Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1535 Do you dare to seduce Senior Brother Chu?


It was no different from the screams of ordinary girls when they encountered a pervert. Shi Yuyan had probably never been so panicked in her life.

She would never have imagined that things would evolve to this point!

At this time, all her spiritual energy was sealed, and she completely became a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken.

And the man on his body seems to be completely controlled by instinctive desires!

how so? ?

The weak and struggling Shi Yuyan was about to burst into tears. She had an extremely charming physique that was unique among them all, and practicing the art of charm would get twice the result with half the effort.

But speaking of it, she had never even touched a man's hand.

There are three realms in the art of charming: charming the body, charming the emotion, and charming the heart.

The lowest level of body charm is to use one's own body and beauty as capital to seduce men.

Although. Intermediate level of charm can arouse a man's admiration and make him devoted to him. The highest level of the charming realm is a completely different kind of magical power.

The art of enchantment in the realm of charming hearts does not require any sacrifice of one's own body or emotions. A smile, a raise of a hand or a foot can have unparalleled attraction, making the other party unconsciously fall in love with them and treat them as their inner goddess. , as inner belief, as inner only.

In the end, the person who has been charmed by the charm will completely lose his reason and thinking, and only the master of the charm will be in his mind.

Her orders are oracles, above all else. To that extent, even if she asked that person to die, that person would never hesitate in the slightest.

The highest state of charm is control!

Control the heart, control the mind, control the intelligence, control the mind and even the soul!

Controlling the intelligence of the common people without having to pay any price at all, it is truly like a leaf among thousands of flowers without touching it.

In the past, every time Shi Yuyan used her charm, she would just smile or frown, and the man who had fallen under the charm would naturally be controlled by her and dispatched at will like a war slave.

Every generation of goddesses in the Feiying Sect will not devote themselves to men easily, unless they are the world's dominant beings.

It’s over!

Shi Yuyan bit her lower lip feebly, with tears in her eyes. Her wrists were held down by Chu Chen's hand, unable to resist.

I cast a charm on this bastard, but I didn't expect that I got burned!

Why is it so out of control?

Fairies are also afraid of anxious perverts. Shi Yuyan's pink neck only feels Chu Chen's hot breath like a volcano, and Chu Chen's rough big hands caressing her jade shoulders exposed to the air, which feels painful and numb.

Her body had lost control and could only tremble feebly. She suddenly felt that her fragile resistance could only arouse Chu Chen's more enthusiastic response.

Shi Yuyan felt as if she had fallen under a hungry wolf, and she felt as if she was about to be eaten.

His breath, his big hands, every time they touched her skin, made her whole body tremble.

Men are sometimes just like beasts, no different from beasts at all.

When Shi Yuyan regained consciousness slightly, Chu Chen left purple-red bruises on almost every inch of skin on her shoulders.

The next moment, his big hand seemed to be approaching...

"don't want!!!"

At this moment, Shi Yuyan was completely exploded. It was nothing if her long skirt was torn. If her breast binding was torn to pieces by him, her innocence in this life would be ruined for no apparent reason.

So she used almost all the strength in her body to push up the man who was biting her, and pressed against his chest to prevent him from lying down again...

"Sister, you..."

It seemed that her last scream had brought him back to his senses. The man who was as violent as a wild beast just now suddenly froze. He seemed to be stupid and let go of Shi Yuyan.

Chu Chen sat aside blankly, looking extremely confused and confused: "Teacher, senior sister, what happened just now? What happened??"

"You bastard!"

Shi Yuyan was so ashamed and furious,

The trembling sensation caused by the man's touch was still constantly felt on her shoulders. Every time she recalled it, she felt that her heart began to beat uncontrollably.

She felt ashamed, angry, and panicked at the same time, but there was also an inexplicable throbbing in her heart. It was really like knocking over a five-flavor bottle, and even she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Senior sister, why are you half-clothed?"

Chu Chen seemed to have just woken up from his dazed state, and stared at Shi Yuyan, who was half lying on the ground with red shoulders, with wide eyes.

Shi Yuyan glared at him: "Asshole, you...you..."


As her thoughts turned around, spiritual light exploded around Shi Yuyan.

The seal that Chu Chen put into her body was not permanent, but had a time limit.

After this time passed, the seal was lifted, and she was instantly free again.

The next moment, Shi Yuyan waved her palm hard without thinking, and threw it hard towards Chu Chen's face!

Just like an ordinary girl who has been frivolous, she wants to slap the pervert.

The beautiful hand was caught in mid-air by Chu Chen's sharp eyes and quick hands. At this time, the young man's expression changed from confused to indifferent, "Sister, it's too rude for a girl to touch a man casually."

"Do it, what bastard is doing it to my opponent!?"

Shi Yuyan was furious with shame, and the spiritual power in her body exploded. The spiritual power at the peak of the spiritual river surged, and in an instant, a huge and unparalleled power surged out, as if it was about to overthrow the world.

She struck out with a palm, but Chu Chen swerved to dodge the attack and grabbed her right wrist. She was angry and anxious, and panicked again. She stretched out her left hand to push Chu Chen away, but was blocked by Chu Chen. Losing their balance, the two of them rolled together on the ground.

In the end, the two of them were fighting, and Shi Yuyan became a child and sat astride Chu Chen, while Chu Chen held Shi Yuyan's wrists tightly. Yuyan wanted to hit Chu Chen, but Chu Chen was protecting herself.

At this time, Lan Xuan and a group of others were called back by Shi Yuyan's scream. A group of people rushed to the "crime scene" and watched the man and woman being beaten.

In front of them, Shi Yuyan, disheveled and with slightly exposed shoulders, was riding on Chu Chen, pulling and beating him.

Chu Chen, on the other hand, looked confused and innocent and kept shouting: "Don't be like this, calm down..."

"The shameless witch actually seduced my brother Chu while we were away!

A loud roar woke up the angry Shi Yuyan and the "bewildered" Chu Chen. When they turned around, they saw Lan Xuan and a group of newcomers looking at this place in stunned silence.

Although Lan Xuan's face was full of indignation, there was an inexplicable flavor of envy in his tone.


Shi Yuyan was stunned for a moment. Before she could get angry, she immediately took out a clean white dress from her storage ring and put it on in a panic with her back to everyone.

This scene had an indescribable temptation in the eyes of the young male monks. They were extremely envious of Chu Chen.

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