutting through the void.

At the same time, ten feet away, the figure of the old man in gray slowly emerged, his eyes filled with fear.

"Stand-in jade doll? I didn't expect you to have such an ancient treasure to protect yourself."

Chu Chen's eyes lit up, and the surprise in his eyes flashed away.

The substitute jade doll is an ancient treasure, and its refining method has been lost long ago.

It is said that if this substitute jade doll is carried around, it can help the owner to withstand a fatal disaster, which is equivalent to gaining an extra life.

"Little... little nephew, I am really close friends with Elder Blood Eagle. Just now... I was entrusted by them to test you new batch of people. Let's not hurt our friendship..."

As the old man in gray clothes spoke, he stepped back with a pale face.

Chu Chen was talking to himself and ignored his relationship.

"It's a pity that the substitute jade doll was wasted by you. You probably don't have any treasures to save yourself again, so I'll send you on your way!"

Before Chu Chen finished speaking, the old man in gray had already kicked his feet on the ground, and he flew away like a blue dragon, making a meteor and flying away into the distance.

"He escaped!"

"Isn't he here to kill people and steal goods? Why did he escape!"

"Am I dazzled? Why did the strong man from Linghe Dzogchen escape?"

While several young monks were discussing, Chu Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent, his palms trembled, and a light red light shuttle flew out from his fingertips, turning into an arrow of blood and chasing towards the arrow in the sky. Gray meteor!

Gray meteors are fast, but blood arrows are faster!

The two approaching lines, one gray and one red, made all the monks hold their breath.


The red light finally caught up with the gray light and crashed into it!

The Heavenly Fire Divine Shuttle directly and heavily bombarded the old man in gray who was flying away at full speed.

With all the protective weapons being penetrated by the sword energy and the jade puppet substitutes being exhausted, it was obvious that the old man in gray could no longer withstand this fatal blow.

After being blasted into the body by the light shuttle, the old man's strong spiritual power collapsed under the vast power of the Sky Fire God Shuttle.

He saw his body shake violently, and with a pop his whole body exploded in an instant.

Directly above the dark sky, it turned into a burst of flames!

In the eyes of the monks, it was like seeing a bunch of brilliant fireworks that flashed away, but the fuel was a super monk of the Great Perfection of the Spirit River!

Several people raised their heads and opened their mouths slightly, unable to close them for a long time.

Three moves!

Just three moves to kill a super cultivator who has perfected the Spiritual River Realm!

This...is this true?

Everything that happened in front of us was as incredible as a dream. Everyone even felt that even dreams were not so fake, right?

A monk from the Four Streams Realm actually killed a perfect master from the Spirit River Realm?

The gap between these two cultivation realms can almost be called a chasm!

A monk who had just entered the first level of the Lingxi Realm had already ignored the siege of nearly a hundred Lingxi Realm Dzogchen monks.

Therefore, as a young monk in Lingxi, Chu Chen killed the old man in gray, just like an ant suddenly hunting a giant dragon. The strong contrast made their hearts explode with shock.

Even though people on Jiaolong Island were spreading rumors that Chu Chen's strength was unfathomable, they still felt it was too exaggerated to witness with their own eyes the life of a Spirit River Perfection cultivator with just three moves!

In this young man, maybe there is no such thing as a gap in realm, right?

No matter what the surrounding monks thought, after killing the old man in gray, Chu Chen turned his palm and a golden-red air wave swept out, accurately rolling up the old man's storage ring in the sky. come out.

Taking the trophy back into his own hands, in just a moment, the ancient ring lay in Chu Chen's right palm.

A ball of red sky fire rose up, and Chu Chen began to refine the storage ring as quickly as possible.

This ring has more defensive seals than imagined, and the spiritual blood of the old man in gray is attached to it like a small spiritual snake.

If you don't refine it and directly inject spiritual power into the ring, the little spiritual blood snake will penetrate into the intruder's body and devour his soul.

This old man in gray has some tricks up his sleeve!

The spirit-blood snake is extremely difficult to eliminate. For ordinary monks, everything is nothing in front of Chu Chen's heavenly fire!

In the blink of an eye, the ring was refined by Chu Chen! (To be continued.)

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