Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1528 Chu Chen completely disappeared

Just when the Ancient Dragon King Beast was so violent that it lost its mind, its eyes were blood-red, and it was about to tear Chu Chen to pieces, it suddenly discovered that Chu Chen was missing! ?

It was shocked and angry. Didn't expect that this weak creature could disappear out of thin air? !

How can this be!

It looked around, almost every black scale on its huge body stood up, and it opened its huge mouth and roared repeatedly!

The surrounding space continues to vibrate!

But there was still no sign of Chu Chen...

At the same time, Shi Yuyan and a group of monks had fled to a huge crack hundreds of miles away. At this time, they could already see the huge mountain below that Chu Chen mentioned!

Lan Xuan couldn't help but look back and saw that Chu Chen in the distance had turned into a small black dot in his field of vision. But what puzzled him was that Chu Chen stood motionless in the void.

And the ancient dragon king beast was right in front of him, growling and twisting its body as if it was looking for something?

"Hey, what is that Ancient Dragon King Beast looking for? It doesn't even care about Junior Brother Chu who is so close at hand?"

The old monk Xuan Ke also frowned, puzzled.

"It is very likely that Chu Chen used some means to temporarily block its perception? Everyone, leave quickly."

Shi Yuyan, who was dressed in white like a fairy, said coldly, rushed into the gap, and flew towards the target mountain.

"How is it possible to temporarily block the perception of king-level ancient beasts?"

Xuan Ke shook his head and flew into the giant gap, followed by other monks.

Lan Xuan, who was worried, was the last one to go in. He sighed. He couldn't do much to help, so he could only hide in the volcano below where Chu Chen asked everyone to take refuge.

After Lan Xuan dived, he discovered that below him was a mountain about two hundred feet high. It was as clear as crystal. It was actually a small mountain composed of extremely hard black fire red crystals.

This kind of material is extremely hard and has been refined into magical weapons or protective weapons in the outside world. It is really strange to think that a hill made of only this kind of genius treasure is really strange!

"Are we going to enter the interior of the volcano? This volcano is filled with thick smoke. Wouldn't it be dangerous for us to go in like this!"

A thin young monk was very uneasy.

In fact, everyone can see that the crater is still burning with red flames.

Perhaps because of the disorder in the rules of heaven and earth, the aura of this volcano also seemed extremely violent.

When the monks first came over, they saw it was just black smoke from a distance, but now it has turned into red smoke, and a large amount of boiling molten liquid has begun to overflow from the mountain pass.

Is this going to blow up? !

The monks were dumbfounded. There was a king-level ancient beast over there, and here was a volcano about to erupt. What should we do?

They looked at each other, helpless.

"Senior Brother Chu asked us to come here for a reason. I wonder if he can escape from the claws of the ancient dragon king and continue to guide us?"

Lan Xuan is now in this chaotic little fairy world. Without Chu Chen, everyone will lose their direction at any time.

In fact, at this moment, it was the ancient dragon king beast that lost its direction.

It couldn't find Chu Chen! ?

In fact, Chu Chen has been hanging alone in the void, hanging not far in front of it, as if it was still.

Just like what Shi Yuyan said, it was actually Chu Chen who used his **-level spiritual sense to block the Ancient Dragon King Beast's perception of him, including its visual impact!

Originally, with the power of the king-level ancient beast, no matter how strong Chu Chen's spiritual sense was, it was impossible to block its induction of him.

However, Chu Chen cleverly angered it first, making it so violent that it lost its mind. Then he took advantage of the opportunity and temporarily blocked the extremely emotionally unstable king beast from his perception.

But the king beast is a king beast after all, and it didn't take long for it to lose its mind due to its rage. It quickly responded. With its giant eyes focused, infinite rolling flames of anger erupted from its giant body, sweeping through and scorching the void around it.

At this time, Chu Chen's spiritual consciousness scattered everywhere in the void was instantly burned to death, and Chu Chen, who was hanging alone in front of him, revealed his true form!

But Chu Chen had already been prepared. The moment the Ancient Dragon King Beast burst into flames, he knew that his hiding was over!

No longer still, Chu Chen turned into a gray lightning and shot towards the mountain in the crack in the distance.


Finally, I saw Chu Chen's six-winged ancient dragon king beast completely going berserk. Its scales spread out, and blood surged into the sky. The giant mountain-like body crushed away in the direction of Chu Chen, shaking the heaven and earth. Boom!

Chu Chen was like a small black dot in front of the hill-like Ancient Dragon King Beast. The pursuit was about to end in a blink of an eye, because the Ancient Dragon King Beast, which was charging so hard that the void collapsed, was rapidly approaching Chu Chen.

Although Chu Chen is fast, compared with the Ancient Dragon King Beast, it is really too slow!

Chu Chen flew forward like a gray meteor. Wherever the six-winged dragon king beast's huge body went, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

This is a true sky-falling and earth-shattering situation. When the six-winged dragon king beast's hill-like body roars past, it is really as violent as the world-destroying demon god, and the space is as fragile as paper.

Wherever it passed, the heaven and earth shook, the void collapsed, and the dark black space channels and cracks collapsed inch by inch, as if it was going to completely destroy the world and return to chaos!

It's like a tsunami chasing Chu Chen's lonely boat. It's only a matter of time before it's submerged.

Chu Chen's figure turned into a blur of gray lightning, traveling through layers of space, but could not save himself from the fate of being overtaken soon.

The wrath of the king-level ancient beast was definitely not something Chu Chen, a young monk from Lingxi, could withstand, so Chu Chen decided to strike first!

While running away, he flipped his wrists hard and blasted out a purple-black beam.

This purple-black beam of light burst out, rising in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a majestic giant mountain of 100 feet. The giant mountain roared and crushed the void, and slammed into the body of the six-winged ancient dragon king beast!

The giant purple mountain is one of Chu Chen's trump cards. No matter how strong his opponent was before, he would be crushed by the giant mountain!


The huge body of the ancient dragon king beast had no stagnant momentum at all, and directly collided with the giant mountain of 100 feet. The purple mountain was directly smashed into pieces and collapsed by its domineering impact!

The vast purple light exploded in all directions, leaving behind a black iron stove about three feet high, flowing downwards.

The huge chariot transformed into the ancient dragon king beast continued to move forward without any hindrance, pursuing Chu Chen.

However, it discovered that after this obstruction, Chu Chen disappeared from its sight again!

This time, the Ancient Dragon King Beast would obviously not be disturbed by Chu Chen's spiritual sense like last time. It knew where Chu Chen was.

It was above the sky and cast its sights on the ground. The huge criss-crossing cracks in the ground were obviously Chu Chen's hiding place.

These cracks in the ground were formed when the ancient dragon king beast came, and now they turned out to be the last bunker for Chu Chen who had no way to escape.

At this time, the ancient dragon king beast stopped completely. It was hanging high in the sky, and it slowly opened its huge mouth with anger. A huge black electric current was rapidly growing and condensing in its mouth. !

Its posture of preparing a strike seemed like it was going to penetrate the heaven and the earth!

; () "Nine Yang Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's views. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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