Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1530 The door was blocked

The sky above the heads of the monks was covered in darkness by the ancient dragon king beast that looked like a city in the sky. ?

However, the air inside the volcano was boiling due to the rising temperature. Even though everyone was using their spiritual power to protect their bodies, their mouths were still dry, and those with lower cultivation levels even began to sweat profusely.

"What should I do? The volcano is about to explode?"

The girl in red named Zhou Lin kept telling herself to calm down, but when she looked at the rolling lava lake below, she was so frightened that she almost cried.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Lan Xuan, who spoke to comfort her, felt that his voice was trembling. Now everyone is indeed in a desperate situation!

The exit was blocked by a king-level ancient beast, and this terrifying volcano seemed to be about to erupt again. It was impossible to get out. If you went out, you would die, and if you were inside, you would be waiting to die.

At this time, Chu Chen, who had placed everyone's hopes on him, was still blocked from the underground volcano.

With Chu Chen's strength, he was able to survive until now under the pursuit of a king-level ancient beast, which was considered unbelievable. Next, one can imagine the outcome of him as a Lingxi monk.

"The lake is rising!"

Shi Yuyan, who had been quiet all this time, sounded a warning. When everyone saw that the giant lake of magma below was slowly approaching, the Xuansha Earth Fire Spiritual Qi in the void became more and more intense, and the temperature suddenly rose, so high that most people began to withstand it. Can't live.

Zhou Lin was so scared that she burst into tears, "God, Amitabha, Sanqing Taoist Lord... All the gods in the sky, please protect us and prevent this volcano from erupting..."

At this time, Lan Xuan no longer had the energy to comfort the girl in red, and instead looked at Shi Yuyan anxiously.

"Senior Sister Shi, it is impossible to continue like this. Our cultivation is too low and we will be heated to death. I wonder if we should rush out?"

"If you are confident that you can fight against the king-level ancient beast, then you can go out."

Shi Yuyan's expression was cold, her eyes staring unblinkingly at the vast magma lake below, her eyes full of seriousness.

At the bottom of this volcano is a magma lake covering an area of ​​hundreds of acres.

At this time, he was getting closer and closer to the monks, and he could clearly see that the lake was boiling violently like boiling water.

Large groups of blisters are constantly popping up in the middle of the magma lake.

The most nervous thing is that you can clearly see that the surface of this magma lake is constantly rising, and large groups of red flames are billowing up. With the changes in the rules of the sky and the earth, the space inside the entire volcano is becoming more and more intense. Burning fiercely.

"This volcano... is probably going to undergo a complete explosion!"

Xuan Ke, an old monk who was as fierce as a fighting lion, also became very ugly.

Lan Xuan sighed, "It's over now. This lake covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres. If all of it were sprayed, it could fill the entire belly of the volcano. With our cultivation, we may not be able to withstand this power of heaven and earth!" "

"Everyone can see it, you don't need to emphasize it!"

Shi Yuyan snorted coldly. Although her charming face looked calm, her black and white eyes already contained uneasiness that could not be concealed.

The power of this underground volcano's eruption is absolutely devastating!

This underground black fire red crystal volcano is different from ordinary volcanoes. It is an ancestral mountain, where magma dragon veins gather.

The magma in the belly of this volcano contains unimaginably strong black fire and earth evil power!

Once this mysterious fire breaks out, even those with the peak level of Tianhe Realm will not be able to withstand it.

A devastating impact!

Because the entire volcano is made of black fire red crystals, no one can destroy it, so at this time the volcano becomes a natural cage.

Seeing how much the magma is boiling, it is very likely that the volcano will erupt in an instant!

At this time, a roar suddenly came from outside the volcano that shook the entire space. The huge shadow covering the sky actually moved away, allowing the monks to see half of the sky.

Obviously this ancient dragon king beast is chasing Chu Chen, Chu Chen should be fighting it to death!

Hope rose in everyone's hearts,

Does Chu Chen want to lure it away?


Just when such thoughts passed through Shi Yuyan's mind, there was a loud bang, and the entire magma lake suddenly surged, as if a huge beast rushed out.

The naked eye can see a dark blue flame suddenly flowing out from the depths of the lake, like a blue sword rising into the sky and passing by everyone.

