Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1531 1 pot cooking

Chu Chen braved the billowing smoke and led a group of people towards the rising magma lake. Tianlai Novel "⒉

This group of young monks didn't know why Chu Chen did this. Such behavior would undoubtedly lead to death, rushing towards a volcanic lava lake that was about to erupt?

But they had no other choice but to drive away the billowing smoke while rushing downwards against the increasingly hot Xuansha Fire Spiritual Qi!

"No matter what, everyone, follow Senior Brother Chu closely!"

"If you die, die, don't be afraid, just keep going down."

"I'm so hot that I can't stand it anymore..."

Just when Chu Chen and the monks were approaching the red lake little by little, a huge thunder suddenly sounded from the sky!


It was the roar of the ancient dragon king beast that could not enter the interior of the volcano. The impact of its roar caused a lot of smoke to evaporate instantly.

When the monks looked up, they saw the huge head of the ancient dragon king beast appearing in the big hole of the crater, and it was digging down hard.

The ancient dragon beast is two hundred feet long, and its head alone is dozens of feet in size, which is taller than an ordinary city gate.

The crater was obviously too small, and the ancient dragon king's huge head barely reached halfway in, and then got stuck.

If everyone looked from the outside, they would see a big, spoiled creature hugging the top of the volcano in a very embarrassed manner, struggling to dig its huge head in.

This scene looks a little funny, but to everyone inside the mountains, it is very dangerous!

Because there is already a black energy mass gathering in the ancient dragon king beast's huge mouth. Its intention is obvious. If I can't get in, I can still kill you!

To the monks, it was like a black sun suddenly appeared in the sky, and this black sun was growing rapidly.

Soon, everyone will face a disaster!

At this time, the boiling lava lake was about to reach the soles of the monks' feet. No matter how calm Chu Chen was, everyone was going crazy with anxiety at this moment.

A cold light flashed in Chu Chen's eyes, and a sword flew out from between his eyebrows. The silver sword light directly cut through the lava lake, creating a space.


Chu Chen dived down along the "road" opened by the sword light and sank into the lake. Watching the black sun above his head getting bigger, how could the other monks dare to hesitate at all? They all entered the sword path one by one. .


Chu Chen fired three rounds of golden blazing sun to clear the way, directly steaming a large amount of magma into red mist. He took the monks to a place close to the volcano wall.

Chu Chen reached out and hit a lighter-colored rock wall with his palm.


With a muffled sound, the Hunyuan mountain wall suddenly opened a crack more than three feet high.

The cracks continue to expand, and there is actually a stone door hidden here!

At this moment, the black sun above the head finally took shape, and a ball of black electricity the size of a hundred feet flew out from the mouth of the Ancient Dragon King Beast!

"Hey! Hey!"

Regardless of whether it was thick smoke or splashing magma, when it encountered this black current, it instantly turned into nothing and was completely decomposed.

The black electric current is very fast and shoots straight towards everyone, hitting everyone in an instant!

"fast forward!"

Chu Chen flew into the stone door, and the other monks also turned into auras and rushed into the dark stone door.

Swish, brush, brush!

Lan Xuan was the last one. Seeing the black current getting closer and closer, he rushed into the stone door almost rolling and crawling.


The surging magma paste was directly hit by the black current, and one-third of the lake surface disappeared in an instant!

Almost all black current was flowing inside the entire volcano.


The mountain wall closed, cutting off everyone's connection with the outside world, and the whole world was dark.

Xuan Ke sacrificed a ball of spiritual fire, which illuminated the shelter. It was a space covering an area of ​​about ten feet. Behind it was a deep stone staircase that led to the deepest part of the underground.

Can't see where the bottom is.

After actually entering this space, everyone discovered that there was a strange special mark carved inside.

Based on pattern analysis, everyone speculates that this may be a secret shelter!

This place is extremely secretive. Why does Chu Chen, a newcomer to the Little Fairy World, know about it?

This is a common question for everyone.

Chu Chen said lightly that it was marked on an ancient picture he saw in a certain Xiaofang City before.

In fact, Chu Chen didn't lie. He knew this mysterious place by relying on the map of the Little Fairy World that he desperately obtained at an auction before entering the Little Fairy World.

Although the map of the Little Fairyland is different from the current landscape that has experienced changes in the world, it is still the original Little Fairyland on the whole.

So Chu Chen took a gamble and got it right!

The stone gate carved with Xuanhuo red crystal was simple and heavy. Most of the people collapsed on the ground and recovered, and were about to say something.

Suddenly, a dull loud noise shook the sky for nine days, and the entire space shook violently. The ground began to undulate like waves. Several monks were thrown away directly. Others quickly reacted and grabbed the ground, or rolled a few times on the spot. .

About to cross the rock wall, the rolling thunder exploded continuously, making people's ears hurt and their souls blurred.

This underground volcano finally exploded!

At that moment, all the monks felt like they were riding in a small boat in the stormy waves.

The sky is shaking and the earth is shaking. Even if you are suspended in the air, you can't stabilize your body at all. You can only keep shaking and drifting with the flow!

The heaven and earth shook, and there was a loud noise!

This underground volcano is obviously continuing to explode, one after another, as if it is going to penetrate the sky and break the stars!

Lan Xuan couldn't help but feel lucky that he was hiding behind this thick mountain wall.

The huge thunder of the earth and the earth was even mixed with a few frightened roars of the Ancient Dragon King Beast.

It sounds like that arrogant king-level ancient beast was also slightly injured in this sudden change in the world!

This underground volcano is so terrifying. It can actually hurt a king-level ancient beast?

This time, everyone once again had a new understanding of the power of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, the volcano made of black fire red crystal was extremely strong and was not destroyed amidst the earth-shattering noise and tremors.

Shi Yuyan also noticed that there was a faint light surrounding this space, which seemed to be protected by some kind of protective formation, making this shelter safer.

I don’t know how long it took, as long as a world, before the eruption of the volcano stopped...

Everyone looked at each other in shock, feeling like they were surviving a disaster.

In the dark space, everyone looked relieved.


Zhou Lin, the girl in red, took a long breath and wiped her tears vigorously. She didn't know whether she was crying with joy or was frightened, so she dared to cry now.

"Stop crying, I'm afraid there's something weird in this place!"

Chu Chen made a silent gesture, and everyone in the dark space immediately fell silent.

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