Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1529 The world inside the volcano

The hill-like ancient dragon king beast hangs high in the void, and the space around it is filled with tiny black cracks, extending in the void like spider web patterns.

And the earth is also covered with bottomless cracks everywhere.

These cracks are even as large as hundreds of feet wide. From time to time, you can see evil spirits rising from the cracks in the ground, like a chaotic underground world!

The cracked world created by it has now become Chu Chen's hiding place. He can clearly sense that Chu Chen is shuttling and escaping in the cracked world at high speed.

This is something it absolutely does not allow. The black current in the gaping mouth has accumulated to the limit. This black jade-like energy is constantly shrinking and expanding, making the surrounding space extremely unstable!


A ball of ink-black electricity fell from the sky and sank directly into the earth. Suddenly, the ground within a radius of ten thousand feet began to boil violently like boiling water. Countless rays of fine ink-black electric light erupted from the cracks in the ground, and many small cracks in the ground even more. It exploded directly, leaving the ground in a mess within ten thousand feet.

Obviously, the Ancient Dragon King Beast wants to directly strangle Chu Chen in the world of cracks in the ground, and destroy Chu Chen in this world of boiling black electricity.


Suddenly, a golden light shimmered in a crack in the ground thousands of feet away, and soon the golden light became brighter and brighter!

In the world of black current, the mysterious golden light roared out!

In the turbulent black current, four huge golden-red dragons rose up, brilliant and dazzling. They were all burning with golden-red flames. They were four extremely vicious wild dragons.

They swirled around Chu Chen, constantly devouring and tearing apart the black current that flooded all space!

To be more precise, they were using their bodies to burn those terrifying black currents. Chu Chen stood proudly among them, and the bodies of the four desolate dragons were constantly being consumed by the current, becoming smaller and smaller.

Even so, the Ancient Dragon King Beast was also very surprised when he looked at this weak creature. It knew very well how strong its jet-black energy was, and it could decompose even a hill made of dead iron.

The golden-red energy of this weak creature is too weird?

Is there something wrong with being able to temporarily block my ink-colored energy?

It obviously doesn't know that Chu Chen is relying on one of his trump cards, "Heavenly Divine Fire"!

After the heavenly fire reaches its perfect state, it has the ability to refine a world. Chu Chen's heavenly fire is still a seedling, but it also has extremely terrifying devouring abilities!

However, Chu Chen's strength was still too weak. Even with the help of Sky Fire, he couldn't hold on for a few breaths, but Chu Chen's style was never to sit still and wait for death.

Taking advantage of the Ancient Dragon King Beast's confusion, Chu Chen launched another attack.

The vast scorching sun rose, and at that moment, it seemed as if three more suns suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth.

Endless brilliance radiates in all directions, and each sun contains majestic and unimaginable power.

The three rounds reflected the world into a golden sun, all blasting towards the Ancient Dragon King Beast!




Three rounds of golden blazing sun hit the ancient dragon king beast's head almost at the same time. It roared, stretched out its right claw, and turned into an arc of black light. It hit three rounds of golden blazing sun at the same time, directly blasting the three suns!

The moment the Three Suns exploded, a large amount of extremely blazing golden-red air waves burst out, sweeping across the world.

At the same time, a pale golden flame also rose fiercely from the ancient dragon king beast, burning brightly on its claws?

Heavenly fire!

This legendary divine fire originating from heaven finally showed its powerful power at this time. The rolling flames burned on the claws of the ancient dragon king beast, and the flames even rose several feet high!


The ancient dragon king beast was shocked and angry, and a faint light flashed on its body, and a thick blue electric light poured into its right paw crazily, directly extinguishing the flames on it completely.

As a king-level ancient beast, the spiritual power in its body is as vast as the sea, which can be said to be endless.

Even the sky fire can only burn. Once it activates the spiritual power in the body to extinguish it, even its scales cannot be burned.

However, when the Ancient Dragon King Beast finished dealing with Chu Chen's attacks, it was discovered that he had disappeared again!

It was stunned again, and when it reacted it was shocked and angry. This little creature is so cunning!

In fact, the moment Chu Chen launched the attack, he dived back underground, followed the criss-crossing cracks, turned into a gray afterimage, and fled frantically. In the blink of an eye, he had already escaped to the vicinity of the underground volcano.

At this time, Shi Yuyan had already led a group of people into the crater and flew a certain distance. The crater was less than a hundred feet, but the inside was like a small world, boundless.

While the monks were flying inside the volcano, there was a huge lake of boiling magma at the bottom. The vast sea-like red magma and the billowing red flames were scorching the entire space.

The monks felt an indescribable heat and discomfort.

"We...where are we going to fly? There is magma below, and it's already boiling. I guess the volcano will erupt soon. What should we do..."

The round-faced young monk in red clothes in the team had a pair of big watery eyes full of panic.

"Calm down, monks pursue the way of heaven, and they must deal with any changes in the world indifferently. This is the duty of a monk, Zhou Lin, remember to stay calm during major events."

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, Lan Xuan had to look calm, but in fact he had no confidence at all.


The girl named Zhou Lin subconsciously covered her mouth, thinking that she was also a person who had reached the primary level of Lingxi cultivation, and she was really losing her temper.

She calmed down while using her spiritual power to resist the heat inside the volcano.

A billowing heat wave rises from the bottom up inside the volcano.

To be honest, once a monk reaches the Lingxi realm, he is basically immune to cold and heat, and ordinary water and fire cannot hurt him at all.

However, the flames inside this Xuanhuo red crystal volcano contain the energy of Earthly Evil, which is a powerful Xuansha fire that can burn people's souls.

Therefore, the moment I stepped into this volcano, in addition to being confused, my nerves were instantly stretched to the limit.

Because this is really jumping into a fire pit. Entering this volcano, you may be burned to ashes by the Xuansha fire that spurts out at any time.

While everyone was looking for a way, they prayed that the volcano would never erupt.

Lan Xuan always believed that Chu Chen had a reason for letting everyone hide in the volcano that was about to erupt.

Shi Yuyan remained silent, searching for a way out amid the roaring waves, billowing smoke and a strong smell of sulfur, all because she believed in Chu Chen.

Chu Chen used all his strength to approach the underground volcano, but the Ancient Dragon King Beast just swayed its body and crossed the layers of void, arriving first and arriving at the top of the underground volcano crater.

The monks only felt that the sky looking out from the crater suddenly turned dark, and it was so dark!

But Chu Chen was blocked outside the underground volcano.

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