This blue flame rushed out of the crater, almost grazing the back of the ancient dragon king beast, and flew out into the depths of the sky!

Pulled by this blue flame, wind and thunder roared in the void, and spiritual storms of red-purple lightning and hurricanes brewed at the mouth of the volcano, forming a large black cloud.

It was like a lid covering the sky in this area.

Looking through the relatively narrow crater, one can see red and purple electric lights flying in all directions, like snakes of light trying to blast into the interior of the volcano!

That unique attraction draws the red and purple thunder wind in the sky and the black fire earth evil inside the volcano together...

The thunder from the sky stirred up the fire from the earth!

This is not just a description of the charming love between men and women in the writings of secular literati. This is originally a celestial phenomenon, a vision of annihilation!

Facing this strange phenomenon, the Ancient Dragon King seemed to have some scruples, so its huge body disappeared from the crater!

"Are we going to rush out?" Lan Xuan saw a glimmer of hope.

"No, with the Ancient Dragon King Beast here, we will still die if we go out. It has not really left."

Shi Yuyan categorically rejected the proposal, and Lan Xuan rushed out.

"Then what are we going to do?"

Xuan Ke's eyes widened angrily, and his veins bulged in anxiety. The temperature inside the volcano was so high that he felt like he was about to burn.

The other young monks all had green smoke coming out from their bodies, and they soon turned into smokers.

Shi Yuyan, who was fluttering in white clothes and looked like a fairy, gritted her teeth and seemed to have secretly made a decision. The storage ring in her hand flashed with light, and a strange half-circle-shaped weapon appeared in her hand.

The weapon was bronze in color, surrounded by a dense circle of gear-like sharp blades, with black spiral patterns carved on it, which looked particularly weird.

When the semicircular weapon appeared, it was obvious that the surrounding void seemed to be affected by some inexplicable mysterious force, and began to fluctuate faintly.

"Shattered Sky Ancient Ring!"

Xuan Ke's expression suddenly changed when he saw the ring in Shi Yuyan's hand.

Then Shi Yuyan saw a blazing white spiritual light starting to shine on her body, "There is no time, I will tear the void apart with the Sky Shattering Ring, and we will enter the cracks in the void!"


As soon as Shi Yuyan finished speaking, Lan Xuan shook his head fiercely, "Once this mysterious fire earth evil explodes with all its strength, it will cause violent vibrations in the entire space. At this time, if you forcefully tear open the cracks in the space and hide in them, it will cause The space collapsed and was crushed into powder!"

Shi Yuyan knew that what Lan Xuan said was absolutely correct. The space inside the volcano was not stable at all at this time. If the space cracks were forcibly torn open, one might fall completely into an endless void storm.

The space shock generated during the volcanic eruption will also turn everyone hiding in the cracks into powder!

At this time, the sky outside suddenly lit up!

At this moment, the entire world outside the volcano turned into daylight. Even if everyone was on top of the volcano, they felt it was too bright, and their eyes protected by spiritual power were stung.

Everyone instinctively covered their eyes with their hands. At this time, a large plume of dark black smoke violently spewed out from the boiling magma lake. The thick smoke rose into the sky, almost filling the entire interior space of the volcano.

It’s over!

The volcanic eruption is finally about to begin!

call out!

Amidst the thick black smoke, a sharp piercing sound suddenly sounded from high in the sky, and it really fell.


Lan Xuan shouted fiercely, flipped his palm, and a brilliant blue-violet light shot through the air.

At this time, a gray figure dodged his attack, emerged from the thick smoke, and approached the crowd. The person who came was none other than Chu Chen, who had a calm look on his face.

"You finally came!"

Shi Yuyan didn't know why, but she felt relieved, even in such a bad situation.

"Well, I used the secret technique of the sword to dodge the eyes of the ancient dragon king beast, and then I took advantage of the situation and got into the volcano to join everyone." Chu Chen nodded, waved his hands and sleeves, and pushed back the billowing black smoke around him.

"Then Junior Brother Chu, what should we do?"

Xuan Ke was already very anxious.

"Follow me, we're going down."

As soon as Chu Chen said this, the monks were dumbfounded again.

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