Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1521 Senior Brother Chu’s Divination Game

Huge bloody lightning kept falling into the earth, blasting the earth with holes. Some mountains, rivers, giant forests, and ancient cities were all exploded and disappeared in the lightning!

And Shi Yuyan, dressed in white like an immortal, floated towards the monks in the world where lightning suddenly fell. ()

As if the world that was about to fall had nothing to do with her, she carried a coldness that seemed like she did not belong to this world.

The monks looked at the girl who came through the thunder in surprise, with shock on their faces.

But Chu Chen felt danger. This fairy-like girl had a very deep and rich smell of blood!

She apparently endured an extremely brutal killing and survived.

Although her expression was cold and aloof, the smell of murderous intent and blood lingered.

In just a blink of an eye, she crossed the thunder and lightning area and arrived at the rock formation where Chu Chen had carved the formation.

However, Chu Chen's "lightning protection array" has become unstable. Chu Chen predicts that it won't last long and a huge thunder will blast in.

"Senior sister, why did you come here now? Are you in any danger?"

Most of the monks were very wary of Shi Yuyan and were curious about how she came back, but they did not dare to get too close to her. Only Lan Xuan stepped forward with a concerned look on his face.


Shi Yuyan responded coldly to Lan Xuan's concern.

"Why didn't you see Senior Sister's phantom jellyfish mount? With the phantom power of the phantom jellyfish, I believe you won't encounter any big dangers?"

Lan Xuan's words reminded everyone that logically speaking, this witch would not give up such a powerful mount in a dangerous environment.

Now that she has returned from the thunder alone, something big must have happened!

"There is no big danger. After I was swept away by the devil wind, I flew to a remote place, and there was a naturally formed terrifying maze there. It took me a lot of time to get out of the trap, and I encountered several encounters on the road. The wind formation mixed with the world-destroying demonic wind and the purple sky wind. In order to break out of the evil wind, my mount was slightly injured, so I didn’t come here to join you all until now.”

Shi Yuyan said calmly and calmly, the content that made all the monks tremble with fear. Not to mention several mixed wind formations, even just one was enough to make everyone fly into ashes and annihilate.

Lan Xuan didn't seem to care about the wind formation that Shi Yuyan said, but the conversation changed.

"What I want to ask is... Did Senior Sister meet any other members of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group on the road?"

This sentence is actually the question that all Blood Eagle monks are most concerned about.

"Zi Wuji and Zhou Xingyu are not weak in strength, as well as Leng Tong and several Blood Eagle elders, and the eagle dragon beasts under them are not ordinary. There are so many of them and none of them came. Did they encounter something? It’s dangerous, is there any news about Senior Sister Shi?”

Lan Xuan asked anxiously.

Shi Yuyan shook her head and said with an indifferent expression, "I didn't meet him. I was the only one along the way."

She stopped talking coldly and simply, obviously not wanting to talk more about the matter, but Chu Chen noticed in an instant that the murderous intention in her body fluctuated.

She didn't want to say more, and Lan Xuan didn't dare to ask. The other monks looked at her with more fear, obviously feeling that the disappearance of Blood Eagle's top brass and a group of elite disciples had something to do with her.

In other words, that's what she did.

Chu Chen also felt that this matter should have something to do with her, but if she didn't tell how much it was related, I'm afraid no one would know.

She encountered a crisis with the Blood Eagle executives and then escaped; or she killed all the Blood Eagle executives for a certain secret.

There is no conclusion and can only remain in speculation. Especially at this time, Chu Chen is not willing to easily provoke this mysterious and powerful girl.

Lan Xuan thought clearly. Instead of worrying about whether this demon girl killed all her fellow travelers, he should worry about whether he could survive the intensified changes in the world.

Time passed quickly, and Chu Chen's defensive formations were repaired several times. However, the situation only continued to deteriorate, making Chu Chen feel that it was difficult to support it.

In addition to the shocking bloody lightning, the hurricanes in the surrounding heaven and earth were even more violent, and the spatial cracks in the air were so dense that they were countless.

At a glance, it seemed like countless small, sparkling black snakes were scurrying endlessly in the void.

Although the lightning did not come in, the aftermath of the storm kept coming, blowing the clothes of the monks loudly. Everyone was messy in the wind, as if they had turned into rootless leaves in the storm, and they would blow at any time. Walk normally.

"If we stay like this, we will die..."

Seeing that the sky was getting worse and worse, and even the entire sky was shrouded in a black layer of world-destroying demonic wind, the round-faced young monk in blue and white clothes was about to cry.

Another young monk in red with a childish look on his face also gritted his teeth and said, "Senior Sister Lengtong and the others probably won't come back. This formation can't support it anymore, and I feel that this place is particularly dangerous. I have practiced The Earth Technique senses a volcanic area, and I'm afraid it will be completely detonated before long."

All the monks looked at Chu Chen, waiting for him to decide their next move.

The round-faced girl and the childish young monk were right. As the hurricane in the sky continued to intensify, it was obvious that the flame aura on the earth began to become more and more violent.

The rolling volcanoes are filled with immense energy, and some volcanoes even directly eject streams of fiery magma.

It was obvious that the changes in the rules of heaven and earth in the Little Fairy World were no longer limited to lightning and violent winds. As time went by, the entire volcanic zone became more and more violent.

It won't take long for this volcanic area to erupt completely!

Once that time comes, if thousands of continuous volcanoes erupt at the same time, the power of the heaven and earth that erupts will definitely be beyond imagination. Absolutely no monk can survive such a harsh environment!

"Senior Brother Chu, Lord Lengtong and the others probably won't be able to come back, and it's not a good time to stay in this land for a long time. What should we do?"

Lan Xuan looked at Chu Chen helplessly.

Chu Chen's face was as dark as water and he said nothing. After a moment, he actually took out a chubby little hamster from his arms.

The little hamster was obviously sleeping soundly. He was pulled out by Chu Chen. When the strong wind blew, he immediately shuddered and woke up.

All the monks were stunned at this scene, obviously not knowing what kind of medicine Chu Chen was selling in the gourd?

Will his pet be able to divine fortune or lead the way?

It seems that this little hamster does not have much spiritual energy response, and its cultivation level should be very low. Can it do anything to change its destiny before the world is about to collapse?

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【】,thank you all!

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