Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1520 The ultimate arrival?

Leng Tong and other senior Blood Eagle officials had not yet appeared, which made Chu Chen vaguely feel that something was wrong.

Standing on a high rock and looking at the flaming furnace world, Chu Chen clearly felt that the aura of destruction between heaven and earth was getting heavier.

He looked up at the dark red sky, and could clearly see with his naked eyes that the changes between heaven and earth began to become more and more intense.

High in the sky, in addition to the black wind pillars that covered the sky, there were even dazzling bloody electric lights starting to appear.

Every streak of blood-colored lightning tore through the sky was like an extremely sharp sword energy penetrating into the earth, blasting the entire earth into pieces.

The power of heaven and earth contained in that lightning is really powerful beyond imagination. Each lightning bolt is far more powerful than a full-strength strike by a strong man at the peak of the Spirit River Realm!

Zi La La...

Another branch-like bloody electric light streaked across the sky, striking from the high sky to the earth.

Where the electric light fell, a volcano more than a thousand feet high exploded violently. Rolling red flames mixed with endless rubble and smoke were scattered and shot up into the sky. From a distance, it was as thrilling as the end of the world.

"Such a violent lightning can split a giant mountain more than a thousand feet high into pieces at once. Is it likely to have the destructive power of the Tianhe level?"

Lan Xuan didn't know when he climbed up Gaoyan and came to Chu Chen's side.

"The destructive power of this bloody lightning is indeed very strong!"

Chu Chen nodded gently.

"Such a powerful lightning, comparable to the legendary Zixiao Tianfeng... The changes in the world of the little fairy world have actually reached this level. Could it be said that this independent small world is about to be completely destroyed?"

Lan Xuan, who was worried about Zhongzhong, couldn't help but let out a sigh, and the monks below Gaoyan were obviously shocked by the scene of the volcano's destruction.

Everyone's mouths opened wide, their eyes full of fear and anxiety.

The changes in the world in the Little Fairy World have been extremely violent, and even people with low cultivation levels can sense that the rules of the world are extremely chaotic and violent.

In addition, these bloody lightnings that can be seen with the naked eye continue to fall.

All the monks felt vaguely,

The basic structure of this little fairy world seems to be in a state of complete collapse.

The whole world is about to be destroyed, right?

This strong sense of crisis made all the monks turn pale. In Lan Xuan's eyes, even Chu Chen's expression was elusive and different from before.

In fact, Chu Chen was protected by the heavenly fire. According to legend, the heavenly fire came from the real fairy world, so its fire naturally had the imprint of the heaven and earth rules of the fairy world.

At this time, Chu Chen could clearly sense through the imprint of the laws inside Tianhuo that the rules of heaven and earth that made up the Little Fairy World were collapsing bit by bit.

This is the collapse of an independent space, a collapse that occurs simultaneously on both the time and space levels, and is unstoppable and unstoppable.

This could be real, utter destruction.

If you want to prevent such a collapse, you must have the power of a god who can create a space.

Is the Little Fairy World difficulty really going to be destroyed? !

Blazing bloody electric lights intertwined with each other in the sky, forming dazzling huge sky nets covering the sky.

Each lightning bolt seemed to be as thick as a mountain, surrounded by the light of world destruction.

All the monks in the Little Fairy World were plunged into extreme panic. Perhaps the ultimate mutation would be the ultimate destruction? !

Chu Chen stared blankly at the terrifying scene in the distance, his face as dark as water.

He hasn't met his junior sister Tong Meng yet!

After arriving in the Little Fairy World, I haven't even had time to say a word to my junior sister or even meet her. Is this world about to collapse?

Chu Chen suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. The junior sister didn't know where she was at this time.

If he could stay with her, even if the world was destroyed, she would still hold his hand.

That once childish girl is now the white-clothed goddess in the fairy world. I really don’t know if I can see her again?

Chu Chen's heart was a little confused, but the rules of the world were even more chaotic.

Boom boom...

Bloody electric light flows, the storm rises, and the energy is radiating.

As time goes by, the changes in the world become more and more intense!

In the end, the blazing blood-colored electric light even fell from the sky like a heavy rain, bombarding the entire land with devastation.

At the location chosen by Chu Chen for the monks, a defensive formation had been set up before. At this time, the formation was activated, and huge lightning bolts continued to intersect within a hundred feet of where the monks were. .

"what to do?"

"Aren't you going? I feel like these bloody lightning will hit you sooner or later!"

"What else can we do? These bloody lightnings are too terrifying. We can't move forward or retreat."

The monks were all confused and at a loss.

"Everyone, don't panic. Senior Brother Chu has already set up the formation. The safest place is here now. We will listen to Senior Brother Chu on what to do next."

Lan Xuan stood up and comforted the monks with kind words, and everyone gradually calmed down.

Slowly, everyone has entered a feeling that even if the world is destroyed, our area will be the final place of destruction.

Time continues to pass, and the surrounding bloody lightning has become more and more dense!

"It's over. Looking at the situation, the others are probably not coming back. Leng Tong and other Blood Eagle leaders, Zi Wuji who has awakened the purple unicorn bloodline, Zhou Xingyu, the descendant of the ancient queen... these people are much stronger than us. We have been here for so long, and now they are probably in danger." A round-faced girl in the team clasped her hands tightly, as if praying. "They haven't come back yet. I don't know what happened to them. Anyway, no one will come back at this time." Lan Xuan sighed faintly. The eyes of the cultivators became very dim. "That may not be the case." Chu Chen, who had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke. "Brother Chu, did you calculate that they still have a chance to survive?" The round-faced girl looked expectant. Chu Chen shook his head, "I didn't calculate anything, but I saw that someone came back." Chu Chen pointed in the direction he pointed, and the cultivators found a figure in the distance of the dense blood-colored lightning bombardment. A slender figure appeared in the distance.

The blood-red lightning that fell all over the sky seemed to deliberately avoid this figure? !

The earth was exploding, but this figure was calm and unhurried, floating towards where everyone was, step by step.

The person who came was dressed in white, with a slender figure, a beautiful face, and a temperament that was as dreamy as a fairy from the sky. It was Shi Yuyan, the most powerful young cultivator among the many newcomers.

In the blood-red lightning of destruction, she floated in with icy skin, black hair and white clothes, like a fairy in a dream, with an indescribable coldness and loneliness.

Chu Chen smelled a bloody smell with murderous intent from her! (To be continued.)

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