Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1532 The strange path with no end

The purple spiritual fire sacrificed by Xuan Ke can only illuminate a radius of about five feet. The rock platform on which the monks stand is not large. Only the stone steps extending downward in front seem to be endless, deep into the darkness. among.

After Chu Chen said there was something strange, everyone held their breath, but the surroundings were unusually quiet, like a still world.

After a while, Lan Xuan asked the protagonist with a confused look, "Senior Brother Chu, my spiritual sense is too weak and I really can't sense anything weird? Can you make it clear?"

The young monk Zhou Lin in red clothes on the side also nodded repeatedly, very panic?

Danger is approaching and you can't see it. This is the worst feeling!

Not only this group of monks, but also Shi Yuyan, who has always been as airy as a fairy and untainted by dust, leaning lightly against the stone wall, looked at the protagonist with questioning eyes.

"I can't tell you the specifics. I just know that if we continue to stay here, it will be very dangerous for us. Otherwise, let's leave this place along this stone staircase and walk down there!"

Chu Chen frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"But it might be more dangerous down here. Who knows what's down there?"

A timid young monk gritted his teeth and shook his head with a pale face.

"Well, I only know this is a refuge from the map. I can only understand what it is after exploring it." Chu Chen said slowly.

In fact, what is underneath has already been marked on the secret map of the small fairy world, but Chu Chen cannot tell everyone.

Because there is something Chu Chen wants below.

"I'm afraid this shelter inside the volcano is not just a simple refuge. The space that took so much effort to create should contain mysteries, or treasures."

Under the influence of Duan Ji Laomo, Lan Xuan has a natural sensitivity to treasures.

Xuan Ke, an old man who looked like a fighting lion, shook his head vigorously, "At times like this, survival is the most important thing. Treasures and other things are all things outside the body."

The monks suddenly became quiet again, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

Xuan Ke took a deep breath, "But since Junior Brother Chu has a premonition that there is danger here, we can't stay for a long time. It can be said that everyone can survive until now because of Junior Brother Chu. Although we don't know this stone No matter where the steps lead, even if it is hell, if Junior Brother Chu chooses it, I will follow it."

"I'm with Senior Brother Chu."

Lan Xuan immediately raised his hand high, and Shi Yuyan, who had always kept a certain distance from everyone, also made a gesture to Chu Chen to lead the way.

The important powerful men in several teams have already been decided, and the monks can only enter the follow mode.

Although everyone is full of fear of unknown dangers, they are also very curious about this secret temple built inside the Xuanhuo Red Crystal Volcano.

The monks rested briefly for a moment, and after each one finished adjusting their breath, they gradually followed Chu Chen into the deep stone steps.

Entering the dark world that continues to extend downward.

I don’t know when this stone step was built. It seems to be extremely old, with mottled marks on it.

The entire stone steps are winding and circling, like a giant python circling and exploring in the dark, but overall it is extending downwards.

The length of this stone staircase is also very surprising. After walking on it for more than an hour, it never reached the end!

Even Chu Chen had a feeling in his heart that this stone staircase seemed to have no end.

The two young monks in the team were obviously becoming more and more timid as they walked. The stone steps were very strange, deep, dark, and the destination could not be seen. They felt as if they were the road leading to the underground hell in myths and legends.

However, seeing Chu Chen walking at the front to clear the way, while Shi Yuyan was at the back of the hall. These two strong men guarding the crowd one after another gave them a little peace of mind, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow the crowd down.

In this darkness, the passage of time became blurred, and the monks felt that they might have been going in circles, going back and forth within a certain range.

There was no end to the stone steps, and everyone became more and more frightened as they walked.

The further you wander, the colder your heart becomes and the more you think.

I don't know how many hours passed, but when Chu Chen led everyone through the last corner, all the monks were stunned.

As soon as I took a step forward, my eyes suddenly opened up. At the bottom of the long and deep stone steps, there was actually a vast and vast square!

This square is so big that it is boundless as far as the eye can see.

Moreover, most of the square is hidden in darkness, without any light.

The ground of the square was made of unknown material. It was dark brown all over, with large patches of dark red markings on it. It looked like it was formed after pools of blood solidified.

There was an ancient and decaying smell wafting through the void, as if something had existed for tens of millions of years. The rotten smell was very unpleasant, mixed with some kind of blood and stench, which made everyone frown.

Several young monks covered their noses with disgust on their faces.

The most chilling thing is that there is a violent spiritual energy fluctuation remaining in the air. The fluctuation is looming, sometimes it feels very ancient, and sometimes it is extremely clear.

It gives people the feeling that there is an extremely powerful ancient evil god hiding in the darkness and watching, and it seems that it can pounce out at any time, tearing apart and preying on everyone like prey.

"The evil spirit is restrained and the bloody light is looming. This place does not look like a good place..."

An elegant middle-aged man in green clothes in the team silently clicked his fingers and inserted a series of magic spells into a gray-black tortoise shell-like magic weapon in his hand.

In an instant, the aura was dense, and a layer of dark red aura rushed out from the tortoise shell, turning into waves of ripples in the air.

This middle-aged monk named Zhao Zhong has always been a particularly silent person in the team, but he is good at hexagrams. When he encounters danger, he will sometimes calculate a hexagram.

"What, Senior Brother Zhao, have you figured out anything?"

Lan Xuan asked softly when he saw this scene.

Zhao Zhong looked solemn and said nothing.

Zhou Lin seemed unfamiliar with this Zhao Zhong, so she quietly asked Lan Xuan, who is this?

Lan Xuan introduced in a low voice that this person's name was Zhao Zhong, and he was the descendant of the fortune-telling tradition "Fu Ming Sect" which was extremely rare in the outside world. This lineage is good at deducing heavenly secrets, fortune-telling, and predicting misfortunes and blessings, and is unique in the world of monks.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the middle-aged monk in green, waiting for his answer.

He didn't speak, as if he was afraid that he had made a mistake in his calculations. He repeated the deduction several times, and finally sighed, "There is a tide of blood and the Death Star is shining high, which is a sign of great misfortune!"

When the monks heard the omen of great danger, many of their faces turned pale. Could it be that the secret stone steps that have been explored for so long are really the entrance to hell?

"Everyone, I suggest that we return immediately and not stay here for a moment."

Zhao Zhong said word for word.

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